UNSW’s Faculty of Engineering is committed to boosting the participation of underrepresented cohorts in engineering. A key component of this commitment is introducing the ideas of STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine) to girls and young women through outreach activities.

In August, we had the joy of hosting year 5 and 6 students from Coogee Public School across two jam-packed days for our Girls in STEMM outreach event. This event was hosted by Dr. Wendy Lee as part of the UNSW STEMM Champions program, in collaboration with the UNSW Engineering Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) team.

The days were designed to encourage these bright young minds to dive deep into the world of engineering. The girls were urged to ask “why” and embrace the curiosity that drives innovation in engineering. The students participated in workshops designed and delivered by the Schools of Chemical Engineering, Materials Science, Electrical Engineering, and Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering. They experienced hands-on activities to learn about water filtration, electrical circuits, and the power of solar energy, and even had the opportunity to enjoy liquid nitrogen ice cream!

The enthusiasm and excitement of the students as they explored various engineering activities was heartwarming. It is our hope that this experience ignites a passion within them, leading them to consider pursuing engineering, perhaps even at UNSW one day.

This event would not have been possible without the incredible support and dedication of the School academics and UNSW STEMM Champions team, who played a crucial role in facilitating the workshops and ensuring the success of the program.