The Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand (MSSANZ) announced our very own Dr Seokhyeon Kim as the recipient of its prestigious Early Career Excellence Award at the Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM) 2021 conference recently. This is an outstanding outcome and reflects the recognition Dr Kim is receiving for his excellence across multiple fields ranging from Satellite Remote Sensing (the focus of his PhD at UNSW in 2017), Flood modelling, Characterising uncertainty in Extreme Rainfall, Modelling Blue-Green Algae outbreaks in riverine systems, to Semi-distributed Hydrological Modelling using the SMART platform. Given that Dr Kim has served as a Postgraduate Teaching Fellow, has supervised a number of undergraduate and Master’s projects, many of which resulted in good publications at the end, and continues to lecture in postgraduate courses, is a testimony to his perseverance and tremendous work ethics.

This award is all the more notable given Seokhyeon’s remarkable publishing record with over 8 journal articles in A* journals each year in recent years (most as a first or corresponding author), a fast rising citation record with his first PhD paper (2016) now having close to 200 citations, plus publications in the many areas he has contributed to.

Seokhyeon joins an equally impressive list of past awardees from UNSW, which include our very own (now) Associate Professor Fiona Johnson and Dr Conrad Wasko. And as most who know Seokhyeon would say, this is only the beginning of big things to come!