Mrs Bridianne O'Dea
- PhD (2013, University of Sydney)
- GradCert EduStud (Higher Education) (2011, University of Sydney)
- BHlthSci (Hons; 1st Class) (2009, University of Sydney)
Dr Bridianne O’Dea is an Associate Professor and NHMRC MRFF Investigator based at the Black Dog Institute. She completed her PhD in Health Sciences at the University of Sydney in 2013. O'Dea currently leads a comprehensive and rigorous program of research to identify and address treatment gaps in mental health service provision using new and novel Internet solutions. O'Dea's research is focused on creating highly accessible treatments and service models that proactively reach out directly to young people, rather than wait for them to act. Her vision is to ensure that all young Australians have access to timely, appropriate and effective mental healthcare. O'Dea's research integrates the disciplines of public health and psychology with computer science to design and test Internet solutions that are scalable and low-cost but also engaging and ultimately, translational.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
Selected grants include:
O'Dea B. (2021-2026) Tackling it with Tech: Using novel internet solutions to overcome the burden of depression in youth. NHMRC MRFF Investigator Grant.
O’Dea B., Larsen ME., Venkatesh S., Phung D., Glozier N. (2019-2021). Using social media data to identify markers of depression risk among individuals: A longitudinal cohort study. NHMRC Project Grant, $352 000.
Smith AB., Girgis A., Butow P., Pearce A., O’Dea B., Delaney G. (2019-2020). Step Forwards: Piloting a stepped care model for fear of cancer recurrence. The Sydney Partnership for Health, Education, Research & Enterprise (SPHERE) Cancer Clinical Academic Group EMCR Grant Scheme, $49 973.
Delbaere K., Anstey K., Proudfoot J., Callisaya M., O’Dea B. (2018-2021). A novel, technology-based multifaceted program targeting physical, cognitive and mental well-being to reduce falls in older adults. NHMRC Project Grant, $1 420 000.
O’Dea B., (2016-2017). Understanding suicide risk in Twitter: Applying the Interpersonal Theory of Suicidal Behaviour to a new frontier. Society for Mental Health Research Early Career Fellowship, $100 000.
Christensen H., Skehan J., Harvey S., Hazel G., O’Dea B., Proudfoot J., Tynan, R., Fitzpatrick S., Kay-Lambkin F. (2018-2020) Centre of Research Excellence in the Prevention of Anxiety and Depression – the Prevention Hub. Commonwealth Department of Health Mental Health Early Intervention and Prevention Research Program, $5 000 000.
Tipper J., Stevens K., Knothetate M., O’Dea B., et al. (2018-2021) Frontiers in Technology Clinical Academic Group - Disruptive Innovation in Healthcare, The Sydney Partnership for Health, Education, Research & Enterprise (SPHERE), $400 000.
O’Dea B., King C., Subotic-Kerry M., O’Moore K., Christensen H., (2017-2019) Smooth Sailing: Integrating online mental health service into general practice for youth. Goodman Foundation, $190 000.
O’Dea B., Perry Y., Werner-Seidler A., Kelly E., Batterham P., Calear A., Nickerson A., Newby J. & Mason E. (2015-2016). A mobile phone app targeting relationship problems, depression, and anxiety in adolescents. Brain Sciences UNSW, $12 000.
Christensen H., O’Dea B., Perry, Y., Werner-Seidler A., Anderson J., Friend P., Orman J., Manicavasagar V., Calear AL., & Batterham PJ. (2015-2018) An integrated adolescent mental health clinic. HSBC Philanthropy, $517 071.
2018 Black Dog Institute Travel Award, $1000
2018 The Bupa Emerging Health Researcher Award, $5000
2017 Black Dog Institute Travel Award, $3906
2017 theMHS Early Career Research Award - Innovation
2017 The NSW Young Tall Poppy Award
2017 Centre for Research Excellence in Suicide Prevention Travel Award, $3500
2017 Centre for Research Excellence in Suicide Prevention Best Paper Award, $2500
2016 Black Dog Institute Scientist Knowledge Translation Training Award, $950
2016 Black Dog Institute Travel Award, $4000
2015 Society for Mental Health Research Consumer Researcher Award, $1000
2015 Black Dog Institute Travel Award, $1500
2015 Black Puppy Foundation Best Research Paper Travel Award, $3000
2014 OPTYMISE Centre for Research Excellence Travel Exchange, $6400
- 'Extraordinary resilience': Young people make strong recovery from the stress of pandemic year
- NLP facilitates a long hard look at linguistic cues to mental health
- Globally, telehealth is big business. Here's why money is now flowing into digitising mental health in Australia.
- Experts alarmed by toxic relationship tips shared on TikTok
- Digital mental health: How to engage with innovation
- Higher social media use linked to poorer sleep in teens
- Young Tall Poppies stand up to the challenge of science communication
- Social media isn't increasing mental illness but can help fight it
- Tracking social media to stop suicide
- Donations from ABC Mental As Campaign fund mental health grants
- Digital Technology for Mental Health
- Technology and Mental Health: Developing healthy digital footprints
- Stop blaming social media
- Always being connected isn't necessarily bad for mental health
- Emotional airbag no defence against regret
- When a screen is their world