Ms Mengyuan Mu

Ms Mengyuan Mu

Research Associate
Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes (CLEX)

Mengyuan started to work as a postdoc at the Climate Change Research Centre, UNSW in 2022. She has broad interests in land surface processes, land-atmosphere interactions, and land surface modeling. 

  • Journal articles | 2024
    Devanand A; Falster GM; Gillett ZE; Hobeichi S; Holgate CM; Jin C; Mu M; Parker T; Rifai SW; Rome KS; Stojanovic M; Vogel E; Abram NJ; Abramowitz G; Coats S; Evans JP; Gallant AJE; Pitman AJ; Power SB; Rauniyar SP; Taschetto AS; Ukkola AM, 2024, 'Australia’s Tinderbox Drought: An extreme natural event likely worsened by human-caused climate change', Science Advances, 10,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Mu M; Sabot MEB; Ukkola AM; Rifai SW; De Kauwe MG; Hobeichi S; Pitman AJ, 2024, 'Examining the role of biophysical feedbacks on simulated temperature extremes during the Tinderbox Drought and Black Summer bushfires in southeast Australia', Weather and Climate Extremes, 45,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Sun S; Bi Z; Xiao J; Liu Y; Sun G; Ju W; Liu C; Mu M; Li J; Zhou Y; Li X; Liu Y; Chen H, 2023, 'A global 5km monthly potential evapotranspiration dataset (1982-2015) estimated by the Shuttleworth-Wallace model', Earth System Science Data, 15, pp. 4849 - 4876,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Sun S; Zhang Y; Chai R; Liu Y; Mu M; Zhou B; Zhou Y; Li J; Chen H, 2023, 'Spatial differences in impacts of CO2 effect on China's meteorological droughts: Analysis from surface resistance perspective', Journal of Hydrology, 621,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Mu M; Pitman AJ; De Kauwe MG; Ukkola AM; Ge J, 2022, 'How do groundwater dynamics influence heatwaves in southeast Australia?', Weather and Climate Extremes, 37,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Sabot MEB; De Kauwe MG; Pitman AJ; Ellsworth DS; Medlyn BE; Caldararu S; Zaehle S; Crous KY; Gimeno TE; Wujeska-Klause A; Mu M; Yang J, 2022, 'Predicting resilience through the lens of competing adjustments to vegetation function', Plant Cell and Environment, 45, pp. 2744 - 2761,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Mu M; De Kauwe MG; Ukkola AM; Pitman AJ; Gimeno TE; Medlyn BE; Or D; Yang J; Ellsworth DS, 2021, 'Evaluating a land surface model at a water-limited site: implications for land surface contributions to droughts and heatwaves', HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 25, pp. 447 - 471,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Mu M; De Kauwe MG; Ukkola AM; Pitman AJ; Guo W; Hobeichi S; Briggs PR, 2021, 'Exploring how groundwater buffers the influence of heatwaves on vegetation function during multi-year droughts', ,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Mu M; De Kauwe MG; Ukkola AM; Pitman AJ; Guo W; Hobeichi S; Briggs PR, 2021, 'Exploring how groundwater buffers the influence of heatwaves on vegetation function during multi-year droughts', Earth System Dynamics, 12, pp. 919 - 938,
    Journal articles | 2020
    De Kauwe MG; Medlyn BE; Ukkola AM; Mu M; Sabot MEB; Pitman AJ; Meir P; Cernusak LA; Rifai SW; Choat B; Tissue DT; Blackman CJ; Li X; Roderick M; Briggs PR, 2020, 'Identifying areas at risk of drought-induced tree mortality across South-Eastern Australia', Global Change Biology, 26, pp. 5716 - 5733,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Mu M; De Kauwe MG; Ukkola AM; Pitman AJ; Gimeno TE; Medlyn BE; Or D; Yang J; Ellsworth DS, 2020, 'Evaluating a land surface model at a water-limited site: implications for land surface contributions to droughts and heatwaves', ,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Qiu B; Ge J; Guo W; Pitman AJ; Mu M, 2020, 'Responses of Australian Dryland Vegetation to the 2019 Heat Wave at a Subdaily Scale', Geophysical Research Letters, 47,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Chen H; Mu M; Yin Y; Zhu S; Li X; Sun S, 2019, 'Sensitivity study and improvement of canopy interception scheme in CLM4. 5', Transactions of Atmospheric Sciences, 42, pp. 334 - 347,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Sun S; Wang G; Huang J; Mu M; Yan G; Liu C; Gao C; Li X; Yin Y; Zhang F; Zhu S; Hua W, 2017, 'Spatial pattern of reference evapotranspiration change and its temporal evolution over Southwest China', Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 130, pp. 979 - 992,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Sun S; Chen H; Wang G; Li J; Mu M; Yan G; Xu B; Huang J; Wang J; Zhang F; Zhu S, 2016, 'Shift in potential evapotranspiration and its implications for dryness/wetness over Southwest China', Journal of Geophysical Research, 121, pp. 9342 - 9355,
  • Preprints | 2023
    Devanand A; Falster G; Gillett Z; Hobeichi S; Holgate C; Jin C; Mu M; Parker T; Rifai S; Rome K; Stojanovic M; Vogel E; Abram N; Abramowitz G; Coats S; Evans J; Gallant A; Pitman A; Power S; Rauniyar S; Taschetto A; Ukkola A, 2023, Australia’s Tinderbox Drought: an extreme natural event likely worsened by human-caused climate change, ,
    Preprints | 2023
    Sun S; Bi Z; Xiao J; Liu Y; Sun G; Ju W; Liu C; Mu M; Li J; Zhou Y; Li X; Liu Y; Chen H, 2023, A global 5 km monthly potential evapotranspiration dataset (1982–2015) estimated by the Shuttleworth-Wallace model, ,
    Conference Presentations | 2022
    Sabot M; De Kauwe M; Pitman A; Medlyn B; Ellsworth D; Caldararu S; Zaehle S; Mu M; Gimeno T, 2022, 'Predicting resilience through the lens of competing adjustments to vegetation function', presented at EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23 May 2022 - 27 May 2022,
    Conference Presentations | 2021
    Mu M; De Kauwe M; Ukkola A; Pitman A; Gimeno T; Medlyn B; Or D; Yang J; Ellsworth D, 2021, 'Evaluating a land surface model at a water-limited site: implications for land surface contributions to droughts and heatwaves',
    Other | 2021
    Mu M; De Kauwe MG; Ukkola AM; Pitman AJ; Guo W; Hobeichi S; Briggs PR, 2021, Supplementary material to "Exploring how groundwater buffers the influence of heatwaves on vegetation function during multi-year droughts", ,
    Other | 2020
    Mu M; De Kauwe MG; Ukkola AM; Pitman AJ; Gimeno TE; Medlyn BE; Or D; Yang J; Ellsworth DS, 2020, Supplementary material to "Evaluating a land surface model at a water-limited site: implications for land surface contributions to droughts and heatwaves", ,