uDASH started the year with a bang, organising a flurry of activity and events across Q1 and Q2.
To bring more focus to building relationships with industry, uDASH engaged Dr Robert Dew, Senior Partner at CapFeather Global, to run a ‘Market Growth – uDASH Commercial Research’ workshop. The aim was to help researchers better engage in commercial research with external partners through uDASH.
The day started with some background on the current state and trends of more traditional research funding sources in Australia, before transitioning into ways of partnering with business. This led into a look at how to approach this within an academic career, highlighting how corporate impacts can enhance the capacity for productive research. The day then ended with an open discussion session.
The workshop followed on from uDASH's successful ‘Business-to-Business Research Opportunities Workshop with CapFeather Global' in 2022.
uDASH is committed to supporting academic careers by helping our members find more opportunities in commercial research. This year we are working with CapFeather to build and deliver a professional go-to-market campaign, targeting companies and sectors for uDASH researchers to engage with.