A career in consulting, accounting or investment banking are the options second year Bachelor of Commerce student, Sally Yu is currently weighing up. The Accounting and Finance major has been using the UNSW Business School Career Accelerator platform to talk to graduates working in both fields while getting insider knowledge into what her future career might look like. UNSW Business School Career Accelerator is a newly launched online platform which connects current business students with graduates from all over the world. It gives students the opportunity to have 30 minute 'career conversations' with graduates, providing the opportunity to make valuable business connections and learn about the workplace they'll join after university.

Sally is using the platform to have career conversations with professionals working in different roles across consulting, banking and management.

"The experience has been extremely positive and beneficial", says Sally

"Alumni I've spoken to have all been candid about their own personal career journeys. We've had deep and honest conversations that went beyond the surface. They really got me thinking about my future and what I'm looking for in my career".

One of Sally's first conversations was with an experienced graduate working at Bain & Company – what Sally considers to be a leading consulting firm.

"It's so valuable to be able to meet someone working in a firm like Bain in just my second year of study. It's difficult for students to otherwise access contacts working at these prestigious firms. I've been able to get unique insights into their work and what they look for in employees".

Career Accelerator isn't only about growing students' careers. Through the process of advising and talking to students, alumni will develop valuable coaching and managerial skills.

"Research suggests that the skills associated with mentoring and providing career advice are closely linked to more rapid career advancement," says Professor Nick Wailes, Associate Dean (Digital & Innovation), UNSW Business School.

"Even for fairly recent graduates - these are core leadership attributes that it is never too early to develop."

Graduates and students can read more and sign up to Career Accelerator online​
