Congratulations to Behnam Sadeghi who has recieved the first Founders Scholarship from the International Association of Mathematical Geosciences (IAMG) for 2020.
The Founders Scholarship is a prestigious award which is presented annually to an outstanding student or post-graduate scientist in the field of Mathematical and Statistical Geosciences. This scholarship is given in honor of individuals who participated in the founding of IAMG in 1968 at the 23rd International Geologic Congress in Prague, and who subsequently gave significant service to the association.
Behnam was nominated by Professor David Cohen (UNSW), Professor Vera Pawlowsky-Glahn (Spain), Dr Martiya Sadeghi (SGU Sweden), and Associate Professor Nasser Madani (Kazakhstan).
The award will be presented during a session at the upcoming IAMG Conference (IGC 2020) which will be held in India in March 2020. Behnam is going to present his research at the IGC 2020 on Theme 35: Advances in Mathematical Geosciences, Mineral Resource Evaluation and Mine-Planning.