A huge congratulations to School of Mathematics and Statistics staff members Feng Chen, Quoc Thong Le Gia and Anita Liebenau who have all been promoted to Associate Professor (effective January 2024) for their outstanding contributions in research, teaching, and leadership.

Feng Chen joined the School of Mathematics and Statistics in 2008 as a Lecturer in Statistics, and was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2013. He has received a selection of research grants including several Faculty Research Grants, a Faculty Silverstar Award, an Early Career Research Grant, and a Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology grant. He is also a participant in two current CSIRO Next Generation Graduates Program grants via the UNSW Data Science Hub. 

Quoc Thong Le Gia joined the School in 2004 as a postdoctoral researcher. He was promoted to Lecturer in 2013 and then Senior Lecturer in 2018. He is a member of the School’s Computational Mathematics group, which for the past two years was acknowledged as the national leader in the field by The Australian’s Research magazine. Last year he was elected as Co-chair, Computational Mathematics, of the Mathematics of Computation and Optimisation special interest group of the Australian Mathematical Society. He received an ARC Discovery Grant (2022-2024).

Anita Liebenau joined the School in 2018 as a Lecturer, and was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2020. In 2020 she won a Faculty of Science Early Career Excellence Award, and the following year a Dean of Science Stand Out Award for her work as the School’s representative on the Science Sustainability Working Group. She received an ARC Discovery Grant (2022-2024).

Congratulations to Feng, Thong and Anita! 

Feng Chen, Quoc Thong Le Gia and Anita Liebenau