Adjunct Professor Abigail Powell

Adjunct Professor Abigail Powell

Adjunct Professor
Business School
Centre for Social Impact
+61 2 8936 0916
Centre for Social Impact UNSW Sydney Sydney NSW 2052
  • Book Chapters | 2017
    Galea NR; Rogan A; Blaxland M; Powell A; Chappell L; Dainty A; Loosemore M, 2017, 'A new approach to studying gender in construction', in Emuze F; Smallwood J (ed.), Valuing People in Construction, Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 113 - 129,
    Book Chapters | 2016
    2016, 'Housework, intergenerational dependency and challenges to traditional gender roles', in Multigenerational Family Living, Routledge, pp. 107 - 122,
    Book Chapters | 2016
    Powell A; Craig L, 2016, 'Housework, intergenerational dependency and challenges to traditional gender roles', in Liu E; Easthope H (ed.), Multigenerational Family Living Evidence and Policy Implications from Australia, Routledge, London, pp. 93 - 108
    Book Chapters | 2012
    Powell A; Sang K, 2012, 'Equality, diversity, inclusion and work-life balance in construction', in Dainty A; Loosemore M (ed.), Human Resource Management in Construction: critical perspectives, Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 163 - 196,
    Book Chapters | 2008
    Bagilhole B; Powell A; Dainty A, 2008, 'What is it about UK Engineering Higher Education (HE) that Deters Women from an Engineering Career?', in Oleksy E; Peto A; Waaldijk B (ed.), Gender and Citizenship in a Multicultural Context, edn. Original, Peter Lang, Frankfurt
    Book Chapters | 2007
    Powell A; Bagilhole B; Dainty A, 2007, 'Chapter 3: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Women Engineering Students’ Experiences of UK Higher Education', in Women and Minorities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Edward Elgar Publishing,
    Book Chapters | 2007
    Powell A; Bagilhole B; Dainty A, 2007, 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Women Engineering Students' Experiences of UK Higher Education', in Mattis M; Burke R (ed.), Women and minorities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics: Upping the numbers, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 47 - 70
  • Journal articles | 2022
    Galea N; Powell A; Salignac F; Chappell L; Loosemore M, 2022, 'When Following the Rules Is Bad for Wellbeing: The Effects of Gendered Rules in the Australian Construction Industry', Work, Employment and Society, vol. 36, pp. 119 - 138,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Meltzer A; Ramia I; Moffatt J; Powell A, 2022, 'Creating relationship-based practice in youth employment services—Converting policy intentions to practical program design', Social Policy and Administration,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Smyth C; Cortis N; Powell A, 2021, 'University staff and flexible work: inequalities, tensions and challenges', Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, vol. 43, pp. 489 - 504,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Galea N; Powell A; Loosemore M; Chappell L, 2020, 'The gendered dimensions of informal institutions in the Australian construction industry', Gender, Work and Organization, pp. 1 - 18,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Loosemore M; Denny-Smith G; Barraket J; Keast R; Chamberlain D; Muir K; Powell A; Higgon D; Osborne J, 2020, 'Optimising social procurement policy outcomes through cross-sector collaboration in the Australian construction industry', Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, vol. 28, pp. 1908 - 1928,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Muir K; Powell A; Flanagan K; Stone W; Tually S; Faulkner D; Hartley C; Pawson H, 2020, ''A pathway to where?' Inquiry into understanding and reimagining social housing pathways', AHURI Final Report, pp. 1 - 67,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Meltzer A; Powell A; Saunders I, 2019, 'Pathways to educational engagement: an exploratory study of outcomes from an Australian school-based youth mentoring program', Journal of Youth Studies, pp. 1 - 16,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Cortis N; Powell A, 2018, 'Playing catch up? An exploration of supplementary work at home among Australian public servants', Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 60, pp. 538 - 559,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Craig L; Powell A, 2018, 'Shares of Housework Between Mothers, Fathers and Young People: Routine and Non-routine Housework, Doing Housework for Oneself and Others', Social Indicators Research, vol. 136, pp. 269 - 281,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Salignac F; Galea N; Powell A, 2018, 'Institutional entrepreneurs driving change: The case of gender equality in the Australian construction industry', Australian Journal of Management, vol. 43, pp. 152 - 169,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Powell A; Cortis N, 2017, 'Working Time in Public, Private, and Nonprofit Organizations: What Influences Prospects for Employee Control?', Human Service Organizations Management, Leadership and Governance, vol. 41, pp. 162 - 177,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Craig L; Powell A; Brown JE, 2016, 'Gender patterns in domestic labour among young adults in different living arrangements in Australia', Journal of Sociology, vol. 52, pp. 772 - 788,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Craig L; Powell A; Brown JE, 2015, 'Co-resident Parents and Young People Aged 15–34: Who Does What Housework?', Social Indicators Research, vol. 121, pp. 569 - 588,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Galea N; Powell A; Loosemore M; Chappell L, 2015, 'Designing robust and revisable policies for gender equality: lessons from the Australian construction industry', Construction Management and Economics, vol. 33, pp. 375 - 389,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Powell A; Craig L, 2015, 'Gender differences in working at home and time use patterns: evidence from Australia', Work, Employment and Society, vol. 29, pp. 571 - 589,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Powell A; Sang K, 2015, 'Everyday experiences of sexism in male-dominated professions: a Bourdieusian perspective', Sociology, vol. 49, pp. 919 - 936,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Sang K; Powell A; Finkel R; Richards J, 2015, ''Being an academic is not a 9-5 job': long working hours and the 'ideal worker' in UK academia', LABOUR & INDUSTRY-A JOURNAL OF THE SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC RELATIONS OF WORK, vol. 25, pp. 235 - 249,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Craig L; Powell A; Smyth C, 2014, 'Towards intensive parenting? Changes in the composition and determinants of mothers and fathers' time with children 1992-2006', British Journal of Sociology, vol. 65, pp. 555 - 579,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Craig L; Powell A, 2013, 'Non-parental childcare, time pressure and the gendered division of paid work, domestic work and parental childcare', Community Work and Family, vol. 16, pp. 100 - 119,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Patulny RV; Muir K; Powell A; Flaxman S; Oprea I, 2013, 'Are we reaching them yet? Service access patterns amongst attendees at the headspace youth mental health initiative', Child and Adolescent Mental Health, vol. 18, pp. 95 - 102,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Powell A; Sang KJC, 2013, 'Equality, diversity and inclusion in the construction industry: Editorial for Special Issue', Construction Management and Economics, vol. 31, pp. 795 - 801,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Craig L; Powell A, 2012, 'Dual-earner parents' work-family time: the effects of atypical work patterns and non-parental childcare', International Journal of Population Research, vol. 29, pp. 229 - 247,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Craig L; Powell A; Cortis N, 2012, 'Self-employment, work-family time and the gender division of labour', Work, Employment and Society, vol. 26, pp. 716 - 734,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Muir K; Powell A, 2012, 'Walking a wellbeing tightrope: young people in Australia', Journal of Population Research, vol. 29, pp. 293 - 313,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Muir K; Powell A; McDermott SC, 2012, ''They don't treat you like a virus': youth friendly lessons from the Australian National Youth Mental Health Foundation', Health and Social Care in the Community, vol. 20, pp. 181 - 189,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Powell A; Dainty A; Bagilhole B, 2012, 'Gender stereotypes among women engineering and technology students in the UK: lessons from career choice narratives', European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 37, pp. 541 - 556,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Craig L; Powell A, 2011, 'Nonstandard work schedules, work-family balance and the gendered division of childcare', Work Employment and Society, vol. 25, pp. 274 - 291,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Powell A; Dainty A; Bagilhole B, 2011, 'A Poisoned Chalice? Why UK women engineering and technology students may receive more 'help' than their male peers', Gender and Education, vol. 23, pp. 585 - 599,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Barnard S; Powell A; Bagilhole B; Dainty A, 2010, 'Researching UK Women Professionals in SET: A Critical Review of Current Approaches', International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, vol. 2, pp. 362 - 381,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Powell A; Bagilhole B; Dainty A, 2009, 'How women engineers do and undo gender: consequences for gender equality', Gender Work and Organization, vol. 16, pp. 411 - 428,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Powell A; Hassan TK; Dainty A; Carter , 2009, 'Note: exploring gender differences in construction research: a European perspective', Construction Management and Economics, vol. 27, pp. 803 - 807,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Sang K; Ison S; Dainty A; Powell A, 2009, 'Anticipatory socialization amongst architects: A qualitative examination', Education and Training, vol. 51, pp. 309 - 321,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Powell A; Bagilhole B; Dainty A, 2006, 'The Problem of Women's Assimilation into UK Engineering Cultures: Can critical mass work?', Equal Opportunities International, vol. 25, pp. 688 - 699
    Journal articles | 2004
    Powell A; Bagilhole B; Dainty A; Neale R, 2004, 'Does the Engineering Culture in UK Higher Education Advance Women's Careers', Equal Opportunities International, vol. 23, pp. 21 - 38
  • Reports | 2020
    Ramia I; Meltzer A; Moffat J; Powell A; Barnes E, 2020, Your job your way final evaluation report,
    Reports | 2020
    Ramia I; Powell A; Barnes E; Moffat J; Meltzer A; Saunders A, 2020, Your job your way interim evaluation report
    Reports | 2019
    Powell A; Meltzer A; Martin C; Stone W; Liu E; Flanagan K; Muir K; Tually S, 2019, The construction of social housing pathways across Australia, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, Melbourne, 316,,
    Reports | 2019
    Weier M; Dolan K; Powell A; Muir K; Young A, 2019, Money stories: Financial resilience among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians,
    Reports | 2018
    Cortis N; Powell A; Ramia I; Marjolin , 2018, Australia's grant-making charities in 2016: an analysis of structured philanthropy and other grant-makers, Centre for Social Impact and Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney,,
    Reports | 2018
    Cortis N; Smyth C; Powell A, 2018, A flexible workplace for all? Staff perspectives on flexible work at UNSW, UNSW
    Reports | 2018
    Galea N; Powell A; Loosemore M; Chappell L, 2018, Demolishing Gender Structures,
    Reports | 2018
    Powell A, 2018, Measuring the FIAP Impact: Process and Baseline Impact Evaluation of the Financial Inclusion Action Plan (FIAP) Program 2018, Good Shepherd Microfinance,
    Conference Papers | 2018
    Powell A; Galea N; Salignac F; Loosemore M; Chappell L, 2018, 'Masculinity and Workplace Wellbeing in the Australian Construction Industry', in Proceeding of the 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, Association of Researches in Construction Management, Queens University, Balfast, Ireland, UK, pp. 321 - 330, presented at 34th Annual Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) Conference, Queens University, Balfast, Ireland, UK, 03 September 2018 - 05 September 2018,
    Reports | 2018
    Powell A; Salignac F; Meltzer A; Muir K; Weier M, 2018, Background report on young people’s economic engagement,,
    Reports | 2018
    Ramia I; Powell A, 2018, Evaluation Framework your job your way pilot program
    Reports | 2018
    Ramia IO; powell A; Cortis N; Marjolin A, 2018, Growth and change in Australia’s charities: 2014 to 2016,
    Reports | 2018
    Weier M; Marjolin A; Powell A; Muir K, 2018, Financial security and the influence of economic resources,,
    Reports | 2017
    Buttler R; Powell A; Ramia IO, 2017, An evaluation framework for the Widening Participation and Outreach USYD, Widening Participation and Outreach USYD
    Reports | 2017
    Cortis N; Powell A; Ramia I, 2017, Australia’s Aged Care Charities in 2015, Centre for Social Impact and Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Australia., UNSW Sydney,
    Conference Presentations | 2017
    Galea NR; Powell A, 2017, 'Short-term and informal: Flexible work practices in the construction sector', presented at AIRAANZ, 08 February 2017 - 10 February 2017
    Reports | 2017
    Marjolin ; Muir K; Ramia I; Powell A, 2017, Why is financial stress increasing? Financial Resilience in Australia 2016 - Part 1, Centre for Social Impact, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,
    Reports | 2017
    Marjolin A; Ramia ; Muir ; Powell A, 2017, Financial Resilience and Employment: Financial Resilience in Australia 2016 - Part 3, Centre for Social Impact, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,
    Reports | 2017
    Noone J; Marjolin A; Skelton L; Graham K; Salignac F; Powell A, 2017, Collaboration health assessment tool, Sydney, Australia,
    Reports | 2017
    Powell A; Cortis N; Ramia I; Marjolin A, 2017, Australian Charities Report 2016, Centre for Social Impact and Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,,
    Reports | 2017
    Powell A; Marjolin A; Etuk L; Ramia I, 2017, Evaluation Framework Part II: Measuring the FIAP Impact, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,
    Reports | 2017
    Ramia IO; Salignac F; Powell A, 2017, Developing a collection of spheres and outcomes of wellbeing. For a NSW wellbeing indicator bank, NSW Mental Health Comission
    Reports | 2017
    Walker A; Wilcox T; Powell A; Muir K, 2017, The Navigator: Your guide to leadership for social purpose, Centre for Social Impact, UNSW, Sydney,,
    Reports | 2016
    Bennett S; Reeve R; Muir K; Marjolin A; Powell A, 2016, Orienting your journey: An approach for indicator assessment and selection, Centre for Social Impact, UNSW, Sydney, The Change Collection,,
    Other | 2016
    Bennett SJ; Reeve R; Muir K; Marjolin A; Powell A, 2016, Orienting your journey: An approach for indicator assessment and selection, Centre for Social Impact,
    Reports | 2016
    Cortis N; Young A; Powell A; Reeve R; Ho K; Ramia I, 2016, Australian Charities Report 2015, Centre for Social Impact and Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney,,
    Reports | 2016
    Galea N; Rogan ; Powell A; Loosemore M; Chappell L, 2016, Demolishing gender structures, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,,
    Conference Presentations | 2016
    Galea NR; Powell A; Dainty A; Chappell L; Loosemore M, 2016, 'Are institutional mechanisms responsible for gender equality inertia in the construction industry', presented at 30th AIRAANZ, Sydney, 10 February 2016 - 12 February 2016
    Reports | 2016
    Muir K; Marjolin A; Reeve R; Powell A; Etuk L, 2016, Evaluation Framework Part I: FIAP Concepts and Population Baseline, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,
    Reports | 2016
    Powell A; Cortis N; Young A; Reeve R; Simnett R; Ramia I, 2016, Australia's Smallest Charities 2015, Centre for Social Impact and Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney,
    Reports | 2015
    Cortis N; Lee I; Powell A; Simnett R; Reeve R, 2015, Australia's Disability Charities 2014, Centre for Social Impact and Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Australia, Sydney,
    Reports | 2015
    Cortis N; Lee I; Powell A; Simnett R; Reeve R, 2015, Australian Charities Report 2014, Centre for Social Impact and Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney,,
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Loosemore M; Powell A; Blaxland M; Galea N; Dainty A; Chappell L, 2015, 'Rapid Ethnography in Construction Gender Research', in Raiden AB; Aboagye-Nimo E (ed.), Proceedings of the 31st Annual ARCOM Conference, Association of Researchers in Construction, Lincoln, UK, pp. 1271 - 1280, presented at 31st Annual ARCOM Conference, Lincoln, UK, 07 September 2015 - 09 September 2015,
    Reports | 2015
    Marjolin A; Powell A; Muir K, 2015, The Travel Companion: your guide to working with others for social outcomes, Centre for Social Impact, UNSW, Sydney,,
    Reports | 2015
    Muir K; Bennett S; Reeve R; Powell A; Young A, 2015, Uniting by cause to impact at scale: A shared outcomes measurement blueprint for Australia, Centre for Social Impact, UNSW, Sydney,,
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Galea N; Loosemore M; Powell A; Chappell L, 2014, 'Gender equity in construction professions: a New Institutionalist perspective', in Raiden A; Aboagye E (ed.), Proceedings of the ARCOM 30th Annual Conference, Portsmouth, UK, pp. 1111 - 1119, presented at ARCOM, Portsmouth, UK, 01 September 2014 - 03 September 2014,
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Galea N; Powell A; Chappell L; Loosemore M, 2014, 'A New Institutional perspective on gender equity in a large construction company', in West B (ed.), The Australian Sociological Association Conference 2014, The Australian Sociological Association, Adelaide, Australia, presented at TASA Conference 2014, Adelaide, Australia, 24 November 2014 - 27 November 2014,
    Conference Presentations | 2014
    Powell A; Chappell L; Galea N; Loosemore M, 2014, 'Understanding gender regimes in the construction industry from a new institutionalist perspective.', presented at SWE14 (The Annual Conference for Women Engineers) + ICWES16 (International Conference for Women Engineers and Scientists),, , Los Angeles, United States., 23 October 2014 - 25 October 2014
    Reports | 2013
    Katz I; Powell A; Gendera S; Deasy T; Okerstrom E, 2013, The experiences of Irregular Maritime Arrivals detained in immigration detention facilities: Final report for the Australian Government Department of Immigration and Citizenship, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney,,
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Sang K; Powell A, 2012, 'Gender Inequality in the Construction Industry: Lessons from Pierre Bourdieu', in Smith S (ed.), Proceedings of the ARCOM 28th Annual Conference, Association of Researchers in Construction Management, Edinburgh, UK, pp. 237 - 247, presented at ARCOM 28th Annual Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 03 September 2012 - 05 September 2012,
    Conference Papers | 2011
    Craig L; Powell A, 2011, 'Strategies for juggling work and family time in dual-earner households: how effective are they?', in Chester L; Johnson M; Kriesler P (eds.), Conference Proceedings: Refereed Papers, Society of Heterodox Economists, Sydney, presented at Society of Heterodox Economics, Sydney, 05 December 2011 - 06 December 2011
    Reports | 2011
    Powell A; Muir K; Adamson E; Flaxman S; Gendera S; Heese K; Oprea I; Zhu A; Vespignani J; Behrend Z; Malins T; Lind L; Williams B; Holmes J, 2011, A Picture of NSW Children, NSW Commission for Children and Young People, Sydney, A Picture of NSW Children,
    Conference Papers | 2010
    Craig L; Powell A, 2010, 'Self-employment and work-family balance', in Velayutham S; Ebert N; Watkins S (eds.), Social Causes. Private Lives, MacQuarie University, MacQuarie Unviersity, Sydney, presented at The Australain Sociologial Association Annual Conference, Macquarie University, 06 December 2010 - 09 December 2010
    Conference Papers | 2010
    Powell A; Dainty A; Bagihole B, 2010, 'Achieving gender equality in the construction professions: lessons from the career decisions of women construction students in the UK', in Egbu C (ed.), Proceedings of the ARCOM 26th Annual Conference, Association of Researchers in Construction Management, Leeds, pp. 573 - 582, presented at ARCOM 26th Annual Conference, Leeds, 06 September 2010 - 08 September 2010,
    Reports | 2009
    Muir K; Mullan K; Powell A; Flaxman S; Thompson DA; Griffiths MJ, 2009, State of Australia's young people: a report on the social, economic, health and family lives of young people, Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney,,
    Reports | 2009
    Muir K; Powell A; Patulny RV; Flaxman S; McDermott SC; Gendera S; Abello D; Katz I, 2009, Headspace Evaluation Report Independent Evaluation of headspace: the National Youth Mental Health Foundation, Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney, SPRC Report, 19/09,
    Theses / Dissertations | 2009
    Powell A, 2009, The (un) balancing Act: The impact of culture on women engineering students’ gendered and professional identities, Loughborough University,
    Reports | 2008
    Bagilhole B; Powell A; Barnard S; Dainty A, 2008, Researching Cultures in Science, Engineering and Technology: An analysis of current and past literature, UKRC, Bradford, Research Report Series for UKRC, Research Report Series for UKRC No.7,,
    Conference Papers | 2008
    Powell A; Hassan TK; Dainty A; Carter C, 2008, 'The Under-representation of Women in European Construction Research', in Dainty A (ed.), Proceedings of 24th Annual ARCOM Conference, Cardiff, UK, pp. 881 - 890, presented at ARCOM 24th Annual Conference, Cardiff, 01 September 2008 - 03 September 2008
    Conference Papers | 2007
    Powell A; Hassan TK; Dainty A; Carter C, 2007, 'Strengthening Women's Participation in Construction Research in Europe', in Boyd D (ed.), Proceedings of the ARCOM 23rd Annual Conference, Belfast, UK, pp. 347 - 356, presented at ARCOM 23rd Annual Conference, Belfast, UK, 03 September 2007 - 05 September 2007
    Reports | 2006
    Powell A; Bagilhole B; Dainty A; Neale R, 2006, Research Briefing - Encounters with Engineering: First experiences of women students, UK Resource Centre for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology, Bradford, Research Briefing - Encounters with Engineering: First experiences of women students
    Conference Papers | 2005
    Powell A; Bagilhole B; Dainty A; Neale R, 2005, 'Coping in Construction: Female student's perspectives', in Khosrowshahi F (ed.), Proceedings of the ARCOM 21st Annual Conference, London, England, pp. 33 - 42, presented at ARCOM 21st Annual Conference, London, England, 07 September 2005 - 09 September 2005
    Conference Papers | 2005
    Powell A; Bagilhole B; Dainty A; Neale R, 2005, 'Does Higher Education in the UK prepare women engineering students for the transition to paid work?', in Pudlowski ZJ (ed.), Proceedings of the 8th UICEE Annual Conference on Engineering Education, Bringing Engineering Educators Together, UICEE 8th Annual Conference on Engineering Education, Kingston, Jamaica, presented at UICEE 8th Annual Conference on Engineering Education, Kingston, Jamaica, 07 February 2005 - 11 February 2005
    Conference Papers | 2004
    Powell A; Bagilhole B; Dainty A; Neale R, 2004, 'An Investigation of Women's Career Choice in Construction', in Khosrowshahi F (ed.), Proceedings of the ARCOM 20th Annual Conference, ARCOM 20th Annual Conference, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, pp. 477 - 484, presented at ARCOM 20th Annual Conference, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 01 September 2004 - 03 September 2004