Dr Lisa Ewenson
BA (Hons 1st) / LLB (Hons) - University of Melbourne
BSW - Charles Sturt University
MA SocSci (IntDev) - RMIT
Dr Lisa Ewenson is a researcher within the HowWeSurvive initiative and has an extensive professional background in both social work and law. Her work has centred upon the protection and promotion of human rights, including within both youth justice detention and immigration detention settings. Lisa's doctoral research involved narrative inquiry with young people recently released from youth justice detention in NSW. Lisa's current research is concerned with disaster recovery for marginalised groups across Australia, including a focus on the right to adequate housing for older women impacted by disasters, as well as the role of social work in disaster recovery processes.
Lisa is Chief Investigator of the Social Workers and Disaster Management across Australia project (UNSW HREC#7331). In collaboration with the Yuwaya Ngarra-li team (UNSW) and as led by the Dharriwaa Elders Group and the Walgett Aboriginal Medical Service, Lisa is Chief Investigator (with 10 other Investigators) of the Walgett Disasters Response and Recovery Project (NSW AHMRC HREC#2311/24).
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
Australian Government Research Training Program. PhD Scholarship 2018 - 2022
Persia Porter Award. Australian Red Cross 2015
Admitted as a legal practitioner to the Supreme Court of the Northern Territory.
Member of the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW).