Raisa Annisa
Email: r.annisa@unsw.edu.au
Supervisors: Elizabeth Thurbon, Elisabeth Kramer, Melissa Crouch
Raisa Annisa is a PhD student in the School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Design, and Architecture, University of New South Wales.
Before pursuing her doctoral degree, Raisa worked as a Policy Analyst for the Anti-Corruption Agency in Indonesia, focusing on corruption prevention research in the health and law enforcement sector. She was responsible for conducting research on policy implementation, including performing regulatory analysis, conducting corruption risk assessment, and formulating and delivering significant policy recommendations to key policymakers.
Raisa has contributed to social policy for more than eight years. Prior to joining to work for the government, she was in charge of the randomized evaluation program on small retailers' empowerment in Jakarta under Jamel Abdul Latif Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) Southeast Asia as a Research Associate. Raisa was also a Data Analyst in the National Team for Poverty Alleviation Acceleration Team (TNP2K) under the Vice President's Office, where she managed to do data analysis and research for monitoring the program for enhancing teachers' capacity in remote areas.
Raisa holds a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting from the University of Indonesia and a Master in Public Policy from The Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore.
- Research area
- Research outputs
- Public policy
- Corruption studies
- Health sector corruption
- Conflict of interest in policymaking
- Expert Think-in Measuring State Capture Workshop, International Anti-Corruption Academy. Laxenberg, Austria. May, 2023.
- Writer/Editor. G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group: Accountability Report 2022.
- 3rd Winner. Jaga Data Challenge 2021. Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission. Paper: Elaboration of Exploratory Data Analysis, PCA, & Supervised Learning in tracing the interaction of aspects of Prevention of Corruption and COVID-19 Risk at the regional level.
- Speaker/Paper Presenter on World Bank Symposium on Data Analytics for Anti-corruption Measures in the Public Sector. 2021. Paper: Elaboration of Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning Methods as Fraud Detection Tools in the National Health Insurance Policy: Lesson Learned from Indonesia (on progress for Conference Proceeding).
- Speaker on Virtual Workshop (APEC/OECD/Asia Development Bank project) Preventing and Combatting Corruption in Crises Situations.
- Published articles in Jurnal Integritas KPK Mengatasi Defisit Dana Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan Melalui Perbaikan Tata Kelola.