Dr Peter Ross
My principal area of research, together with James Levy, is a comparative study of investment in human development in Argentina and Australia between 1890 and 1960. Subsidiary research interests include changes in the composition and internal dynamics of families in Latin America, contemporary political developments in Latin America, and environmental affects of development in Amazonia.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
My Teaching
S2 2008 COMD1002: Development Studies: Poor World, Rich World
S2 2008 HIST2060/COMD2010/SPAN2428/GLST2101 (Un)Making the Third World B: The Americas
2008 Three PhD students
S1 2008 SPAN2406/EURO2411 Spain: From Loss of Empire to European Integration
S1 2007 COMD1001: Development Studies: The Emergence of Underdevelopment
2007 Two PhD Students
S2 2006 COMD1002: Development Studies: Poor World, Rich World
SPAN2425: The Americas Before Columbus
S1 2006 COMD1001: Development Studies: The Emergence of Underdevelopment
SPAN2406/EURO2411 Spain: From Loss of Empire to European Integration
2006 Three Honours Students, Two PhD Students
S2 2005 COMD1002: Development Studies: Poor World, Rich World
S1 2005 COMD1001: Development Studies: The Emergence of Underdevelopment
SPAN2406/EURO2411 Spain: From Loss of Empire to European Integration
SPAN2401: Colonising the Americas
2005 Three Honours Students, Two PhD Students
S2 2004 COMD1002: Development Studies: Poor World, Rich World
SPAN2418: Amazonia
S1 2004 COMD1001: Development Studies: The Emergence of Underdevelopment
SPAN2406/EURO2411 Spain: From Loss of Empire to European Integration
SPAN2401: Colonising the Americas
2005 Three Honours Students, Two PhD Students