Amir Chiti Zadeh headshot

Amir Chiti Zadeh

PhD Student
Faculty of Business
School of Management and Governance

Amir is a PhD candidate and casual academic in the School of Management and Governance, UNSW Business School. His research focuses on the issue of how emerging market enterprises can successfully expand into global markets and compete with developed country firms. Drawing on his rich and diverse background of over ten years in industry, Amir seeks to close the gap between the ivory tower of academia and the fast-paced, ever-changing world of business, creating a much-needed bridge between these disparate domains.

PhD Candidate, UNSW Sydney

Master of Research, Management, Macquarie University,

Master of Commerce, Finance, UNSW Sydney

Bachelor of Commerce, International Business , University of Wollongong

2022 Travel Grant Award - UNSW Digital Grid Future Institute, $4,000

2020 Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship (RTP)  - University of New South Wales

2018 Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship (RTP) - Macquarie University

2017 Entrepreneurship in China & OBOR – Zhejiang University

2017 Higher degree research & research training program scholarship schemes living allowance – Macquarie University