Sian McIntyre
Sian McIntyre has completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts and Master of Fine Arts at UNSW Art & Design.
Sian is visual artist, writer, and curator. Her extraordinary energy has ensured that any project she believes to be interesting and worthwhile is accomplished with vigour, dedication, and more than a little pizzazz.
It’s not unusual for Sian to undertake two, three, or four major projects at one time. For example, when she was completing her Master of Fine Arts at UNSW Art & Design, she was employed as the curator for the A&D ANNUAL show that showcased 450 graduating students whilst also working as a special project officer for Papunya Tjupi Arts, a wholly Aboriginal-owned and operated arts centre in Central Australia. Sian is also founding Director of The Paper Mill Art Space, and board member of Runway Magazine.
Currently, Sian is working as the Director of Verge Gallery Sydney while simultaneously maintaining an active arts practice. In her role at Verge Sian is responsible for managing the gallery and overseeing all curatorial requirements; she handles marketing, promotions and social media; she undertakes sponsorships and corporate liaisons; and she oversees hiring and training volunteers. When not occupied by Verge needs, you may find Sian curating projects at other galleries around Sydney, such as the D_O_T exhibition at Galerie Pompom, wherein she hung works by some of Australia’s leading Indigenous artists, including Doris Bush, Martha McDonald, Isobel Major, Candy Nelson, Maureen Poulson, and Beyula Puntugka.