Kim Goodwin
Kim Goodwin completed the Master of Art Administration now known as the Master of Curating & Cultural Leadership at UNSW Art & Design.
Kim Goodwin started her professional career in leadership development and human resources. After almost 15 years, Goodwin realised her interests lay specifically in creative organisations and so she decided to couple her professional experience with a further degree. She chose a Master Degree in Art Administration (now Master of Curating & Cultural Leadership) at UNSW Art & Design. It’s a degree that prepares people to become curators, gallery directors and policy makers. In 2011 Goodwin, at 36 years of age, became the first recipient of the Nick Waterlow Scholarship. She used the scholarship to work on the electronic and comprehensive dictionary of Australian art and artists - Design and Art Australia Online. Goodwin is now a PhD candidate at UTS and lectures at UNSW Art & Design on the topic of Cultural Policy and Leadership in the Cultural Industries.