Dr Elnaz Irannezhad
PhD, the University of Queensland, 2018
Senior Lecturer in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering's Research Centre for Integrated Transport Innovation
Dr Elnaz (Elli) Irannezhad is a Senior Lecturer in transport engineering at the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Elli's research contributes to the advancement of science in cross-disciplinary fields of transport engineering, logistics engineering, automated vehicles, decarbonisation and blockchain technology. She has over 16 years of combined research and industry experience in modelling, simulation, optimisation, and machine learning. Elli endeavours her research closely with the industry to ensure a good alignment with real-world needs and industry uptake.
She received her PhD at the School of Civil Engineering of the University of Queensland (UQ) (2014-2017). Prior to that, she worked in the transport industry as a senior transport engineer in Iran for nine years. Her PhD was on behavioural freight transport modelling in which she contributed to the field of behavioural agent-based modelling and operation research. From 2017 to 2020, she completed a three-year postdoctoral research fellowship at UQ’s Business Faculty on a partnership project with the Port of Brisbane. From 2020 to 2022, she acted as a Principal Engineer and the Portfolio Leader of Next Generation Transport Systems at the Australian Road Research Board (ARRB) where she led several projects in automated driving technologies and sensors, infrastructure readiness for autonomous vehicles, smart heavy vehicle access monitoring and heavy vehicle origin-destination modelling. Elli joined UNSW in March 2022 as a Senior Lecturer.
Please visit her Research Portfolio for more details.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
CRC iMove: Desire lines user behaviour research: initial scoping and feasibility (RG221979)
Research interests:
- Agent-based freight transport modelling
- Behavioural transport modelling
- Blockchain, Logistics 4.0, IoT, and digital supply chain
- Automated trucks and heavy vehicles
- Decarbonising heavy vehicle industry and hydrogen fuel cell trucks
- Circular economy and supply chain
- Decision Support Systems
Elli is an Associate of the UNSW's Australian Human Rights Institute and engages in human rights activities and projects. She also serves as the Equity, Diversion, and Inclusion (EDI) Officer at the School of Civil Engineering. Elli co-leads the JINA Program, a Pilot Program tailored for supporting, mentoring and networking the UNSW's female students with forced migration and refugee background (see the video).
Elli is the co-chair of the Bridging Transport Researchers (BTR) Conference, and the guest editor of BTR Special issue of the Journal of Transport Planning and Technology. BTR is an online free peer-reviewed conference for connecting transport researchers around the globe and aims to remove the burden of travel and obtaining visa, the cost of registration, & greenhouse gases associated with transport & accommodations. The first round was run in 2019 and after COVID, it has continued every year.
My Research Supervision
- PhD supervision, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of New South Wales (2023 – ongoing), Sustainable Freight Transport Framework Assessment for Perishable Agricultural Products (Role: Primary advisor)
- PhD co-supervision, University of New South Wales- Canberra (2022 – ongoing), Explainable AI for Risk Management in Container Supply Chain (Role: Co-advisor)
- Master’s Research Project, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of New South Wales (2023 – ongoing), Agent-based simulation of Port Container Terminals (Role: Primary advisor)
- Master’s Research Project, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of New South Wales (2022 – 2023), LogisticChain: a Blockchain-based Supply Chain Model (Role: Primary advisor)
My Teaching
- ENGG1400: Infrastructure Systems Engineering (Focus: Operation Research and Systems Modelling)
- CVEN9421: Transport Logistics Engineering (Focus: Logistics Engineering and Modelling)
- CVEN3402: Transport Engineering and Environmental Sustainability ( Focus: Transport Emission Modelling)