Dr Melinda Tursky
Melinda Tursky has specialised in the field of normal and malignant human hematopoiesis and has a strong translational interest in the pathogenesis of hematological cancers. Melinda is highly proficient in the use of in vitro and in vivo assays for normal and malignant hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells, determination of self-renewal, expansion and lineage specific differentiation capabilities, and the use of induced pluripotent stem cells for the investigation of hematopoietic disorders and leukemic progression and the testing of targeted therapeutics.
Professor David Ma and Associate Professor John Moore conduct several clinical and laboratory based research projects at St Vincent's Centre for Applied Medical Research. Contact us for more information. We are available for supervision of Biomed, ILP, Honours, Haematology Advanced Trainees, Masters and PhD students who are Australian permanent residents or citizens. Competitive full and top-up scholarships available.
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Professor David Ma and Associate Professor John Moore conduct several clinical and laboratory based research projects at St Vincent's Centre for Applied Medical Research. Contact us for more information. We are available for supervision of Biomed, ILP, Honours, Masters and PhD students who are Australian permanent residents or citizens. Competitive full and top-up scholarships available.
Current projects of our group include:
- Testing novel targeted therapeutic approaches for acute leukaemia
- Using CRISPR-based gene editing for the study of putative leukaemia oncogenes
- Assessing cytokines levels in the plasma of autoimmune patients following autologous stem cell transplantation
- Clinical correlation of gene expression in T-cells of patients following transplantation for autoimmune diseases
- Using haematopoietic stem cells to model disease and aging processes
- Study of myeloid gene mutations in individuals over the age of 65 by Next Generation Sequencing
- Study of the prevalence & causes of anaemia & cytopenia and its disease association in routine clinical laboratory testing
- Investigation of the clinical incidence and surgical management of acute bowel obstruction in patients with haematological malignancies
- Telehealth improving the quality of life in bone marrow transplant patients
- Advancing healthcare in emerging countries in the Asia Pacific