Master case interview skills with 100+ practice cases and online courses
Perfect critical skills with focused drills and practice questions
Learn from real candidates who joined top firms

CaseCoach is your go to platform to understanding what case interviews are and how to master them.

If you’re considering a career in consulting, you will undoubtedly come across a case interview as part of your recruitment process. CaseCoach's Consulting Interview Prep Toolkit equips you with everything you need to excel in case and fit interviews with top consulting firms. Polish your skills, explore example cases and practice with peers on diverse cases until you become comfortable solving cases on the spot. 

Double your chances of landing your dream job, with 1 in 4 CaseCoach candidates succeeding compared to 1 in 8 average candidates. 

What CaseCoach offers

  • Sharpen your case interview skills and master the competencies consulting firms evaluate with online courses.
  • Explore 100+ exclusive practice cases on diverse topics and formats, developed by former management consultants.
  • Practice with peers and conduct mock interviews with top candidates from UNSW and other leading universities.
  • Watch real candidates in action with over 20 sample interviews and see what it takes to join top firms.
  • Hone critical skills and work through hundreds of questions on calculations, case math, structures and charts with focused drills.
  • Complete the resume course for everything you need to write a successful application, with video tutorials and templates.
  • Gain insights from people who landed jobs at Bain, BCG, and McKinsey.

Start your journey to consulting success

Log in using UNSW single sign on by selecting UNSW Business School from the pop up list.