On Friday August 22, eight members of UNSW, including students and staff from the CCRC, have committed to raising a combined $4,000 by walking 100km to help Oxfam Australia fight poverty.

It is a big challenge for the group, as they hit the trail during weekends and keep training/fundraising in their free time, but they expect it’s going to be an amazing experience both individually and as a team. The money they raise will be contributing to work that makes a tremendous difference to people living in poverty around the world and Indigenous communities in Australia.


How you can help

You can get behind the team, either by sponsoring them directly or referring us to others.  If you would like to sponsor them follow the link to the team/s: Ministry of Silly Walkers / Ministry of Silly Talkers. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the fundraising efforts so far.

A hundred km is a long way to walk!  But they are putting themselves through months of intense training to carry it off.


The Ministry of Silly Walkers  includes David H, Hannah, Ryan, Sam.

and the Ministry of Silly Talkers  includes Alice, Jules, Mat, Willem and Swa.