Prof Pierre Del MoralThe School is delighted to announce the appointment of a new Professor, Pierre Del Moral. He joins our Department of Statistics.

Following his masters degree in pure mathematics in 1989 at the University Paul Sabatier in Toulouse, Professor Del Moral joined the LAAS Automation and Control Institute of the C.N.R.S. (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique). In 1994, he obtained a PhD in signal processing with one of the first studies on stochastic particle methods in nonlinear filtering and optimal control problems.

From 1992 to 1995, he lectured in mathematics at the "Ecole Nationale Superieure de l'Aeronautique et de l'Espace", and was a research engineer at Steria-Digilog, working on particle filters in tracking problems arising in radar and sonar signal processing problems.

Professor Del Moral spent three years from 2011 as a Professor at the Applied Mathematical Center of the Polytechnique School in Paris.

He is known internationally for his work on the development of the theory on stochastic particle methods in nonlinear filtering, numerical physics, engineering and information theory. He has published over 100 papers in pure and applied probability journals, and is the author of the books "Mean field simulation for Monte Carlo integration", and "Feynman-Kac formulae. Genealogical and interacting particle approximations".

Professor Del Moral's current research interests include bayesian inference and nonlinear filtering, multiple targets tracking problems, rare event analysis, particle absorption models, Monte Carlo methods, stochastic algorithms, and branching processes.

We warmly welcome Professor Del Moral to the School of Mathematics and Statistics at UNSW.