Five semi-finalists have been selected for the Year 3 Architecture LIGHT RAIL URBAN NODE: A STUDENT DESIGN COMPETITION.

The five semi-finalists are Andrew Best, Jonathan Yip, Kevin Si, Peter Choi and Shanny Goh.

The Urban Studio is conducted as a design idea competition for an innovative transport and education urban node in the Lower UNSW Campus. It includes: 

  1. Light Rail Stop within the TfNSW: a designated light rail platform at Anzac Parade
  2. Australian Graduate School of Architecture and Urbanism in the intersecting the University Mall with the Anzac Parade precinct including the Roundhouse re-development
  3. Urban Forum through which the dialogue between the University and the City of Sydney can take place

The Urban Studio reflected on Harry Seidler’s 1980 Six Lectures as part of his UNSW Design Studio for a New School Of Architecture. The following guests were invited to respond or introduce the lectures.

Professor Xing Ruan, BE Architecture Program Director responded to the Lecture #2 Form and Relation in Baroque and Modern Architecture. Professor Alec Tzannes, BE Dean introduced the lecture #3 Consequence of Design and Details. Professor Barry Bergdoll, Professor of Modern Architectural History at Columbia University and curator in the Department of Architecture and Design at the Museum of Modern Art responded to the Lecture #6 Principles in the Mainstream of Modern Architecture.

Professor Glenn Murcutt and Catherine Lassen (Course co-ordinators of Yr 3 Regional Studio) and Polly Seidler, Harry Seidler’s daughter, were also in attendance during the Bergdoll response.

The photo above features Polly Seidler, Berry Bergdoll and Glenn Murcutt.

Invited Guests Guest lecture and presentations were provided by: Fil Cerone, Tim Green and Alexandra Camillos (TfNSW - Transport For New South Wales) Anne Warren and David Goodwin (UNSW Planning and Development) Vassilios Angelidis (UNSW Australian Energy Research Institute Tyree Building).

Coming up:

30 October: after the public presentation of the five semi finalists, the top three projects will be selected.
14 November: Three finalists will formally present their design at Transport for NSW offices in Chatswood. On the same day the winning scheme will be announced and prizes will be awarded.