Congratulations to Pinhas Grossman and Jan Zika, who have both been promoted to Associate Professor (effective 1 January 2021).
Pinhas joined the School in 2013 after positions at Vanderbilt University (USA), Cardiff University (UK), and IMPA (Brazil). His research interests are in the area of subfactors, which lies at the nexus of operator algebras, quantum topology, and representation theory. Pinhas has been our Honours Coordinator for Pure Mathematics since 2017.
Jan took up a lectureship in the School in 2016, following overseas roles as a senior research scientist and a Natural Environment Research Council Independent Research Fellow. He won the 2020 Australian Academy of Science Anton Hales Medal for his contributions to understanding the vital role of the ocean in the global climate system.
Announcing their promotions, Head of School Bruce Henry said, "This is a wonderful recognition of [Pinhas and Jan's] outstanding contributions in Research, Teaching, Engagement and Leadership".