National Water Grid Advisory Body appointed
Professor Stuart Khan has been appointed as one of eight advisors for the newly established National Water Grid Advisory Body, announced yesterday by Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack.
Professor Stuart Khan has been appointed as one of eight advisors for the newly established National Water Grid Advisory Body, announced yesterday by Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack.
The Federal Government established the advisory body to provide independent expert advice in supporting water infrastructure policies, projects and investment. It will play a vital role in supporting our rural and regional argiculture, water security and building resilence from drought and floods. After their first meeting in August, their first priorities are to review options around large-scale water harvesting and diversion schemes across Australia.
The members of the National Water Grid Advisory Body are:
• Mr Chris Lynch (Chair), leading Global Senior Executive (Victoria)
• Dr Cathy Foley, Chief Scientist CSIRO (NSW)
• Mr Jim Grayson, former Chief Executive Officer of Gladstone Area Water Board (Queensland)
• Ms Roseanne Healy, corporate advisory expert and strategist (South Australia)
• Dr Stuart Khan, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of New South Wales (NSW)
• Ms Sue Middleton, farmer and businesswoman (WA)
• Mr Peter Ryan, former Deputy Premier of Victoria (Victoria)
• Ms Elizabeth Stott, farmer, irrigator and former water public relations and engagement professional (NSW)
Stuart has a wealth of water expertise and will play a pivotal role in shaping our future water resources.
Media Release - 14 September 2020