Associate Professor Noam Peleg
LLB (TAU), LLM (Public Law, TAU), LLM (Human Rights Law, UCL), PhD (UCL)
Noam Peleg is an Associate Professor and Director – Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at the Faculty of Law and Justice. Noam works in international children’s rights law, human rights law, childhood studies, and family law. His latest research has focused on questions of identity formation and development of children, especially LGBTQI+ children, and in the context of social media, paternalism and human rights. Noam has an extensive body of work concerning the right to development of children in international law. He is a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Children’s Rights and the Journal’s Book Review Editor. He was Visiting Professor at Columbia Law School and Leiden Law School. Noam is a board member and a trainer at the Diplomacy Training Program (DTP), an NGO committed to advancing human rights and empowering civil society in the Asia-Pacific region. Before moving to academia, Noam practiced law in several human rights NGOs.
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- Teaching and Supervision