The Diverse Book Series will highlight UNSW authors on topics related to equity, diversity and inclusion.
The Diverse Book Series is a new initiative by the Division of Equity Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) to launch monographs and edited collections by UNSW authors on topics related to equity, diversity and inclusion.
“I am delighted EDI is hosting this series of book launches. Promoting diversity and inclusion through books authored by our own academics celebrates their scholarship and challenges us to understand the world through diverse lenses,” said Professor Eileen Baldry, Deputy Vice Chancellor of the Division of Equity Diversity & Inclusion.
The inaugural event will be held at the UNSW Bookshop at 5pm on Wednesday 21 September, to launch The Routledge Handbook of Feminist Bioethics. The volume is essential reading for anyone with an interest in bioethics or feminist philosophy, and will prove an invaluable resource for scholars, teachers and advanced students. Professor Jackie Leach Scully, Professor of Bioethics and Director of the UNSW Disability Innovation Institute and her colleague Professor Wendy A. Rogers of Macquarie University will speak at the launch on the history and importance of feminist bioethics.
Registrations for this event are free and open now.
Get involved
The Diverse Book Series events will be held regularly from 5 - 6pm during the University’s teaching weeks, to increase accessibility for students and staff and EDI is inviting UNSW students and staff to submit proposals for future launches.
Proposals should include:
- An abstract or one paragraph summary of the book
- A list of UNSW authors included in the book, and their faculty and university role/affiliation
- A short explanation of the potential UNSW audience for the book and launch event
- A suggestion of one to three speakers who would be available to help launch or speak at a launch panel event
- Three possible weekday dates for the event.
Proposals are welcome via the EDI website.