In times of global crisis, it is natural for society to become cloaked in anxiety; our minds racing with countless questions and concerns around this new world order.
Is it possible to cultivate good mental health and positivity when so many traditional tools have become restricted? How will our nation respond to and defend against viral outbreak? What impact will lockdown have on our children’s development and dependency on technology? And how can we sustain – and grow – emotional connection from new distances?
Experts from UNSW Arts & Social Sciences are here to answer these questions – and more – in a new digital conversation series, #UNSWFromHome.
Newly appointed Dean for UNSW Arts & Social Sciences, Professor Claire Annesley, invites the University community to tune into this new series that offers expert commentary on how society understands and deals with the impact of coronavirus.
“From philosophy to history, education to relationships, over four consecutive weeks this series will equip our community with the knowledge to not only better understand the new world developing around them, but thrive within it,” says Professor Annesley.
“We invite all of our UNSW alumni, students, staff, donors and friends to engage with us in this thought-provoking series.”