Professor Don Smith

Conjoint Professor
Medicine & Health
School of Population Health

Research Interests:
In the field of HIV disease, the impact of antiretroviral therapy at different stages of disease is of interest. International colaborations have concentrated on the effects of therapy during primary HIV infection on immunological and virological outcomes. An additional interest is in the choice and tolerability of different drug combinations used in both developed and devloping countries.

Broad Research Areas:

Society Memberships & Professional Activities:
Member of the Australasian Society of HIV Medciine,, Member of the Australasian Chapther of Sexual Health Physicians, RACP, Fellow of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

Specific Research Keywords:
STD/STIs, HIV/AIDS, Primary HIV infection, Immunology and Infectious Disease, Antiretroviral therapy

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  • Books | 1999
    Smith DE, 1999, Protease inhibitor-sparing therapies: possible applications and suitability., Original
  • Book Chapters | 2005
    Ramacciotti TP; Smith DE; Emery S; Kelleher AD; Cooper DA, 2005, 'Therapeutic vaccination in PHI', in Jenssen H; Jager H (ed.), Primary HIV Infection ? Pathology, Diagnosis, Management, edn. Original, Thieme, Stuttgart, pp. 48 - 63
    Book Chapters | 1997
    Smith DE; Whittaker B; Crowe S; Hoy JF; French MA; Clezy KR; Beveridge A, 1997, 'Antiretroviral therapy for HIV infection: principles of use.', in Antiretroviral therapy for HIV infection: principles of use., edn. Original, ANCARD, Dept of Health and Human Services, Canberra, Australia, pp. 1 - 58
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Begley K; Smith D; Wand H; Chan D; Furner V; Kelly ML; McGrath P; Hennessy R; Price A; Purnomo L; Bowden BH; Bulsara SM, 2024, '“How well do we know our patients?”: Further validation of a complexity rating scale for HIV', International Journal of STD and AIDS, 35, pp. 1112 - 1119,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Walmsley S; Smith DE; Górgolas M; Cahn PE; Lutz T; Lacombe K; Kumar PN; Wynne B; Grove R; Bontempo G; Moodley R; Okoli C; Kisare M; Jones B; Clark A; Ait-Khaled M, 2024, 'Efficacy and safety of switching to dolutegravir/lamivudine in virologically suppressed people with HIV-1 aged ≥ 50 years: week 48 pooled results from the TANGO and SALSA studies.', AIDS Res Ther, 21, pp. 17,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Batterham RL; Espinosa N; Katlama C; McKellar M; Scholten S; Smith DE; Ait-Khaled M; George N; Wright J; Gordon LA; Moodley R; Wynne B; van Wyk J, 2023, 'Cardiometabolic Parameters 3 Years After Switch to Dolutegravir/Lamivudine vs Maintenance of Tenofovir Alafenamide-Based Regimens.', Open Forum Infect Dis, 10, pp. ofad359,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Dharan NJ; Jin F; Vaccher S; Bavinton B; Yeung B; Guy R; Carr A; Zablotska I; Amin J; Read P; Templeton DJ; Ooi C; Martin SJ; Ryder N; Smith DE; McNulty A; Brown K; Price K; Holden J; Grulich AE, 2023, 'Characteristics of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Seroconversions in a Large Prospective Implementation Cohort Study of Oral HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis in Men Who Have Sex with Men (EPIC-NSW)', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 76, pp. E622 - E628,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Dharan NJ; Yeh P; Bloch M; Yeung MM; Baker D; Guinto J; Roth N; Ftouni S; Ognenovska K; Smith D; Hoy JF; Woolley I; Pell C; Templeton DJ; Fraser N; Rose N; Hutchinson J; Petoumenos K; Dawson SJ; Polizzotto MN; Dawson MA; Vincent T; Rosario R; Lau H; Smith D; Price S; O’Brien J; Tan HTL; Sinclair B; Bascombe F, 2021, 'HIV is associated with an increased risk of age-related clonal hematopoiesis among older adults', Nature Medicine, 27, pp. 1006 - 1011,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Grulich AE; Jin F; Bavinton BR; Yeung B; Hammoud MA; Amin J; Cabrera G; Clackett S; Ogilvie E; Vaccher S; Vickers T; McNulty A; Smith DJ; Dharan NJ; Selvey C; Power C; Price K; Zablotska I; Baker DA; Bloch M; Brown K; Carmody CJ; Carr A; Chanisheff D; Doong N; Finlayson R; Lewis DA; Lusk J; Martin S; Ooi C; Read P; Ryder N; Smith D; Tuck Meng Soo C; Templeton DJ; Vlahakis E; Guy R, 2021, 'Long-term protection from HIV infection with oral HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis in gay and bisexual men: findings from the expanded and extended EPIC-NSW prospective implementation study', The Lancet HIV, 8, pp. e486 - e494,
    Journal articles | 2021
    van Wyk J; Ait-Khaled M; Santos J; Scholten S; Wohlfeiler M; Ajana F; Jones B; Nascimento MC; Tenorio AR; Smith DE; Wright J; Wynne B, 2021, 'Improvement in Metabolic Health Parameters at Week 48 after Switching from a Tenofovir Alafenamide–Based 3- or 4-Drug Regimen to the 2-Drug Regimen of Dolutegravir/ Lamivudine: The TANGO Study', Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 87, pp. 794 - 800,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Bloch M; John M; Smith D; Rasmussen TA; Wright E, 2020, 'Managing HIV-associated inflammation and ageing in the era of modern ART', HIV Medicine, 21, pp. 2 - 16,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Harjanto R; Smith DE; Barratt H; Kelly M; Chan D; Furner V; Smith M; Ronnachit A; Post J; Rawlinson W, 2020, 'Utility of rapid plasmin reagin titres in assessing treatment response and re-infection for infectious syphilis', Sexual Health, 17, pp. 330 - 336,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Smith DE; Woolley IJ; Russell DB; Bisshop F; Furner V, 2020, 'Trends in practice: attitudes and challenges in the diagnosis, treatment and management of HIV infection in Australia', Internal Medicine Journal, 50, pp. 5 - 17,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Bulsara SM; Begley K; Smith DE; Chan DJ; Furner V; Coote KV; Hennessy RM; Alperstein DM; Price A; Smith M; Wyson A; Wand H, 2019, 'The development of an HIV-specific complexity rating scale', International Journal of STD and AIDS, 30, pp. 1265 - 1274,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Gatell JM; Morales-Ramirez JO; Hagins DP; Thompson M; Arasteh K; Hoffmann C; Raffi F; Osiyem O; Dretler R; Harvey C; Xu X; Plettenberg A; Smith DE; Portilla J; Rugina S; Kumar S; Frobose C; Wan H; Rodgers A; Hwang C; Teppler H, 2019, 'Doravirine dose selection and 96-week safety and efficacy versus efavirenz in antiretroviral therapy-naive adults with HIV-1 infection in a Phase lib trial', Antiviral Therapy, 24, pp. 425 - 435,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Keen P; Jamil M; Callander D; Conway DP; McNulty A; Davies SC; Couldwell DC; Smith DE; Holt M; Vaccher SJ; Gray J; Cunningham P; Prestage G; Guy R; Read P; Varma R; O'Connor C, 2019, 'Rapid HIV testing increases testing frequency among gay and bisexual men: a controlled before–after study', Sexual Health, 16, pp. 172 - 179,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Keen P; Jamil M; Callander D; Conway DP; Mcnulty A; Davies SC; Couldwell DC; Smith DE; Holt M; Vaccher SJ; Gray J; Cunningham P; Prestage G; Guy R, 2019, 'Rapid HIV testing increases testing frequency among gay and bisexual men: a controlled before-after study (vol 16, pg 172, 2019)', SEXUAL HEALTH, 16, pp. 299 - 299,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Pearce E; Chan DJ; Smith DE, 2019, 'Empiric antimicrobial treatment for asymptomatic sexual contacts of sexually transmitted infection in the era of antimicrobial resistance: time to rethink?', International Journal of STD and AIDS, 30, pp. 137 - 139,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Chan DJ; Furner V; Smith DE; Dronavalli M; Bopage RI; Post JJ; Bhardwaj AK, 2018, 'Non-AIDS complexity amongst patients living with HIV in Sydney: Risk factors and health outcomes', AIDS Research and Therapy, 15, pp. 6,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Gray RT; Watson J; Cogle AJ; Smith DE; Hoy JF; Bastian LA; Finlayson R; Drummond FM; Whittaker B; Law MG; Petoumenos K; Han A, 2018, 'Funding antiretroviral treatment for HIV-positive temporary residents in Australia prevents transmission and is inexpensive', Sexual Health, 15, pp. 13 - 19,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Siefried KJ; Mao L; Cysique LA; Rule J; Giles ML; Smith DE; McMahon J; Read TR; Ooi C; Tee BK; Bloch M; De Wit J; Carr A, 2018, 'Concomitant medication polypharmacy, interactions and imperfect adherence are common in Australian adults on suppressive antiretroviral therapy', AIDS, 32, pp. 35 - 48,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Smith DE; Tom M; Bowden BH, 2018, 'Translation of clinical trial data to changes in clinical practice: rapid transition from tenofovir disoproxil fumarate to tenofovir alafenamide-based therapies in a Sydney HIV clinic', International Journal of STD and AIDS, 29, pp. 1011 - 1013,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Smith DE; Woolley IJ; Russell DB; Bisshop F; Furner V, 2018, 'HIV in practice: current approaches and challenges in the diagnosis, treatment and management of HIV infection in Australia', HIV Medicine, 19, pp. 5 - 23,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Stirrup OT; Copas AJ; Phillips AN; Gill MJ; Geskus RB; Touloumi G; Young J; Bucher HC; Babiker AG; Kelleher T; Cooper D; Grey P; Finlayson R; Bloch M; Ramacciotti T; Gelgor L; Smith D; Zangerle R; Lutsar I; Chêne G; Dabis F; Thiebaut R; Costagliola D; Guiguet M; Vanhems P; Chaix ML; Ghosn J; Meyer L; Boufassa F; Hamouda O; Meixenberger K; Bannert N; Bartmeyer B; Antoniadou A; Chrysos G; Daikos GL; Pantazis N; Katsarou O; Rezza G; Dorrucci M; Monforte A; Luca A; Prins M; Helm J; Schuitemaker H; Sannes M; Brubakk O; Kran AM; Rosinska M; Muga R; Tor J; Olalla P; Cayla J; Moreno S; Monge S; Amo J; Romero J; Pérez-Hoyos S; Sönnerborg A; Bucher C; Günthard H; Scherrer A; Malyuta R; Murphy G; Porter K; Johnson A; Babiker A; Pillay D; Morrison C; Salata R; Mugerwa R; Chipato T; Price MA; Gilmour J; Kamali A; Karita E, 2018, 'Predictors of CD4 cell recovery following initiation of antiretroviral therapy among HIV-1 positive patients with well-estimated dates of seroconversion', HIV Medicine, 19, pp. 184 - 194,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Cahn P; Kaplan R; Sax PE; Squires K; Molina JM; Avihingsanon A; Ratanasuwan W; Rojas E; Rassool M; Bloch M; Vandekerckhove L; Ruane P; Yazdanpanah Y; Katlama C; Xu X; Rodgers A; East L; Wenning L; Rawlins S; Homony B; Sklar P; Nguyen BY; Leavitt R; Teppler H; Cassetti I; Losso M; Bloch MT; Roth N; McMahon J; Moore RJ; Smith D; Clumeck N; Vanderkerckhove L; Vandercam B; Moutschen M; Baril J; Conway B; Smaill F; Smith GHR; Rachlis A; Walmsley SL; Perez C; Wolff M; Lasso MF; Chahin CE; Velez JD; Sussmann O; Reynes J; Ferret S; Durant J; Duvivier C; Poizot-Martin I; Ajana F; Rockstroh JK; Faetkanheuer G; Esser S; Jaeger H; Degen O; Bickel M; Bogner J; Arasteh K; Hartl H; Stoehr A; Rojas EM; Arathoon E; Gonzalez LD; Mejia CR; Shahar E; Turner D; Levy I; Sthoeger Z; Elinav H; Gori A; Monforte ADA; Di Perri G; Lazzarin A; Rizzardini G; Antinori A; Celesia BM; Maggiolo F; Chow TS; Lee CKC; Azwa RISR; Mustafa M; Oyanguren M; Castillo RA; Hercilla L; Echiverri C; Maltez F; da Cunha JS; Neves I; Teofilo E; Serrao R; Nagimova F; Khaertynova I; Orlova-Morozova E; Voronin E; Sotnikov V; Yakovlev AA, 2017, 'Raltegravir 1200 mg once daily versus raltegravir 400 mg twice daily, with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and emtricitabine, for previously untreated HIV-1 infection: a randomised, double-blind, parallel-group, phase 3, non-inferiority trial', The Lancet HIV, 4, pp. e486 - e494,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Keen P; Conway DP; Cunningham P; McNulty A; Couldwell DL; Davies SC; Smith DE; Gray J; Holt M; O'Connor CC; Read P; Callander D; Prestage G; Guy R, 2017, 'Multi-centre field evaluation of the performance of the Trinity Biotech Uni-Gold HIV 1/2 rapid test as a first-line screening assay for gay and bisexual men compared with 4th generation laboratory immunoassays', Journal of Clinical Virology, 86, pp. 46 - 51,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Puhr R; Petoumenos K; Youds D; Law MG; Templeton DJ; Ellis D; Bloch M; Agrawal S; Vincent T; Allen D; Smith D; Rankin A; Baker D; O'Connor CC; Thackeray O; Jackson E; McCallum K; Ryder N; Sweeney G; Cooper D; Carr A; Macrae K; Hesse K; Finlayson R; Gupta S; Langton-Lockton J; Shakeshaft J; Brown K; Idle S; Arvela N; Varma R; Lu H; Couldwell D; Eswarappa S; Smith DE; Furner V; Cabrera G; Fernando S; Cogle A; Lawrence C; Mulhall B; Boyd M; Law M; Huang R; Han A; Gunathilake M; Payne R; O'Sullivan M; Croydon A; Russell D; Cashman C; Roberts C; Sowden D; Taing K; Marshall P; Orth D; Rowling D; Latch N; Warzywoda E; Dickson B; Donohue W; Moore R; Edwards S; Boyd S; Roth NJ; Lau H; Read T; Silvers J; Zeng W; Hoy J; Watson K; Bryant M; Price S; Woolley I; Giles M; Korman T; Williams J; Nolan D; Allen A; Guelfi G; Mills G; Wharry C; Raymond N; Bargh K, 2017, 'The impact of changes in HIV management guidelines on time to treatment initiation in Australia', HIV Medicine, 18, pp. 701 - 703,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Smith DE; Gardiner J; Oliver R; Fagan D, 2017, 'Overlapping HIV prevention strategies; Case report of pre-exposure and postexposure prophylaxes used for a single risk event between two men', Sexually Transmitted Infections, 93, pp. 238 - 239,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Smoleń-Dzirba J; Rosińska M; Janiec J; Beniowski M; Cycoń M; Bratosiewicz-Wąsik J; Wasik TJ; Kelleher T; Cooper D; Grey P; Finlayson R; Bloch M; Ramacciotti T; Gelgor L; Smith D; Zangerle R; Gill J; Lutsar I; Chêne G; Dabis F; Thiebaut R; Masquelier B; Costagliola D; Guiguet M; Vanhems P; Chaix ML; Ghosn J; Meyer L; Boufassa F; Hamouda O; Kücherer C; Bartmeyer B; Antoniadou A; Chrysos G; Daikos GL; Touloumi G; Pantazis N; Katsarou O; Rezza G; Dorrucci M; Monforte AD; De Luca A; Prins M; Geskus R; van der Helm J; Schuitemaker H; Sannes M; Brubakk O; Kran AMB; Muga R; Tor J; de Olalla PG; Cayla J; del Amo J; Moreno S; Monge S; del Romero J; Pérez-Hoyos S; Bucher HC; Rickenbach M; Francioli P; Malyuta R; Murphy G; Sabin C; Porter K; Johnson A; Phillips A; Babiker A; Pillay D; Morrison C; Salata R; Mugerwa R; Chipato T; Amornkul PN; Gilmour J; Kamali A; Karita E; Burns F; Giaquinto C; Gibb D; Grarup J; Kirk O; Kjaer J; Panteleev A; Reiss P; Thorne C; Aboulker JP; Albert J; Asandi S; De Wit S; De Wolf F; Gatell J; Karpov I; Ledergerber B; Lundgren J; Møller C; Rakhmanova A; Rockstroh J; Anne AV, 2017, 'HIV-1 infection in persons homozygous for CCR5-Δ32 allele: The next case and the review', AIDS Reviews, 19, pp. 219 - 230
    Journal articles | 2016
    De La Mata NL; Cooper DA; Russell D; Smith D; Woolley I; Sullivan MO; Wright S; Law M, 2016, 'Treatment durability and virological response in treatment-experienced HIV-positive patients on an integrase inhibitor-based regimen: An Australian cohort study', Sexual Health, 13, pp. 335 - 344,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Amin J; Becker S; Belloso W; Boffito M; Cooper D; Crabtree-Ramirez B; Duncombe C; Foulkes S; Hill A; Jessen H; Kumar S; Lee MP; Nwizu C; Read T; Rooney J; Schaffer K; Shahar E; Winston A; Wolff M; Young B; Abela C; Avihingsanon A; Boyd M; Carey D; Clarke A; Courtney-Vega K; Delfino M; Donaldson A; Emery S; Espinosa N; Johannesen T; Lin E; Losso M; Moricz A; Pett S; Phanupak P; Puls R; Pussadee K; Sutheerasak P; Tomlins L; Ubolyam S; bin Raja Azwa RIS; Bissio E; Calanni L; Chetchotisakd P; Doong N; Elliott J; Gazzard B; Kelly M; Laplume H; del Carmen Luna N; Lupo S; Messina OG; Mohapi L; Moore R; Nolan D; Orrell C; Perez C; Phanuphak P; Rockstroh J; Rowling D; Supparatpinyo K; Smith D; Villanueva JA; Vlahakis E; Kelleher T; Cunningham P; Merlin K; Yeung J; Shaik A; Fsadni B; Carrera A; Lograsso M; Gulick R; Dunn D; Dolan M; Emery S; Kelleher A, 2015, 'Efficacy and safety of efavirenz 400 mg daily versus 600 mg daily: 96-week data from the randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, non-inferiority ENCORE1 study', The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 15, pp. 793 - 802,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Armstrong B; Chan DJ; Stewart MJ; Fagan D; Smith D, 2015, 'Single Tablet Regimen Usage and Efficacy in the Treatment of HIV Infection in Australia', AIDS Research and Treatment, 2015,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Conway DP; Guy R; Davies SC; Couldwell DL; McNulty A; Smith DE; Keen P; Cunningham P; Holt M; Lockwood T; Wright S; Biggs K; Townsend J; Price A; Smith M; Koh A; Florance M; Rawlinson W; Robertson P; Fennell M; O'Sullivan M; Kapitanos I; Dickeson D; Fernando S; Fulton R; Leeman C; McNally L; Wilson K; Best S; Vincini J; Land S, 2015, 'Rapid HIV testing is highly acceptable and preferred among high-risk gay and bisexual men after implementation in Sydney sexual health clinics', PLoS ONE, 10, pp. e0123814,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Conway DP; Guy R; Mcnulty A; Couldwell DL; Davies SC; Smith DE; Keen P; Cunningham P; Holt M; Lockwood T; Wright S; Biggs K; Townsend J; Price A; Smith M; Koh A; Florance M; Rawlinson WR; Robertson P; Fennell M; O'Sullivan WM; Kapitanos I; Dickeson D; St Leonards A; Fernando S; Fulton R; McNally L; Wilson K; Best S; Vincini J; Land S, 2015, 'Effect of testing experience and profession on provider acceptability of rapid HIV testing after implementation in public sexual health clinics in Sydney', HIV Medicine, 16, pp. 280 - 287,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Conway DP; Holt M; Couldwell DL; Smith DE; Davies SC; McNulty A; Keen P; Cunningham P; Guy R; Lockwood T; Wright S; Biggs K; Townsend J; Price A; Smith M; Koh A; Florance M; Leeman C; McNally L; Wilson K; Best S; Vincini J; Land S; Rawlinson W; Robertson P; Fennell M; O'Sullivan M; Kapitanos I; Dickeson D; Fernando S; Fulton R, 2015, 'Barriers to HIV testing and characteristics associated with never testing among gay and bisexual men attending sexual health clinics in Sydney', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 18, pp. 20221,
    Journal articles | 2015
    De La Mata N; Mao L; De Wit J; Smith D; Holt M; Prestage G; Wilson DP; Petoumenos K, 2015, 'Estimating antiretroviral treatment coverage rates and viral suppression rates for homosexual men in Australia', Sexual Health, 12, pp. 453 - 457,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Jarrin I; Pantazis N; Dalmau J; Phillips AN; Olson A; Mussini C; Boufassa F; Costagliola D; Porter K; Blanco J; Del Amo J; Martinez-Picado J; Chene G; Sabin C; Walker S; Fisher M; Kelleher T; Cooper D; Finlayson R; Bloch M; Ramacciotti T; Gelgor L; Smith D; Zangerle R; Gill J; Lutsar I; Dabis F; Thiebaut R; Guiguet M; Vanhems P; Chaix ML; Ghosn J; Meyer L; Hamouda O; Kucherer C; Bartmeyer B; Antoniadou A; Chrysos G; Daikos GL; Touloumi G; Katsarou O; Rezza G; Dorrucci M; Monforte ADA; De Luca A; Prins M; Geskus R; Van Der Helm J; Schuitemaker H; Sannes M; Brubakk O; Kran AMB; Rosinska M; Muga R; Tor J; De Olalla PG; Cayla J; Moreno S; Monge S; Del Romero J; Perez-Hoyos S; Sonnerborg A; Bucher HC; Gunthard H; Rickenbach M; Malyuta R; Murphy G; Johnson A; Babiker A; Pillay D; Morrison C; Salata R; Mugerwa R; Chipato T; Amornkul PN; Gilmour J; Kamali A; Karita E; Burns F; Giaquinto C; Grarup J; Kirk O; Bailey H; Anne AV; Panteleev A; Thorne C; Aboulker JP; Albert J; Asandi S; De Wit S; Reiss P; Gatell J; Karpov I; Ledergerber B; Lundgren J; Møller C; Rakhmanova A; Rockstroh J; Sandhu M; Dedes N, 2015, 'Does rapid HIV disease progression prior to combination antiretroviral therapy hinder optimal CD4 + T-cell recovery once HIV-1 suppression is achieved?', AIDS, 29, pp. 2323 - 2333,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Petoumenos K; Watson J; Whittaker B; Hoy J; Smith D; Bastian L; Finlayson R; Sloane A; Wright ST; McManus H; Law MG; Han A, 2015, 'Subsidized optimal ART for HIV-positive temporary residents of Australia improves virological outcomes: Results from the Australian HIV Observational Database Temporary Residents Access Study', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 18, pp. 19392,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Wright ST; Law MG; Cooper DA; Keen P; McDonald A; Middleton M; Woolley I; Kelly M; Petoumenos K; Ellis D; Bloch M; Agrawal S; Vincent T; Allen D; Little JL; Smith D; Mincham C; Baker D; Ieroklis V; Templeton DJ; O'Connor CC; Phan S; Jackson E; McCallum K; Grotowski M; Taylor S; Carr A; Lee F; Hesse K; Sinn K; Norris R; Finlayson R; Prone I; Patel A; Varma R; Shakeshaft J; Brown K; McGrath V; Halligan S; Wray L; Read P; Lu H; Couldwell D; Furner V; Fernando S; Chuah J; Watson J; Lawrence C; Mulhall B; McManus H; Bendall C; Boyd M; Ryder N; Payne R; Russell D; Doyle-Adams S; Sowden D; Taing K; McGill K; Orth D; Youds D; Gibson A; Magon H; Dickson B; Donohue W; Moore R; Edwards S; Liddle R; Locke P; Roth NJ; Lau H; Read T; Silvers J; Zeng W; Hoy J; Watson K; Bryant M; Price S; Giles M; Hoy J; Williams J; Nolan D; Robinson J; Morwood K; Roth N; Choong K; Li PCK; Lee MP; Vanar S; Faridah S; Kamarulzaman A; Choi JY; Vannary B; Ditangco R; Tsukada K; Pujari S; Makane A; Ng OT; Sasisopin AJ; Han A, 2015, 'Temporal trends of time to antiretroviral treatment initiation, interruption and modification: Examination of patients diagnosed with advanced HIV in Australia', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 18, pp. 19463,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Amin J; Becker S; Belloso W; Boffito M; Cooper D; Crabtree-Ramirez B; Duncombe C; Emery S; Foulkes S; Hill A; Jessen H; Kumar S; Lee MP; Losso M; Nwizu C; Phanuphak P; Ripin D; Read T; Rooney J; Schaffer K; Shahar E; Winston A; Wolff M; Young B; Abela C; Boyd M; Carey D; Clarke A; Courtney-Vega K; Dazo C; Delfino M; Donaldson A; Espinosa N; Johannesen T; Kaew-On P; Lin E; Moricz A; Taylor J; Phanupak P; Puls RL; Pussadee K; Sutheerasak P; Tomkins L; Ubolyam S; Shah Bin Raja Azwa RI; Bissio E; Calanni L; Casiro A; Chetchotisakd P; Contarelli J; Doong N; Elliott J; Gazzard B; Kelly M; Del Carmen Luna N; Lupo S; Messina OG; Mohapi L; Moore R; Nolan D; Orrell C; Perez C; Pett S; Rockstroh J; Supparatpinyo K; Smith D; Villanueva JA; Vlahakis E; Kelleher T; Cunningham P; Merlin K; Yeung J; Shaik A; Fsadni B; Carrera A; Lograsso M; Gulick R; Crabtree-Ramiraz B; Winston E; Dunn D; Dolan M; Cooper D; Kelleher A, 2014, 'Efficacy of 400 mg efavirenz versus standard 600 mg dose in HIV-infected, antiretroviral-naive adults (ENCORE1): A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, non-inferiority trial', The Lancet, 383, pp. 1474 - 1482,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Conway D; Holt M; McNulty A; Couldwell D; Smith D; Davies S; Cunningham P; Keen P; Guy R, 2014, 'Multi-centre evaluation of the Determine HIV Combo assay when used for point of care testing in a high risk clinic-based population', PLoS One, 9, pp. e94062-1 - e94062-8,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Conway DP; Holt M; McNulty A; Couldwell DL; Smith DE, 2014, 'Correction: Multi-centre evaluation of the determine HIV combo assay when used for point of care testing in a high risk clinic-based population (PLoS ONE (2014) 9, 4 (e94062) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0094062)', PLoS ONE, 9,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Rafiee M; Kariminia A; Wright S; Mills G; Woolley I; Smith D; Templeton DJ; Law MG; Petoumenos K, 2014, 'Reducing Viral Load Measurements to Once a Year in Patients on Stable, Virologically Suppressive Cart Regimen: Findings from the Australian HIV Observational Database', Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research, 5, pp. 383,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Wright ST; Hoy J; Mulhall B; OʼConnor CC; Petoumenos K; Read T; Smith D; Woolley I; Boyd MA; O'Connor C, 2014, 'Determinants of Viremia Copy-Years in People With HIV/AIDS After Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy', JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 66, pp. 55 - 64,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Bourne C; Allen D; Brown K; Davies SC; McNulty A; Smith DE; O'Connor CC; Couldwell D; Jackson E; Bolton M; Rodgers C; Konecny P; Smith DJ; Parker A, 2013, 'Erratum: What proportion of sexually transmissible infections and HIV are diagnosed in New South Wales public sexual health services compared with other services?', Sexual Health, 10, pp. 290,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Bourne C; Allen D; Brown K; Davies SC; McNulty A; Smith DE; O'Connor CC; Couldwell D; Jackson E; Bolton M; Rodgers C; Konecny P; Smith DJ; Parker A, 2013, 'What proportion of sexually transmissible infections and HIV are diagnosed in New South Wales public sexual health services compared with other services? (vol 10, pg 119, 2013)', SEXUAL HEALTH, 10, pp. 290 - +,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Bourne C; Allen D; Brown K; Davies SC; McNulty A; Smith DE; O'Connor CC; Couldwell D; Jackson E; Bolton M; Rodgers C; Konecny P; Smith DJ; Parker A, 2013, 'What proportion of sexually transmissible infections and HIV are diagnosed in New South Wales? public sexual health services compared with other services?', Sexual Health, 10, pp. 119 - 119,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Haskelberg H; Hoy J; Amin J; Ebeling PR; Emery S; Carr AD, 2012, 'Changes in Bone Turnover and Bone Loss in HIV-Infected Patients Changing Treatment to Tenofovir-Emtricitabine or Abacavir-Lamivudine', PLoS ONE, 7, pp. e38377,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Maruszak H; Jeganathan S; Smith DE; Robertson P; Barnes T, 2012, 'Improved serological response to H1N1 monovalent vaccine associated with viral suppression among HIV-1-infected patients during the 2009 influenza (H1N1) pandemic in the Southern Hemisphere', HIV Medicine, 13, pp. 352 - 357,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Post JJ; Khor C; Furner VL; Smith DE; Whybin LR; Robertson PW, 2012, 'Case report and evaluation of the frequency of the prozone phenomenon in syphilis serology an infrequent but important laboratory phenomenon', Sexual Health, 9, pp. 488 - 490,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Sasson SC; Zaunders J; Seddiki N; Mcbride K; Koelsch KK; Merlin KM; Smith DE; Cooper DA; Kelleher AD; Bailey MR, 2012, 'Progressive activation of CD127+132- recent thymic emigrants into terminally differentiated CD127-132+ T-cells in HIV-1 infection', PLoS One, 7, pp. e31148,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Smith DE; Chan D; Maruszak H; Jeganathan S, 2011, 'Clinical experience with nevirapine combined with tenofovir plus emtricitabine or lamivudine-containing regimens in HIV-infected subjects', International Journal of STD and AIDS, 22, pp. 228 - 230,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Begley K; Chan DJ; Jeganathan S; Batterham M; Smith DE, 2008, 'Correlates of unprotected anal intercourse in HIV positive men attending an HIV/AIDS clinic in Sydney.', Curr HIV Res, 6, pp. 579 - 584,
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    Chan DJ; Mcnally L; Batterham M, 2008, 'Relationship between HIV-RNA load in blood and semen in antiretroviral-naive and experienced men and effect of asymptomatic sexually transmissible infections', Current HIV Research, 6, pp. 138 - 142
    Journal articles | 2008
    Jarrin I; Geskus R; Bhaskaran K; Prins M; Perez-Hoyos S; Muga R; Hernández-Aguado I; Meyer L; Porter K; Amo JD; Bucher H; Chêne G; Pillay D; Rosinska M; Sabin C; Touloumi G; del Amo J; Pillay D; Sabin C; Touloumi G; Walker S; Babiker A; Darbyshire J; de Luca A; Fisher M; Goujard C; Muga R; Kaldor J; Kelleher T; Gelgor L; Ramacciotti T; Cooper D; Smith D; Gill J; Bruun Jørgensen L; Nielsen C; Pedersen C; Lutsar I; Dabis F; Thiebaut R; Masquelier B; Costagliola D; Vanhems P; Boufassa F; Hamouda O; Kucherer C; Pantazis N; Hatzakis A; Paraskevis D; Karafoulidou A; Rezza G; Dorrucci M; Longo B; Balotta C; van Asten L; van der Bij A; Coutinho R; Sannes M; Brubakk O; Eskild A; Bruun JN; Camacho R; Smolskaya T; Tor J; de Olalla PG; Caylà J; del Romero J; Belda J; Rickenbach M; Francioli P; Malyuta R; Brettle R; Delpech V; Lattimore S; Murphy G; Parry J; Gill N; Lee C; Johnson A; Phillips A; Babiker A, 2008, 'Gender differences in HIV progression to AIDS and death in industrialized countries: Slower disease progression following HIV seroconversion in women', American Journal of Epidemiology, 168, pp. 532 - 540,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Voirin N; Routy J; Smith DE; Baratin D; Trepo C; Cotte L; Touraine JL; Livrozet J; Cooper DA; Ritter J; Andre P; Vanhems P, 2008, 'Effect of early initiation of highly active antiretroviral therapy on CD4 cell count and HIV-RNA viral load trends within 24 months of the onset of acute retroviral syndrome', HIV Medicine, 9, pp. 440 - 444,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Calmy A; Petoumenos K; Lewden C; Law MG; Bocquentin F; Hesse K; Cooper DA; Carr AD; Bonnet F, 2007, 'Combination antiretroviral therapy without a nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor: experience from 334 patients in three cohorts', HIV Medicine, 8, pp. 171 - 180
    Journal articles | 2007
    Hoen B; Cooper DA; Lampe F; Perrin L; Clumeck N; Phillips AN; Goh L; Lindback S; Sereni D; Gazzard B; Montaner JS; Stellbrink H; Lazzarin A; Ponscarme D; Staszewski S; Mathiesen L; Smith DE; Finlayson R; Weber R; Wegmann L; Janossy G; Kinloch-De Loes S, 2007, 'Predictors of virological outcome and safety in primary HIV type 1-infected patients initiating quadruple antiretroviral therapy: QUEST GW PROB3005.', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 45, pp. 381 - 390
    Journal articles | 2007
    Poynten IM; Smith DE; Cooper DA; Kaldor JM; Grulich AE, 2007, 'The public health impact of widespread availability of nonoccupational postexposure prophylaxis against HIV', HIV Medicine, 8, pp. 374 - 381
    Journal articles | 2007
    Smith DE; Gold J, 2007, 'Famciclovir or valaciclovir in the management of herpes simplex and varicella zoster infections: an attitudinal survey of clinician perceptions of differential activity.', Sex Health, 4, pp. 141 - 142,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Bloch MT; Smith DE; Quan D; Kaldor JM; Zaunders J; Petoumenos K; Irvine K; Law MG; Grey PA; Finlayson R; Mcfarlane R; Kelleher AD; Carr AD; Cooper DA, 2006, 'The role of hydroxyurea in enhancing the virologic control achieved through structured treatment interruption in primary HIV infection: Final results from a randomized clinical trial (Pulse)', JAIDS: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 42, pp. 192 - 202
    Journal articles | 2006
    Jeganathan S; Smith D; Gold J, 2006, 'Early clinical experience with atazanavir in treatment-experienced patients', Sexual Health, 3, pp. 33 - 35,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Sasson SC; Zaunders J; Zanetti G; King E; Merlin K; Smith DE; Stanley K; Cooper DA; Kelleher AD, 2006, 'Increased plasma interleukin-7 level correlates with decreased CD127 and increased CD132 extracellular expression on T cell subsets in patients with HIV-1 infection', Journal of Infectious Diseases, 193, pp. 505 - 514
    Journal articles | 2006
    Smith D, 2006, 'Editorial: The long-term consequences of antiretroviral therapy', Journal of HIV Therapy, 11, pp. 24 - 25
    Journal articles | 2006
    Smith DE; Jeganathan S; Ray J, 2006, 'Atazanavir plasma concentrations vary significantly between patients and correlate with increased serum bilirubin concentrations.', HIV Clin Trials, 7, pp. 34 - 38,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Thiébaut R; Jacqmin-Gadda H; Walker AS; Sabin C; Prins M; Del Amo J; Porter K; Dabis F; Chêne G; Beral V; Coutinho R; Darbyshire JH; Gill N; Lee C; Meyer L; Rezza G; Babiker A; Tyrer F; Lawson-Ayayi S; Boufassa F; Hamouda O; Poggensee G; Longo B; Pezzotti P; Touloumi G; Hatzakis A; Karafoulidou A; Katsarou O; Brettle R; del Romero J; van Asten L; van der Bij A; Geskus R; Pedersen C; Hernández Aguado I; Pérez-Hoyos S; Eskild A; Bruun JN; Sannes M; Francioli P; Vanhems P; Egger M; Rickenbach M; Cooper D; Kaldor J; Ramacciotti T; Smith D; Muga R; Tor J; Gill J; Cayla J; Garcia de Olalla P; Day NE; De Angelis D, 2006, 'Determinants of response to first HAART regimen in antiretroviral-naïve patients with an estimated time since HIV seroconversion', HIV Medicine, 7, pp. 1 - 9,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Kinloch-De Loes S; Hoen B; Smith DE; Autran B; Lampe FC; Phillips AN; Goh LE; Andersson J; Tsoukas C; Sonnerborg A; Tambussi G; Girard PM; Bloch M; Battegay M; Carter N; El Habib R; Theofan G; Cooper DA; Perrin L, 2005, 'Impact of therapeutic immunization on HIV-1 viremia after discontinuation of antiretroviral therapy initiated during acute infection', Journal of Infectious Diseases, 192, pp. 607 - 617,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Petoumenos K; Ringland C, 2005, 'Antiretroviral treatment change among HIV, hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus co-infected patients in the Australian HIV Observational Database', HIV Medicine, 6, pp. 155 - 163
    Journal articles | 2005
    Smith D, 2005, 'Importance of understanding what is happening with HIV in different body compartments', Journal of HIV therapy, 10, pp. 3 - 4
    Journal articles | 2005
    Zaunders J; Munier M; Kaufmann D; Ip S; Grey PA; Smith DE; Ramacciotti TP; Quan D; Finlayson RJ; Kaldor JM; Rosenberg E; Walker BD; Cooper DA; Kelleher AD, 2005, 'Early proliferation of CCR5(+) CD38(+++) antigen-specific CD4(+) Th1 effector cells during primary HIV-1 infection', Blood, 106, pp. 1660 - 1667
    Journal articles | 2004
    Hoy JF; Gahan M; Carr AD; Smith DE; Lewin S; Wesselingh S; Cooper DA, 2004, 'Changes in mitochondrial DNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from HIV-infected patients with lipoatrophy randomized to receive abacavir', Journal of Infectious Diseases, 190, pp. 688 - 692
    Journal articles | 2004
    Martin A; Smith DE; Carr AD; Hoy JF; Chuah J; Mallal SA; Law MG; Clements MS; Cooper DA, 2004, 'Progression of lipodystrophy (LD) with continued thymidine analogue usage: Long-term follow-up from a randomized clinical trial (the PIILR study)', HIV Clinical Trials, 5, pp. 192 - 200,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Martin A; Smith DE; Carr AD; Ringland C; Amin J; Emery S; Hoy JF; Workman C; Doong N; Freund J; Cooper DA, 2004, 'Reversibility of lipoatrophy in HIV-infected patients 2 years after switching from a thymidine analogue to abacavir: the MITOX Extension Study', AIDS, 18, pp. 1029 - 1036,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Smith DE; Walker BD; Cooper DA; Rosenberg E; Kaldor J, 2004, 'Is antiretroviral treatment of primary HIV infection clinically justified on the basis of current evidence?', AIDS, 18, pp. 709 - 718
    Journal articles | 2003
    Lincoln DW; Petoumenos K; Dore GJ, 2003, 'HIV/HBV and HIV/HCV coinfection, and outcomes following highly active antiretroviral therapy', HIV Medicine, 4, pp. 241 - 249
    Journal articles | 2003
    Miller J; Carr AD; Emery S; Law MG; Mallal SS; Baker D; Smith DG; Kaldor JM; Cooper DA, 2003, 'HIV lipodystrophy: prevalence, severity and correlates of risk in Australia', HIV Medicine, 4, pp. 293 - 301
    Journal articles | 2003
    Smith DE; Hudson J; Martin A; Freund J; Griffiths MR; Kalnins S; Law M; Carr A; Cooper DA; Group and Investigators FTPD, 2003, 'Centralized Assessment of Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) in Multicenter Studies of HIV-Associated Lipodystrophy', HIV Research & Clinical Practice, 4, pp. 45 - 49,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Smith DE; Hudson J; Martin A; Freund J; Griffiths MR; Kalnins S; Law MG; Carr AD; Cooper DA, 2003, 'Centralised assessment of dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) in multicenter studies of HIV-associated lipodystrophy', HIV Clinical Trials, 4, pp. 45 - 49
    Journal articles | 2003
    Smith DE; Kaufmann GR; Kahn JO; Hecht FM; Grey PA; Zaunders J; Cunningham PH; Carr AD; Duncombe CJ; Quan D; Petersen A; Cooper DA, 2003, 'Greater reversal of CD4+ cell abnormalities and viral load reduction after initiation of antiretroviral therapy with zidovudine, lamivudine and nelfinavir before complete HIV type 1 seroconversion', AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 19, pp. 189 - 199
    Journal articles | 2003
    Smith DG; Carr AD; Law MG; Martin A; Hoy JF; Hudson J; Cooper DA, 2003, 'Thymidine analogue withdrawal for patients on protease sparing therapy improves lipoatrophy but compromises antivrial control:the PIILR extension study', AIDS, 16, pp. 2489 - 2491,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Zaunders J; Moutouh-de Parseval L; Kitada S; Reed JC; Rought S; Genini D; Leoni L; Kelleher AD; Cooper DA; Smith DE; Grey PA; Estaquier J; Little S; Richman DD; Corbeil J, 2003, 'Polyclonal proliferation and apoptosis of CCR5+ T Lymphocytes during primary human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection: regulation by interleukin (IL)-2, IL-15, and Bcl-2', Journal of Infectious Diseases, 187, pp. 1735 - 1735
    Journal articles | 2002
    Appay V; Zaunders J; Papagno L; Sutton J; Jaramillo AB; Waters A; Eastbrook P; Grey PA; Smith DE; Mcmichael AJ; Cooper DA; Rowland-Jones SL; Kelleher AD, 2002, 'Characterization of CD4(+) CTLs ex vivo', Journal of Immunology, 168, pp. 5954 - 5958
    Journal articles | 2002
    Baker D; Law MG; Petoumenos K; Smith DE; Anderson JA; Roth N; Mallal SA, 2002, 'Rates of combination antiretroviral treatment change in Australia, 1997-2000', HIV Medicine, 3, pp. 28 - 36
    Journal articles | 2002
    Carr AD; Workman C; Smith DE; Hoy JF; Doong N; Amin J; Law MG; Cooper DA, 2002, 'For the MITOX investigators: Abacavir substitution for nucleoside analogs in patients with HIV lipoatrophy: a randomized trial', Journal of the American Medical Association, 288, pp. 207 - 215
    Journal articles | 2002
    Carr AD; Workman C; Smith DE; Hoy JF; Hudson J; Doong N; Martin A; Amin J; Freund J; Law MG; Cooper DA, 2002, 'Abacavir substitution for nucleoside analogs in patients with HIV lipoatrophy', JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 288, pp. 207 - 215
    Journal articles | 2002
    Grulich AE; Zheng W; Smith DE, 2002, 'Use of non-occupational post-exposure prophylaxis in Australia', Australian HIV Surveillance Report, 18, pp. 1 - 6
    Journal articles | 2002
    Kaufmann GR; Bloch MT; Finlayson RJ; Zaunders J; Smith DE; Cooper DA, 2002, 'The extent of HIV-1-related immunodeficiency and age predict the long-term CD4 T lymphocyte response to potent antiretroviral therapy', AIDS, 16, pp. 359 - 367
    Journal articles | 2002
    Kaufmann GR; Smith DE; Bucher HC; Phanuphak P; Sendi PP; Mdibbe EK; Cooper DA; Battegay M, 2002, 'Potential benefit and limitations of a broad access to potent antiretroviral therapy in developing countries', Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs, 11, pp. 1303 - 1313,
    Journal articles | 2002
    Lewin S; Ribeiro RM; Kaufmann GR; Smith DE; Zaunders J; Law MG; Solomon A; Cameron P; Cooper DA; Perelson AS, 2002, 'Dynamics of T cells and TCR excision circles differ after treatment of acute and chronic HIV infection', Journal of Immunology, 169, pp. 4657 - 4666
    Journal articles | 2002
    McDonald AM; Dore GJ; Grulich AE; Law MG; Prestage G; Smith DE, 2002, 'Epidemiological and social research finds at the 14th International AIDS Conference', Australian HIV Surveillance Report, 18, pp. 1 - 8
    Journal articles | 2002
    Smith DE; Carr AD; Law MG; Hudson J; Hoy JF; Cooper DA, 2002, 'Thymidine analogue withdrawal for lipoatrophic patients on protease-sparing therapy improves lipoatrophy but compromises antiviral control: the PIILR extension study', AIDS, 16, pp. 2489 - 2491
    Journal articles | 2002
    Smith DE, 2002, 'Immune responses against HIV: what we want and what we get', Journal of Hiv Therapy, 7, pp. 27 - 29
    Journal articles | 2001
    Carr AD; Baker D; Petoumenos K; Law MG; Smith D; Roth N; Anderson JA; Mallal SS, 2001, 'Time trends in antiretroviral treatment use in Australia', Venereology - the Interdisciplinary International Journal of Sexual Health, 14, pp. 162 - 168
    Journal articles | 2001
    Carr AD; Hudson J; Chuah J; Law MG; Mallal SA; Hoy JF; Doong N; French MA; Smith DE; Cooper DA, 2001, 'HIV protease inhibitor substitution in patients with lipodystrophy: a randomized, controlled, open-label, multicentre study', AIDS, 15, pp. 1811 - 1822
    Journal articles | 2001
    Hales GP; Beveridge A; Smith DE, 2001, 'The conflicting roles of clinicians versus investigators in HIV randomised clinical trials', Culture, Health and Sexuality, 3, pp. 67 - 69,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Kaufmann GR; Zaunders J; Murray JM; Kelleher AD; Lewin S; Solomon A; Smith DE; Cooper DA, 2001, 'Relative significance of different pathways of immune reconstitution in HIV type 1 infection as estimated by mathematical modelling.', AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 17, pp. 147 - 159
    Journal articles | 2001
    Middleton T; Smith DE; Larder BA; Law MG; Birch C, 2001, 'Baseline antiretroviral drug susceptibility influences treatment response in patients receiving saquinavir-enhancing therapy.', HIV Clinical Trials, 2, pp. 445 - 452
    Journal articles | 2001
    Smith DE; Bell J; Johnson MA; Youle M; Gazzard B; Tchamouroff S; Frechette G; Schlech W; Miller S; Spencer D; Seifert W; Peeters M; De Beule K, 2001, 'A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of itraconazole capsules for the prevention of deep fungal infections in immunodeficient patients with HIV infection.', HIV Medicine, 2, pp. 78 - 83
    Journal articles | 2001
    Smith DE; Gow I; Colebunders R; Weller IV; Tchamouroff S; Weber J; Boag F; Hales GP; Adams S; Patou G; Cooper DA, 2001, 'Therapeutic vaccination (p24-VLP) of patients with advanced HIV-1 infection in the pre-HAART era does not alter CD4 cell decline.', HIV Medicine, 2, pp. 272 - 275,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Smith DE; Hales GP; Roth N; Law MG; Ray J; Druett J; Mitchell J; Mills G; Doong N; Franklin R, 2001, 'A randomized trial of nelfinavir, ritonavir, or delavirdine in combination with saquinavir¿SGC and stavudine in treatment¿experienced HIV-1 infected patients.', HIV Clinical Trials, 2, pp. 97 - 107
    Journal articles | 2001
    Zaunders J; Kaufmann GR; Cunningham PH; Smith DE; Grey PA; Suzuki K; Carr AD; Goh L; Cooper DA, 2001, 'Increased turnover of CCR5+ and redistribution of CCR5- CD4 T lymphocytes during primary human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection.', Journal of Infectious Diseases, 183, pp. 736 - 743
    Journal articles | 2000
    Anand C; Baker D; Doong N; Smith DE, 2000, 'HIV/AIDS consultations (letter)', Australian Family Physician, pp. 517
    Journal articles | 2000
    Correll PK; Smith DE; Grulich AE, 2000, 'Post exposure prophylaxis for non-occupational exposure to HIV: Experience in New South Wales one year after the guidelines', NSW Public Health Bulletin, 11, pp. 114 - 117
    Journal articles | 2000
    Hales GP; Roth N; Smith DE, 2000, 'Possible fatal interaction between protease inhibitors and methamphetamine (letter)', Antiviral Therapy, pp. 19
    Journal articles | 2000
    Kaufmann GR; Bloch M; Zaunders J; Smith DE; Cooper DA, 2000, 'Long-term immunological response in HIV-1-infected subjects receiving potent antiretroviral therapy', AIDS, 14, pp. 959 - 969
    Journal articles | 2000
    Kaufmann GR; Zaunders J; Kelleher AD; Grey PA; Smith DE; Carr AD; Cooper DA, 2000, 'Rapid restoration of CD4 T cell subsets in subjects receiving antiretroviral therapy during primary HIV-1 infection', AIDS, 14, pp. 2543 - 2551
    Journal articles | 2000
    Mills J; Carr AD; Smith DE; Emery S; Law MG; Grey PA; Cooper DA, 2000, 'Lipodystrophy following antiretroviral therapy of primary HIV infection (letter)', AIDS, 14, pp. 2406 - 2407
    Journal articles | 2000
    Smith DE; Berrey M; Robertson M; Mehrotra D; Markowitz M; Perrin L; Clumeck N; Lazzarin A; Burckhardt B; Weber RO; Corey L; Cooper DA, 2000, 'Virological and immunological effects of combination antiretroviral therapy with zidovudine, lamivudine, and indinavir during primary human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection', Journal of Infectious Diseases, 182, pp. 950 - 954,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Smith DE; Goggin L; Meldrum H; Phillips S; Russell-Weisz D; Bloch M; Bodsworth NJ; Roth N; Law MG, 2000, 'Capturing the paradigm shift in HIV treatment: changing attitudes in the choice of combination antiretroviral drugs by high HIV caseload Australian GPs (1996-1997)', AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio - Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 12, pp. 41 - 47
    Journal articles | 2000
    Smith DE, 2000, 'Why does treatment fail?', Journal of Hiv Therapy, pp. 27 - 29
    Journal articles | 1999
    Benson EM; Clarkson J; Law MG; Marshall ; Kelleher AD; Smith DE; Patou G; Stewart GA; Cooper DA; French FA, 1999, 'Therapeutic vaccination with p24-VLP and zidovudine augments HIV-specific CTL activity in asymptomatic HIV infected individuals.', AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 15, pp. 105 - 113
    Journal articles | 1999
    Bloch M; Carr AD; Vasak E; Cunningham PH; Smith DE, 1999, 'The use of human immunodeficiency virus post exposure prophylaxis after success-ful artificial insemination.', American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 181, pp. 760 - 761
    Journal articles | 1999
    Easterbrook PJ; Goodall RL; Babiker AG; Yu L; Smith DE; Cooper DA; Gazzard B, 1999, 'Are HIV-infected patients with rapid CD4 cell decline a subgroup who benefit from early antiretroviral therapy?', Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, pp. 379 - 388
    Journal articles | 1999
    Law MG; Anderson JS; Cui JS; Duncombe CJ; Mallal SS; Roth N; Fagan D; Smith DE; Bloch M; Grulich AE, 1999, 'Trends in antiretroviral treatment for people with HIV in Australia: an observational database pilot study', Venereology - the Interdisciplinary International Journal of Sexual Health, 12, pp. 97 - 103
    Journal articles | 1999
    Mills G; Morgan J; Hales GP; Smith DE, 1999, 'Acute hypersensitivity with delavirdine', Antiviral Therapy, 4, pp. 51 - (letter)
    Journal articles | 1999
    Reijers MH; Weverling GJ; Jurriaans S; Smith DE, 1999, 'Dual maintenance therapy did not sustain suppression of viral replication in HIV-1 infection compared with prolonged reduction therapy', Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia, 19, pp. 217 - 218
    Journal articles | 1999
    Smith DE; Midgley J; Gazzard B, 1999, 'A randomised, double-blind study of itraconazole versus placebo in the treatment and prevention of oral or oesophageal candidosis in patients with HIV infection', International Journal of Clinical Practice, pp. 349 - 352
    Journal articles | 1999
    Smith DE, 1999, 'Dual maintenance therapy did not sustain suppression of viral replication in HIV-1 infection compared with prolonged reduction therapy. Commentary', ACP Journal Club, pp. 14
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    Smith DE, 1999, 'HIV Trialists Collaborative Group. Zidovudine, didanosine and zalcitabine in the treatment of HIV infection: meta-analyses of the randomised evidence.', Lancet, pp. 2014 - 2025
    Journal articles | 1999
    Zaunders J; Cunningham PH; Kelleher AD; Kaufmann GR; Jaramillo AB; Wright RH; Smith DE; Grey PA; Vizzard J; Carr AD; Cooper DA, 1999, 'Potent antiretroviral therapy of primary HIV-1 infection: partial normalisation of T lympho-cyte subsets and limited reduction of proviral DNA despite clearance of plasma viremia.', Journal of Infectious Diseases, 180, pp. 320 - 329
    Journal articles | 1998
    Aboulker J; Babiker AG; Clumeck N; Cooper DA; Darbyshire JH; Dormont J; Gatell J; Goebel F; Laurian Y; Mannucci P; Mathiesen L; Peto TE; Reiss P; Sandstrom E; Savidge G; Seligmann M; Smith DE; Stingl G; Veenstra J; Weller IV; Yeo J; Lafon E; Mccormack S; Swart AM; Withnall R; Duff C; Brodnicki E; Hudson FE; Johnson D; Kelleher PW; Nunn AJ; Evens CD; Phillips S; Fagan D; Tompkinson E; Elia S; D Argoeuves H; Lhoro S; Saioi Y, 1998, 'Long-term follow-up of randomized trials of immediate versus deferred zidovudine in symptom-free HIV infection', AIDS, 12, pp. 1259 - 1265
    Journal articles | 1998
    Kelleher AD; Roggensack M; Jaramillo AB; Smith DE; Walker AC; Gow I; Mcmurchie M; Harris JA; Patou G; Cooper DA; Duncombe CJ; Bloch M; Quan D; Beveridge A; Genn B; Pethebridge A; Todhunter L; Baker D; Mcfarlane R; Mindel A; Knox J; O Connor C; Mitchell JR; Meese P; Chenworth I; Anderson JS; Roth N, 1998, 'Safety and immunogenicity of a candidate therapeutic vaccine, p24 virus-like particle, combined with zidovudine, in asymptomatic subjects', AIDS, 12, pp. 175 - 182
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    Montaner JS; Reiss P; Cooper DA; Vella S; Harris MF; Conway B; Wainberg MA; Smith DE; Robinson P; Hall D; Myers MA; Lange JM, 1998, 'A randomized, double-blind trial comparing combinations of nevirapine, didanosine, and zidovudine for HIV-infected patients', Journal of the American Medical Association, 279, pp. 930 - 937,
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    Smith D, 1998, 'New approaches in the treatment of HIV infection', Australian Prescriber, 21, pp. 44 - 46,
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    Smith DE, 1998, 'Compliance and toxicity concerns with antiretroviral therapy.', Journal of Hiv Therapy, pp. 55 - 57
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    Smith DE, 1998, 'New approaches in the treatment.', Australian Prescriber, pp. 44 - 46
    Journal articles | 1997
    Antunes F; Atkinson M; Clark AW; Clumeck N; Collis P; Cooper DA; Gazzard B; Gerstoft J; Goh L; Hill AH; Katlama C; Korsia S; Lange JM; Mccallum L; Mcdade H; Montaner JS; Moroni M; Norkrans G; Opravil M; Reiss P; Rozenbaum W; Scott JH; Smith DE; Staszewski S; Stoffels P, 1997, 'Randomised trial of addition of lamivudine or lamivudine plus loviride to zidovudine-containing regimens for patients with HIV-1 infection: the CAESAR trial.', Lancet, pp. 1413 - 1421
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    Clezy KR; Smith DE; Cooper DA, 1997, 'Randomised trial of addition of lamivudine or lamivudine plus loviride to zidovudine-containing regimes for patients with HIV-1 infection: the CAESAR trial', Lancet, pp. 1414 - 1421
    Journal articles | 1997
    Moyle GJ; Bouza E; Antunes F; Smith DE; Harris RI; Warburg M; Walker M, 1997, 'Zidovudine monotherapy versus zidovudine plus zalcitabine combination therapy in HIV-positive persons with CD4 cell counts 300-500 cells/mm3 : a double blind controlled trial.', Antiviral Therapy, 2, pp. 229 - 236
    Journal articles | 1997
    Smith DE, 1997, 'CAESAR coordinating committee (D. Smith, member): Randomised trial of addition of lamivudine or lamivudine plus loviride to zidovudine-containing regimens for patients with HIV-1 infection: the CAESAR trial', Lancet, pp. 1412 - 1421
    Journal articles | 1997
    Smith DE, 1997, 'Fourth conference on retroviruses and opportunistic infections - Washington DC.', Journal of HIV Combination Therapy, 2, pp. 38 - 40
    Journal articles | 1997
    Smith DE, 1997, 'Why treat primary HIV infection?', Journal of HIV Combination Therapy, pp. 41 - 43
    Journal articles | 1996
    Kelleher AD; Smith DE; Cooper DA; Walker A; Gow I; Patou G, 1996, 'Effect of therapeutic vaccination (p24-VLP) and AZT on immunological markers in early HIV disease', AIDS, 10, pp. P137 - P137,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Smith DE; Boag F; Colebunders R; Weller IVD; Tchamouroff S; Weber J; Gow I; Patou G; Cooper DA, 1996, 'Therapeutic vaccination (p24-VLP) of patients with advanced HIV-1 infection does not alter CD4 decline', AIDS, 10, pp. OP65 - OP65,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Smith DE, 1996, 'What can we learn from Delta?', HIV Journal Club, pp. 66 - 66
    Journal articles | 1996
    Workman C; Downie J; Smith DE; Sutherland D; Michelmore H; Dyer W; Shen J; Sullivan J, 1996, 'Combination therapies in primary HIV infection', AIDS, 10, pp. OP11 - OP11,
    Journal articles | 1994
    Anderson I; Beveridge A; Hales G; Smith D, 1994, 'Intensive Phase II Therapeutie HIV Vaccine Trials Can Be Appropriately Conducted Through Community Networks', AIDS, 8, pp. S48 - S48,
    Journal articles | 1994
    Journal articles | 1993
    Nelson MR; Smith D; Erskine D; Gazzard BG, 1993, 'Ventricular fibrillation secondary to itraconazole induced hypokalaemia.', J Infect, 26, pp. 348,
    Journal articles | 1992
    Smith D; Erskine D; Steele J; Hills D; Gazzard B, 1992, 'Comparison of nebuliser efficiency for aerosolizing pentamidine.', J Pharm Pharmacol, 44, pp. 7 - 9,
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    Smith D; van de Velde V; Woestenborghs R; Gazzard BG, 1992, 'The pharmacokinetics of oral itraconazole in AIDS patients.', J Pharm Pharmacol, 44, pp. 618 - 619,
    Journal articles | 1992
    Smith DE; Davies S; Smithson J; Harding I; Gazzard BG, 1992, 'Eflornithine versus cotrimoxazole in the treatment of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in AIDS patients.', AIDS, 6, pp. 1489 - 1493,
    Journal articles | 1992
    Smith DE; Forbes A; Davies S; Barton SE; Gazzard BG, 1992, 'Diagnosis of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in HIV antibody positive patients by simple outpatient assessments.', Thorax, 47, pp. 1005 - 1009,
    Journal articles | 1992
    Smith DE; Hills DA; Gazzard BG, 1992, 'Patient tolerance of nebulized pentamidine or cotrimoxazole as secondary prophylaxis for Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.', AIDS, 6, pp. 1044 - 1045,
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    , 1991, 'Nebulized Pentamidine for the Prevention of <italic>Pneumocystis carinii</italic> Pneumonia in AIDS Patients: Experience of 173 Patients and a Review of the Literature', QJM: An International Journal of Medicine,
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    Kell PD; Barton SE; Smith DE; Nelson M; Marwood RP; Gazzard B, 1991, 'A maternal death caused by AIDS. Case report.', Br J Obstet Gynaecol, 98, pp. 725 - 727,
    Journal articles | 1991
    Kell PD; Smith DE; Barton SE; Midgley J; Samarasinghe PL; Gazzard BG, 1991, 'Disseminated histoplasmosis in an AIDS patient treated with itraconazole.', Genitourin Med, 67, pp. 342 - 344,
    Journal articles | 1991
    Smith D; Boag F; Midgley J; Gazzard B, 1991, 'Fluconazole resistant candida in AIDS.', J Infect, 23, pp. 345 - 346,
    Journal articles | 1991
    Smith D; Gazzard B, 1991, 'Treatment and prophylaxis of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in AIDS patients.', Drugs, 42, pp. 628 - 639,
    Journal articles | 1991
    Smith DE; Kell P; Hills DA; Hawkins DA; Gazzard BG, 1991, 'Domiciliary nebulized pentamidine prophylaxis.', Int J STD AIDS, 2, pp. 215 - 216,
    Journal articles | 1991
    Smith DE; Midgley J; Allan M; Connolly GM; Gazzard BG, 1991, 'Itraconazole versus ketaconazole in the treatment of oral and oesophageal candidosis in patients infected with HIV.', AIDS, 5, pp. 1367 - 1371,
    Journal articles | 1990
    Bower M; Barton SE; Nelson MR; Bobby J; Smith D; Youle M; Gazzard BG, 1990, 'The significance of the detection of cytomegalovirus in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in AIDS patients with pneumonia.', AIDS, 4, pp. 317 - 320,
    Journal articles | 1990
    Nelson M; Bower M; Smith D; Gazzard BG, 1990, 'Life-threatening complication of sputum induction.', Lancet, 335, pp. 112 - 113,
    Journal articles | 1990
    Nelson MR; Bower M; Smith D; Reed C; Shanson D; Gazzard B, 1990, 'The value of serum cryptococcal antigen in the diagnosis of cryptococcal infection in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus.', J Infect, 21, pp. 175 - 181,
    Journal articles | 1990
    Smith D; Davies S; Nelson M; Youle M; Gleeson J; Gazzard B, 1990, 'Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia treated with eflornithine in AIDS patients resistant to conventional therapy.', AIDS, 4, pp. 1019 - 1021,
    Journal articles | 1988
    Smith DE; Herd D; Gazzard BG, 1988, 'Reversible bronchoconstriction with nebulised pentamidine.', Lancet, 2, pp. 905,
    Journal articles | 1988
    Smith DE; McLuckie A; Wyatt J; Gazzard B, 1988, 'Severe exercise hypoxaemia with normal or near normal X-rays: a feature of Pneumocystis carinii infection.', Lancet, 2, pp. 1049 - 1051,
  • Preprints | 2020
    Dawson M; Dharan N; Yeh P; Bloch M; Yeung M; Baker D; Guinto J; Roth N; Ftouni S; Ognenovska K; Smith D; Hoy J; Woolley I; Pell C; Templeton D; Fraser N; Rose N; Hutchinson J; Petoumenos K; Dawson S-J; Polizzotto M, 2020, Age-related clonal haematopoiesis is more prevalent in older adults with HIV: the ARCHIVE study,
    Preprints | 2020
    Dharan N; Yeh P; Bloch M; Yeung M; Baker D; Guinto J; Roth N; Ftouni S; Ognenovska K; Smith D; Hoy J; Woolley I; Pell C; Templeton D; Fraser N; Rose N; Hutchinson J; Petoumenos K; Dawson S-J; Polizzotto M; Dawson M; for the ARCHIVE Study Group , 2020, Age-related clonal haematopoiesis is more prevalent in older adults with HIV: the ARCHIVE study,
    Conference Abstracts | 2019
    Bavinton B; Vaccher S; Holt M; Guy R; Prestage G; Jin F; Amin J; Templeton D; Selvey C; Zablotska-Manos I; Lusk J; Ogilvie E; Vickers T; Smith D; Grulich A, 2019, 'USE OF CONDOMS FOR THE PREVENTION OF SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS (STIS) AMONG HIV PRE-EXPOSURE PROPHYLAXIS (PREP) USERS', in SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS, BMJ PUBLISHING GROUP, Vol. 95, pp. A206 - A206,
    Conference Posters | 2019
    Carr M; Martin SJ; Foster R; Finlayson R; Rule J; Smith DE; de Wit J; Carr A; Siefried KJ, 2019, 'STI incidence and risk factors in HIV-infected adults on antiretrovrial therapy (ART) in the PAART study', Perth, Australia, presented at Joint Australasian Sexual Health and HIV&AIDS Conference, Perth, Australia, 16 September 2019 - 19 September 2019
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Siefried KJ; Mao L; Cysique LA; Rule J; Giles ML; Smith DE; McMahon J; Read TR; Ooi C; Tee BK; Bloch M; de Wit J; Carr A, 2017, 'Polypharmacy of concomitant medications in HIV-infected Australian adults is common, and associated with adverse effects', in Antiviral Therapy, International Medical Press, Milan, Italy, presented at The 19th International Workshop on Co-morbidities and Adverse Drug Reaction in HIV, Milan, Italy, 23 October 2017 - 25 October 2017,
    Conference Posters | 2017
    Siefried KJ; Mao L; Cysique LA; Rule J; Giles ML; Smith DE; McMahon J; Read TR; Ooi C; Tee BK; Bloch M; de Wit J; Carr A, 2017, 'Polypharmacy of concomitant medications in HIV-infected Australian adults is common, and associated with adverse effects', Milan, Italy, presented at The 16th European AIDS Conference, Milan, Italy, 25 October 2017 - 27 October 2017
    Conference Presentations | 2017
    Siefried KJ; Mao L; Cysique LA; Rule J; Giles ML; Smith DE; McMahon J; Read TR; Ooi C; Tee BK; Bloch M; de wit J; Carr A, 2017, 'Polypharmacy of concomitant medications in HIV-infected Australian adults is common, and associated with adverse effects', presented at The Australasian HIV&AIDS Conference, Canberra Australia, 06 November 2017 - 08 November 2017
    Conference Abstracts | 2013
    Conway DP; Guy R; McNulty A; Couldwell DL; Davies SC; Smith DE; Keen P; Cunningham P; Holt M, 2013, 'Experience of Rapid HIV Testing Increases Its Acceptability to Clinical Staff in Public Sexual Health Clinics in Sydney', in Sexually Transmitted Infections, BMJ Publishing Group, Vol. 89, pp. A345 - A346,
    Conference Abstracts | 2013
    Conference Papers | 2008
    Chan DJ; Ray J; Mcnally L; Batterham M; Smith DE, 2008, 'Correlation Between HIV-1 RNA Load in Blood and Seminal Plasma Depending on Antiretroviral Treatment Status, Regimen and Penetration of Semen by Antiretroviral Drugs', in Current HIV Research, Bentham Science Publishing Ltd, Hilversum, Netherlands, pp. 477 - 484, presented at Current HIV Research
    Conference Papers | 1997
    Bloch M; Kelleher AD; Smith DE; Grey PA; Zaunders J; Cooper DA, 1997, 'CD8 activation does not totally normalise in treated primary HIV infection despite undetectable viral load; evidence for ongoing viral replication?', in 6th European Conference on Clinical Aspects and Treatment of HIV-Infection, 6th European Conference on Clinical Aspects and Treatment of HIV-Infection, Hamburg, Germany, presented at 6th European Conference on Clinical Aspects and Treatment of HIV-Infection, Hamburg, Germany, 11 October 1997 - 15 October 1997
    Conference Papers | 1997
    Clarkson J; French FA; Law MG; Marshall ; Kelleher AD; Smith DE; Patou G; Cooper DA; Stewart GA; Benson EM, 1997, 'Therapeutic vaccination with p24-VLP and AZT augments HIV specific CTL activity in asymptomatic HIV-infected individuals.', in Australasian Society for HIV Medicine 9th Annual Conference, Australasian Society for HIV Medicine 9th Annual Conference, Adelaide, Sth Aust, presented at Australasian Society for HIV Medicine 9th Annual Conference, Adelaide, Sth Aust, 13 November 1997 - 16 November 1997
    Conference Papers | 1997
    Grey PA; Vizzard J; Smith DE; Cooper DA, 1997, 'Aggressive therapy does not appear to shorten the duration of primary HIV infection (PHI) symptoms.', in Australasian Society for HIV Medicine 9th Annual Conference, Australasian Society for HIV Medicine 9th Annual Conference, Adelaide, Sth Aust, presented at Australasian Society for HIV Medicine 9th Annual Conference, Adelaide, Sth Aust, 13 November 1997 - 16 November 1997
    Conference Papers | 1997
    Kelleher AD; Bloch M; Smith DE; Grey PA; Cunningham PH; Zaunders J; Cooper DA, 1997, 'Reversal of CD8 activation in patients with primary HIV infection treated with AZT, 3TC and indinavir.', in 37th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 37th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, presented at 37th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 29 September 1997 - 01 October 1997
    Conference Papers | 1997
    Kelleher AD; Walker AC; Jaramillo AB; Roggensack M; Smith DE; Gow I; Cooper DA, 1997, 'Effect of therapeutic vaccine p24-VLP and AZT on immunological and virological markets in asymptomatic subjects', in 4th Conference on Retrovirology and Opportunistic Infections, 4th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Washington DC, USA, presented at 4th Conference on Retrovirology and Opportunistic Infections, Washington DC, USA
    Conference Papers | 1997
    Smith DE; Bloch M; Grey PA; Cunningham PH; Zaunders J; Kelleher AD; Cooper DA, 1997, 'Reversal of lymphocyte RA/RO ratios in patients with primary HIV infection treated with zidovudine, lamivudine and indinavir.', in International Workshop on HIV Drug Resistance, Treatment Strategies and Eradication, International Workshop on HIV Drug Resistance, Treatment Strategies and Eradication, St Petersburg, Florida, USA, presented at International Workshop on HIV Drug Resistance, Treatment Strategies and Eradication, St Petersburg, Florida, USA, 25 June 1997 - 29 June 1997
    Conference Papers | 1997
    Smith DE, 1997, 'Fourth Conference on retroviruses an dopportunistic infections', in 4th Conference on Retrovirology and Opportunistic Infections, 4th Conference on Retrovirology and Opportunistic Infections, Washington DC, USA, presented at 4th Conference on Retrovirology and Opportunistic Infections, Washington DC, USA
    Conference Papers | 1996
    Fagan D; Phillips SE; Smith DE; Duncombe CJ; Catchpole BR; Buchanan AP; Roth N, 1996, 'An observational study of antiretroviral treatment in HIV-infected patients attending General Practices in Australia in 1995', in 3rd International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection, RAPID SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, Birmingham, England, pp. 46 - 46, presented at 3rd International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection, Birmingham, England,
    Conference Papers | 1996
    Kelleher AD; Smith DE; Cooper DA; Walker AC; Gow I; Patou G, 1996, 'Effects of therapeutic vaccination (p24-VLP) and AZT on immunological and virological markers in asymptomatic subjects', in 3rd International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection, 3rd International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection, Birmingham, England, pp. 137 - 137, presented at 3rd International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection, Birmingham, England
    Conference Papers | 1996
    Smith DE; Boag F; Colebunders R; Weller IV; Tchamouroff S; Weber J; Gow I; Patou G; Cooper DA, 1996, 'Therapeutic vaccination (p24-VLP) of patients with advanced HIV-1 infection does not alter CD4 decline', in 3rd International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection, 3rd International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection, Birmingham, England, pp. 0P6.5 - 0P6.5, presented at 3rd International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection, Birmingham, England
    Conference Papers | 1996
    Smith DE; Law MG; Workman C; Newman AS, 1996, 'Aggressive use of combination antiretroviral by Australian General Practitioners', in 3rd International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection, RAPID SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, Birmingham, England, pp. 43 - 43, presented at 3rd International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection, Birmingham, England,
    Conference Papers | 1996
    Smith DE, 1996, 'Clinical and survival benefit of 3TC combination therapy in HIV-1 infection: interim results of the CAESAR study', in Australian Society for HIV Medicine 8th National Conference, Australian Society for HIV Medicine 8th National Conference, Sydney, pp. 103a - 103a, presented at Australian Society for HIV Medicine 8th National Conference, Sydney
    Conference Papers | 1996
    Workman C; Downie C; Smith DE; Sutherland DA; Michelmore H; Dyer W; Shen J; Sullivan JS, 1996, 'Combination therapies in primary HIV infectin', in 3rd International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection, 3rd International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection, Birmingham, England, pp. OP1.1 - OP1.1, presented at 3rd International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection, Birmingham, England