Professor Jake Olivier has been appointed the next Head of Statistics in the School of Mathematics and Statistics.
In his announcement to School members, Head of School Bruce Henry said,
"Jake is well known and respected in the Department, and more generally in the School.
Jake has an outstanding research track record in applying statistics in medicine, transportation and accident analysis.
He has also contributed widely to course development, including specialist short courses, in the department.
I know that Jake is keen to support staff and to continue to grow the department as the leading department for statistics in Australia.
I want to thank Professor Scott Sisson for excellent service as outgoing Head of Statistics.
Scott has navigated particularly challenging conditions in recent years with the extraordinary growth in postgraduate coursework student numbers in Statistics and the development of new programs and courses in Data Science.
Scott is currently an ARC Future Fellow and he will be the inaugural Director of the Data Science Hub at UNSW - a strategic initiative of the Faculty of Science."
We warmly congratulate Professor Olivier and wish him all the best in this role.