Mr Amarin Siripanich

Mr Amarin Siripanich

Consultancies and Vendor Staff
Civil and Environmental Engineering
+61 (2) 9385 5721
Room 111, Level 1, Civil and Environmental Engineering Building (H20).
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Siripanich A; Rashidi TH; Kalyanaraman S; Waller TS; Saberi M; Dixit V; Nair D, 2024, 'Using Facebook to Recruit Urban Participants for Smartphone-Based Travel Surveys', Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 25,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Bostanara M; Siripanich A; Ghasri M; Rashidi T, 2022, 'Sydney's Residential Relocation Landscape: Machine Learning and Feature Selection Methods Unpack the Whys and Whens', SSRN Electronic Journal,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Siripanich A; Rashidi TH, 2020, 'Dymium: A modular microsimulation modelling framework for integrated urban modelling', SoftwareX, 12,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Siripanich A; Rashidi TH; Moylan E, 2019, 'Interaction of public transport accessibility and residential property values using smart card data', Sustainability (Switzerland), 11,
  • Conference Posters | 2023
    Bostanara M; Siripanich A; Hossein Rashidi T, 2023, 'A Realistic Framework for Modelling Residential Relocation Behaviour Considering Past, Present, and Future Using DDCM: A Sydney Case Study', presented at 2023 HILDA Survey Research Conference, 26 September 2023
    Conference Presentations | 2022
    Bostanara M; Siripanich A; Ghasri M; Hossein Rashidi T, 2022, 'Machine Learning vs Conventional Specifications for Housing Relocation Decisions', presented at 2022 TRANSW SYMPOSIUM, 23 November 2022 - 23 November 2022
    Conference Papers | 2019
    Siripanich A; Ghasrikhouzani M; Hossein Rashidi T, 2019, 'Integrating the Garin-Lowry model with a Travel Demand Model', Washington DC, United States, presented at Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, United States, 13 January 2019 - 17 January 2019,