UNSW is excited to participate in Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras for the third year in a row. This student-led project has seen a dedicated group of students come together from the Faculties of Engineering, Built Environment and Art & Design to fabricate a float, design costumes and devise choreography that responds to the overall theme of ‘UNSW Pride’.

The project has provided an opportunity for students to combine their technical and creative skills, while showing support and celebrating the LGBTIQ community on and off campus. Funded by The Division of Equity Diversity & Inclusion (EDI), this initiative has also involved the collaboration of staff from EDI, Engineering, Art & Design, Arc and DEx to assist the student team in achieving their vision.

Constructed largely in the Willis Annexe MakerSpace on the Kensington campus over the summer break, the float will be completed at the Paddington campus for the final two weeks prior to parade day. At the same time, a group of 80 UNSW staff and students will be preparing to represent the University and march with pride. Creative workshops are scheduled at Paddington to learn the choreography, create the costumes and further develop a network at UNSW that supports the LGBTIQ community.

The Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade will take place on Saturday 2 March from 7:30pm. If you will be watching the parade, keep an eye out for your UNSW colleagues and students who are scheduled to begin marching at 10:10pm.

