The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly impacted national and international health and economic systems. Due to its highly contagious nature, many governments have been forced to impose lockdowns to contain further spread. The number of worldwide cases however continue to increase exponentially, with the oldest members of society most impacted by this virus (an estimated 80% of COVID-19 related deaths are amongst those 65 years and over).
Several UNSW Ageing Futures Institute investigators are contributing their expertise to the pandemic response. Their work supports the collective effort to contain the pandemic - from the prevention of new cases to the treatment of existing and future cases. The below summarises the work being undertaken by these investigators across multiple disciplines:
Professor Nigel Lovell – supporting the South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD) with its COVID response through technological approaches
Professor Mari Velonaki – undertaking a large grant proposal with an EU partner around supportive technology for more effective management of the COVID-19 situation in hospitals and health services
Professor Rebecca Ivers – partnership between the School of Public Health and Community Medicine and the Kirby Institute to increase the operational and research capacity of NSW Health
Professor Louisa Jorm – data modelling to show the effects of shrinking the COVID-19 curve to result in fewer cases and deaths (full article: link).
For more information about the Institute and its work, please email ageingfutures@unsw.edu.au