Professor Patsie Polly
1992 BSc (Hons I) School of Pathology, UNSW
1997 PhD, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, UNSW
2018 Senior Fellow, Higher Education Academy, UK
Professor Patsie Polly (SFHEA) is the Director and Fellow of the UNSW Scientia Education Academy, who is an Education Focussed Academic in the Department of Pathology within the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBMS), Faculty of Medicine & Health, UNSW Sydney.
Patsie is recognised nationally as a medical scientist, leading teacher and innovative education researcher. Patsie is a Scientia Education Fellow, Education Focussed Champion and Professor in Pathology, within the School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine & Health. Patsie has infused her extensive medical research experience into the classroom by applying the latest laboratory research practice. Patsie strategically integrates adaptive lessons, ePortfolio pedagogy and collaborative communities of practice to allow her students to learn these career-relevant skills. Her unique method blends virtual and real laboratory experiences to break new ground in engaging her students as researchers. Patsie has led reflective ePortfolio implementation to develop deep learning of teamwork and communication competencies in students, contextualising acquiring these skills for their future as medical researchers and health professionals. Patsie has been recognised with multiple institutional/national teaching awards, funding and invited institutional/national/international presentations and peer-reviewed research outputs in research communication, virtual laboratory lessons and ePortfolio use. Patsie is recognised internationally as a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy-UK. Patsie is a board member and research special interest group chair for the US ePortfolio organisation, AAEEBL.
Patsie has led the Cancer Cachexia Mechanisms Research Group within Mechanisms of Disease and Translational Research unit, SBMS since 2007. She has niche expertise in gene regulatory mechanisms underlying muscle wasting due to cancer cachexia and has developed gene and proteomic approaches for identifying biomarkers in muscle wasting. She is nationally and internationally recognised for molecular mechanisms of transcription factor-mediated gene regulation. Patsie has held three competitive international and national fellowships to conduct her research on gene regulation. She was an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow (Germany, 1997-1999), an NHMRC Howard Fellow (Sydney, 2000-2003) and a Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellow (Japan, 2002). Patsie’s specific expertise is in unravelling molecular mechanisms that involve DNA-protein interactions and protein-protein interactions. In recognition of this, she is a sought-after collaborator (Cancer Cell; JNCI) and PhD supervisor.
Fellowships and Appointments
1997-1999 Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, Heinrich Heine Universitaet, Germany
2000-2002 NHMRC Howard Florey Fellow, Children’s Medical Research Institute, Sydney
2002 JSPS Short Term Visiting Fellow, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Japan
2003-2004 Senior Research Scientist, Children’s Medical Research Institute, Sydney
2004-2009 Lecturer, Department of Pathology, School of Biomedical Sciences, UNSW
2007- Present Senior Research Fellow Conjoint; USyd, NSW
2007- Present Group Leader, Cancer Cachexia Mechanisms Research Group, Department of Pathology, SBMS, UNSW
2009-2015 Senior Lecturer, Department of Pathology, SoMS UNSW
2012-2015 Associate Professor (Conjoint), School of Medical Science, Griffith University, Queensland
2015-Present Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, SBMS, UNSW Medicine
2014-2016 UNSW Academic Board Member, Faculty of Medicine Representative
2015-2016 Deputy Head, Department of Pathology, School of Medical Sciences, UNSW Medicine, UNSW
2016-2017 UNSW Teaching Fellow
2017-2022 Education Focussed Academic Champion, Vice Chancellor’s Strategy Office, UNSW
2017-Present Scientia Education Fellow
2018-Present Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy UK
2019-Present Professor
2021-Present Director, UNSW Scientia Education Academy
2024-Present Nexus Fellow
Medical Research Expertise
I am a Professor (Department of Pathology) and lead the Cancer Cachexia Mechanisms Research Group, Mechanisms of Disease and Translational Research within SBMS with particular expertise in underlying gene regulatory mechanisms in muscle wasting due to cancer cachexia. I have developed gene and proteomic approaches for identifying biomarkers in skeletal muscle wasting and have extensive experience with molecular and cellular techniques required to study the molecular mechanisms of transcription factor-mediated gene regulation. My specific expertise is in unravelling molecular mechanisms that involve DNA-protein interactions using electrophorectic mobility shift assays and protein-protein interactions using GST-pull down assays. I have previously established research programs on molecular mechanisms of nuclear receptor and myogenic transcription factor action.
Medical Research:
Recognition: 7 awards as a PhD Scholar. 3 international and national fellowships. Alexander von Humboldt Fellow (AvH), Heinrich Heine Universität, Germany 1997-1999, NHMRC Howard Florey Fellow 2000-2003 Children’s Medical Research Institute, NSW and Short-Term Japan Society for Promotion of Science Fellow 2002, National Science Institute, Japan. I have delivered 23 invited presentations.
Publications: Published journal/reviews/book chapters and abstracts: 73 (1993-2019). Of those, 31 peer reviewed Journal articles, 13 peer reviewed review articles and book chapters, 29 peer reviewed published abstracts, 2 patents in 5 countries. I have an H index=19 with >1270 citations (Scopus); H index=21 with >1810 citations (Google Scholar).
Funding: $1.6 million (project grants [1992-2013]). $2.434 million (infrastructure grants, since 2008).
Learning and Teaching Expertise
I am the Convenor of 3rd yr Pathology (PATH3205), SoMS Research Internship Co-ordinator (SOMS3001) and Co-convenor of 2nd yr Pathology (PATH2201/PATH2202) courses.
I have a national and international profile as an inspirational teacher who is an innovator in higher education. I have championed scholarly activities by creating multiple collaborative communities of practice that engage colleagues, tutors and students to enhance the learning and teaching experience at UNSW and beyond.
Education Research Projects:
Adaptive e-learning: Virtual Laboratories (v-Labs)
Microcredentialing Professional Skills and Graduate Attributes
Higher Education:
Recognition: 11 awards: 5 school, 2 faculty, 3 institutional, 1 national award and 4 nominations for national awards. UNSW Teaching Fellow (2016-2017). Scientia Education Fellow (2017-2021). I have delivered 80 invited institutional, national and international presentations.
Publications: Since 2008, I have generated 54 peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, international and national abstracts, and online resources on my scholarly approaches and education research. I have produced 6 course manuals, with ISBNs or ISSNs.
Funding: $5.16 million in higher education project grant funding, 2012-2019 to support development of eLearning resources.
International funding: 2019 Bavarian State Funding, Germany. P. Polly lead CI (Australia; UNSW), O.Friedrich lead CI (Germany; FAU); 2019 QuiS – FAU – International Collaborator; 2019-2020 DAAD Australian-German Exchange : ‘MyoRobot automated Biomechatronics Technology for Research, Higher Education and Teaching Using Virtual Skills Labs.’ P. Polly lead CI (Australia; UNSW), O.Friedrich lead CI (Germany; FAU)
Social Engagement, Global Impact, Leadership:
International: Chair, AAEEBL ePortfolio Research special interest group and AAEEBL Projects and Initiatives Standing Committee (both July 2017-present). Invited International Board Member, AAEEBL (March 2019-present). ePortfolios Australia, national conference organiser (2016 - present [Sydney host]-2018).
National: BEST Network lead (2012-2014); Alexander von Humboldt National Mentor (since 2014). ASMR Student Career Forum, Invited Speaker, 2014-2015; ASMR ‘Politics of Promotion’, Invited interview narrator and facilitator, 2017. ePortfolios Australia Committee member (since 2015).
UNSW: EF Academic Champion, (since 2017), Scientia Education Fellow (2017-2021), UNSW Teaching Fellow (2016-2017), UNSW Gene Technology Regulation Committee member (since 2008), UNSW Recognition of Education Excellence (2020-ongoing).
Faculty: Membership of multiple cross faculty promotion committees, as well as invited speaker of UNSW and Faculty of Medicine workshop activities for women. SoMS representative, cross-faculty BMedSci committee (since 2006), AWCAP Mentor (April 2020-ongoing).
SoMS: Honours co-ordinator and committee chair (2010-2013), Department of Pathology representative SoMS Honours committee (2008-2014) and SoMS teaching committee (2004-2016).
Deputy Head of Department Pathology, (2015-2016)
- SBMS Teaching Committee, Faculty of Medicine, 2004-Aug 2017
- BMedSc Committee, Faculty of Medicine/Faculty of Science, 2006-Present
- Developmental Cell Biology Group, NSW, 2007-2009
- Gene Technology Regulation Committee, UNSW, 2008-Present
- Department of Pathology Representative, SoMS Honours Committee, Faculty of Medicine, 2008-2013
- SoMS Research Committee, Faculty of Medicine, 2010-2013
- SoMS Honours Committee, Faculty of Medicine, Chair 2010-2013
- Department of Pathology Representative, SoMS OHS Committee, Faculty of Medicine, June 2011-2015
- UNSW Academic Board, Faculty of Medicine Representative, Dec 2014-Dec 2016
- SoMS Research Committee, Faculty of Medicine, 2010-2013
- SoMS Higher Degree Research Committee-2011-Present, Panel D Deputy Chair
- L&T May Forum, 2012 Working Party
- L&T May Forum, 2012 Table Facilitator
- Adaptive eLearning Forum, Organiser, Presenter and Panel Mediator, July 2012
- TCRN Education Working Group-Invited member, June 2013-Feb 2014
- ePortfolios Australia National Conference Organising Committee, 2016, 2017
- International AAEEBL Projects and Initiative Standing Committee, July 2017-present
- International AAEEBL Research Special Interest Group, Invited Chair, July 2017-present
- International AAEEBL Board Member, 2019-present
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
Higher Education:
Funding: $5.16 million in higher education project grant funding, 2012-2019 to support development of eLearning resources.
International funding: 2019 Bavarian State Funding, Germany. P. Polly lead CI (Australia; UNSW), O.Friedrich lead CI (Germany; FAU); 2019 QuiS – FAU – International Collaborator; 2019-2020 DAAD Australian-German Exchange : ‘MyoRobot automated Biomechatronics Technology for Research, Higher Education and Teaching Using Virtual Skills Labs.’ P. Polly lead CI (Australia; UNSW), O.Friedrich lead CI (Germany; FAU)
Medical Research:
Funding: $1.6 million (project grants [1992-2013]). $2.434 million (infrastructure grants, since 2008).
Institution and National Awards:
Dec 2005: SoMS Teaching Award ‘Innovations in Course Convening’
Dec 2007: SoMS Teaching Award ‘Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning’
Dec 2007: Faculty of Medicine Teaching Award, Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning
Dec 2010: SoMS Teaching Award ‘Enhancing the Student Experience’
Sept 2012: OLT Citation: ‘Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning’
Dec 2012: SoMS Teaching Award ‘Community Engagement’
Dec 2012: UNSW Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Initiatives that Enhance Learning
Dec 2013: SoMS Teaching Award ‘Teacher of the Year'
Dec 2014: Faculty of Medicine Teaching Award, ‘Teaching Excellence’
Dec 2015: UNSW Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence
2016-2017: UNSW Teaching Fellowship
2020: FULT Good Practice Award
2020: SBMS 'Adaptability and Innovation Award'
2021-awarded July: EF Fellow (T3 2021 – 1Sept – 31 Dec)
2021: SBMS 'Adaptability and Innovation Award'
2022: SBMS 'Adaptability and Innovation Award'