Introducing Azadeh Tavakoli, PhD candidate working on a clinical trial exploring the impact of probiotics (helpful bacteria for human body health) and prebiotics (dietary fibres that feed the friendly bacteria in the gut) on reducing signs and symptoms of dry eye disease with A/Professor Maria Markoulli, A/Professor Judith Flanagan and Professor Eric Papas.
Dry eye disease is a symptomatic condition and one of the most frequent presentations to optometrists. Research shows dry eye has features of a chronic inflammatory disorder. Additionally, the association of the gut microbiome with inflammation in the body has been outlined. Therefore, her research focuses on reducing the level of inflammation on the eye by modifying gut function and exploring potential novel therapies that aim to modify healthy bacterial communities as a treatment for Dry Eye Disease.
Azadeh was a recipient of the 2019 Dorothy Carlborg CCLSA Research Award and an IMNIS mentee of Med Tech-Pharma Program NSW. For more information about Azadeh and her research see here: