Every career has its highs and its lows – its triumphs and failures. We want to hear about yours.

From the Trenches is a new alumni series that will feature career stories from our alumni community. We want you to share your experiences, life lessons, and career insights. The series will act as a narrative platform upon which the alumni community can engage with and learn from each other. Reflection, after all, is the greatest teacher.

Submissions should address one of the following prompts:

  • What failure taught me
  • How I survived corporate politicking
  • Leading from behind
  • Disruptor or disruptive
  • Agents of change
  • Finding success
  • Transition
  • Regrets, I’ve had a few
  • Lessons lived, learned and lost

Submissions should be 300-500 words (longer pieces will be accepted) and should be sent via email to Gabrielle Naglieri, Alumni Relations Communications Coordinator: g.naglieri@unsw.edu.au.