Convergence Papers

Reimagining the world, one paper at a time

Images from IGD publications

The UNSW Institute for Global Development's Convergence Papers are a series of publications that address complex global challenges by integrating diverse perspectives and interdisciplinary analysis.

They are designed to spur discussion and foster collaboration among researchers, policymakers, and practitioners, ensuring that academic findings are translated into practical applications.

These papers aim to provide unique insights and propose innovative solutions, thereby contributing to sustainable development and the well-being of communities worldwide.

Water, energy and food goals post 2030

Can carbon be the currency to a just world?

This publication provides an in-depth look at the issues discussed during our roundtable interaction at the Global Sustainable Development Congress 2024, reflecting on the role of carbon at the nexus of increasing water, energy, and food security towards and post 2030.

The last urban migration: What do we measure and for whom?

With external investment and proactive planning driving the region’s cities to become more technologically complex, dense, multicultural and innovative, there is urgency around enabling city systems to transition at pace to respond to multifaceted legacies of settlement, marginalisation and neglect.

Maitri Publication

Reimagining development partnerships for women’s economic security

Rising global fragility has hindered development progress, disproportionately impacting women worldwide. This brief explores how India and Australia can can support inclusive growth and sustainable development, advancing women’s economic security in the region.

Reimagining security sector support in crisis-affected contexts

The case study report distills findings from on our ongoing research collaboration with the Australian Civil Military Centre, the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, and Niti Foundation.