Ms Liz Evans

Adjunct Lecturer
Medicine & Health
School of Clinical Medicine

Dr. Liz Evans is a registered psychologist with a special interest in the mental health needs of people with intellectual disability. As a lecturer at 3DN, she is involved in both the educational and research activities of the department. Liz holds a Bachelor of Psychology with First Class Honours and a PhD, both from the University of Sydney. Her PhD, awarded in 2010, was the first study worldwide investigating the behavioural phenotype of Mowat-Wilson syndrome. Liz’s research interests include the mental health needs of older people with ID, and the study of behavioural phenotypes.

34 Botany St.
  • Books | 2003
    Evans EJ; Taffe J; Einfeld SL; Tonge BJ; Gray KM, 2003, Manual for the DBC - score for windows - version 2, First, UNSW & Monash University, Victoria Australia
  • Book Chapters | 2021
    Trollor J; Evans L, 2021, 'Role of Psychotropic Medications in Older Adults', in Mental Health, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and the Ageing Process, Springer, pp. 189 - 205,
    Book Chapters | 2016
    Evans LJ; Trollor JN, 2016, 'Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)', in Hemmings C; Bouras N (ed.), Psychiatric and Behavioural Disorders in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Academic, pp. 129 - 138,
  • Journal articles | 2023
    Salomon C; Bellamy J; Evans E; Reid R; Hsu M; Teasdale S; Trollor J, 2023, '‘Get Healthy!’ physical activity and healthy eating intervention for adults with intellectual disability: results from the feasibility pilot', Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 9, pp. 48,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Salomon C; Bellamy J; Evans L; Reid R; Hsu M; Teasdale S; Trollor J; Salomon C, 2018, '‘Get Healthy!’ A physical activity and nutrition program for older adults with intellectual disability: pilot study protocol', Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 4, pp. 144,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Salomon C; Whittle E; Bellamy J; Evans E; Teasdale S; Samaras K; Ward PW; Hsu M; Trollor J, 2018, '“It just slips away”: a qualitative exploration of barriers and enablers of physical activity and healthy eating for older Australians with intellectual disability', Research and Practice in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Chitty KM; Evans E; Torr JJ; Iacono T; Brodaty H; Sachdev P; Trollor JN; Evans L, 2016, 'Central nervous system medication use in older adults with intellectual disability: Results from the successful ageing in intellectual disability study', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 50, pp. 352 - 362,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Evans E; Mowat D; Wilson M; Einfeld S, 2016, 'Sleep disturbance in Mowat-Wilson syndrome', American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A, 170, pp. 654 - 660,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Evans LJ; Black C; Trollor J, 2016, 'Dementia in people with an intellectual disability', Australian Journal of Dementia Care, 5, pp. 28 - 30
    Journal articles | 2016
    Iacono T; Evans E; Davis A; Bhardwaj A; Turner B; Torr J; Trollor JN, 2016, 'Family caring of older adults with intellectual disability and coping according to loci of responsibility', Research in Developmental Disabilities, 57, pp. 170 - 180,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Sinnerbrink IB; Meiser B; Halliday J; Sherwen A; Amor DJ; Waters E; Rea F; Evans E; Rahman B; Kirk EP, 2014, 'Prenatally detected de novo apparently balanced chromosomal rearrangements: The effect on maternal worry, family functioning and intent of disclosure', Prenatal Diagnosis, 34, pp. 598 - 604,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Evans E; Bhardwaj A; Brodaty H; Sachdev P; Draper B; Trollor J, 2013, 'Dementia in people with intellectual disability: Insights and challenges in epidemiological research with an at-risk population', International Review of Psychiatry, 25, pp. 755 - 763,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Sinnerbrink IB; Sherwen A; Meiser B; Halliday J; Amor DJ; Waters E; Rea F; Evans E; Rahman B; Kirk EP, 2013, 'Long-term health and development of children diagnosed prenatally with a de novo apparently balanced chromosomal rearrangement', Prenatal Diagnosis, 33, pp. 831 - 838,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Evans EJ; Einfeld SE; Mowat DR; Taffe JR; Tonge BJ; Wilson MJ, 2012, 'The behavioral phenotype of Mowat-Wilson syndrome', American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, 158 A, pp. 358 - 366,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Evans EJ; Howlett S; Kremser T; Simpson J; Kayess R; Trollor JN, 2012, 'Service Development for Intellectual Disability Mental Health: A Human Rights Approach', Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 56, pp. 1098 - 1109,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Evans EJ; Hay PJ; Mond JM; Paxton SJ; Quirk FH; Quirk FH; Rodgers B; Jhajj AK; Sawoniewska MA, 2011, 'Barriers to help-seeking in young women with eating disorders: A qualitative exploration in a longitudinal community survey', Eating Disorders: the Journal of Treatment and Prevention, 19, pp. 270 - 285,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Einfeld SL; Evans EJ; Mowat DR, 2007, 'The developmental profile and behavioural phenotype of Mowat Wilson syndrome', Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 51, pp. 657 - 657
    Journal articles | 2006
    Einfeld SL; Kavanagh S; Smith A; Evans EJ; Tonge BJ; Taffe J, 2006, 'Mortality in Prader-Willi syndrome', American Journal on Mental Retardation, 111, pp. 193 - 198,[193:MIPS]2.0.CO;2
    Journal articles | 2004
    Einfeld SL; Tobin MJ; Beard J; Evans EJ; Buss R; Dudley MJ, 2004, 'Sustaining evidence-based practice for young people who self-harm: a 4-year follow-up', Australian Health Review, 27, pp. 94 - 99,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Einfeld SL; Tonge BJ; Evans EJ; Brereton AV; Taffe J; Gray KM, 2004, 'Recent developments in application of the developmental behaviourchecklist (DBC)', Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 48, pp. 317 - 317,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Dean C; Myors K; Evans EJ, 2003, 'Community-wide implementation of a parenting program: the south east Sydney postive parenting project', Australian e-journal for the advancement of mental health, 2, pp. 2 - 12
  • Reports | 2019
    Pond D; Phillips J; Day J; McNeill K; Evans L; Trollor J; Anstey KJ; Peters R, 2019, People with Dementia: A Care Guide for General Practice, NHMRC Partnership Centre for Dealing with Cognitive and Related Functional Decline in Older People (CDPC)
    Reports | 2015
    Evans LJ; Trollor JN; Davis A; Bhardwaj A; O'Brien E, 2015, Mental health and carer support in elders with intellectual disability., Ageing, Disability and Home Care, Department of Family and Community Services, NSW Australia
    Conference Presentations | 2015
    Iacono T; Crothers N; Torr J; Trollor J; Evans LJ, 2015, 'Family caring for older adults with intellectual disability.', presented at IASSID, Honolulu, 10 May 2015 - 11 May 2015
    Conference Abstracts | 2013
    Bhardwaj AK; Trollor J; Evans E; Brodaty H; Sachdev P; Schofield P; Mowat D; Wen W; Crawford J; Iacono T; Torr J, 2013, 'Successful ageing in older adults with intellectual disabilities: Predictors and correlates of cognitive decline [Abstract]', in Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, Wiley: 24 months, Tokyo, Japan, Vol. 10, pp. 107 - 108, presented at 3rd IASSIDD Asia-Pacific Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 22 August 2013 - 24 August 2013,
    Conference Papers | 2011
    Evans EJ; Einfeld SL; Mowat DR; Taffe J; Tonge BJ; Wilson M, 2011, 'Mowat-Wilson syndrome', in Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Oxford, pp. 951 - 951, presented at 14th SSBP International Research Symposium, Brisbane, Australia, 05 October 2011 - 07 October 2011,
    Conference Papers | 2005
    Evans EJ; Einfeld SL; Mowat DR; Wilson M, 2005, 'The Investigation of the behavioural phenotype of mowat-wilson syndrome(MWS)', in O'Brien G; Yule W (ed.), 9th International Symposium: Treatment of behavioural problems in Neurodevelopmental Disorders, SSBP 9th International symposium: Treatment of behavioural problems in Neurodevelopmental disorders, Cairns, Qld, pp. 8 - 8, presented at SSBP 9th International symposium: Treatment of behavioural problems in Neurodevelopmental disorders, Cairns, Qld, 06 October 2005 - 08 October 2005
    Software / Code | 2003
    Evans EJ; Taffe J; Einfeld SL; Tonge BJ; Gray KM, 2003, Scoring software for the developmental behaviour checklist, Video, Published: 2003, Software / Code