Dr David Hutchinson
PhD, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Aug 2011 - Jan 2016.
PhB (Hons), Australian National University, Canberra, Feb 2005 - Dec 2008.
I am a researcher in paleoclimate modelling, focusing on past warm climate intervals such as the Eocene (56-34 Ma), Oligocene (34-23 Ma) and Miocene (23-5 Ma). I am interested in the long-term evolution of the deep ocean circulaution, and the start up of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current over these periods. I have developed simulations of the Eocene-Oligocene using the coupled climate model GFDL CM2.1, and am currently extending these to new intervals in the Oligocene and Miocene. I have also recently developed simulations of the Last Interglacial (127 ka), exploring the impact of partial melting of the West Antarctic ice sheet.
I am undertaking an ARC DECRA fellowship from 2022 to 2025, based at the Climate Change Research Centre. I am also a long-term visitor at ANU earth sciences, as part of the Climate and Fluid Physics group.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
2022-2024: ARC DECRA fellowship DE220100279: Did ocean circulation changes build the Antarctic ice sheet? $453,000 AUD
2019-2021: FORMAS Mobility grant 2018-01621: Climate Impacts of Paleogeography at the Eocene-Oligocene Transition. 3,260,925 SEK
- Developing equilibrium simulations of the Oligocene (30 Ma) and Miocene (15 Ma) warm climates using GFDL CM2.1.
- Developing snapshot simulations of Oligocene and Miocene simulations using ACCESS-ESM1.5.
- Enabling offline tracer simulations of Neodymium isotopes, to compare with proxy data of the meridional overturning circulation.
- Simulating partial loss of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Last Interglacial (127 ka).