Dr Alexis Tabensky

Honorary Senior Lecturer
BADipEd Univ.Chile; LèsLing Paris 8; MèsLang Sc Paris 8; PhD UNSW.
Arts,Design & Architecture
School of Humanities & Languages
Morven Brown
  • Books | 1997
    Tabensky A, 1997, Spontaneite et interaction: le jeu de role dans l`enseignement des langues etrangeres, Original, L'Harmattan, Paris
  • Book Chapters | 2014
    Tabensky A, 2014, 'Gestures, postures, gaze, and other body movements in the 2nd language classroom interaction', in Muller C; Cienki A; Fricke E; Ladewig S; McNeill D; Bressem J (ed.), Body-Language-Communication. An International Handbook on Multimodality in Human Interaction. Volume 2, edn. First, De Gruyter Mouton, Berlin, pp. 1426 - 1432, http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/186076
    Book Chapters | 2008
    Tabensky A, 2008, 'Expository Discourse in a Second Language Classroom: How Learners Use Gesture', in McCafferty SG; Stam G (ed.), Gesture Second Language Acquisition and Classroom Research, Routledge Press, US and Great Britain, pp. 298 - 320, http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9780203866993
    Book Chapters | 2006
    Tabensky A, 2006, 'Mise en mots et mise en gestes. Une observation en clase de FLE (Putting into words and putting into gestures: observation of a French language class)', in Faraco M (ed.), La classe de langue. Theories, methods et pratiques (The Language Class: theories, methods and practices), edn. First, Publications de l'Universite de Provence, Aix-en-Provence, pp. 307 - 329
  • Journal articles | 2012
    Tabensky A, 2012, 'Non-verbal resources and storytelling in second language classroom interaction', Journal of Applied Linguistics, vol. 5, pp. 321 - 348, http://dx.doi.org/10.1558/japl.v5i2.321
    Journal articles | 2004
    Tabensky A, 2004, 'La repeticion del gesto en el discurso interactivo [Gesture repetition in interactive discourse]', Revista Signos, vol. 37, pp. 41 - 58
    Journal articles | 2002
    Tabensky A, 2002, 'Gesture and speech rephrasings in conversation', Gesture, vol. 1, pp. 213 - 235, http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/gest.1.2.07tab
    Journal articles | 2001
    Tabensky A, 2001, 'The taking into account of another gesture or word through interaction', Bulletin de la Societe de Linguistique de Paris, vol. 96, pp. 227 - 240, http://dx.doi.org/10.2143/bsl.96.1.503743
    Journal articles | 2001
    Tabensky A, 2001, '`La prise en compte de l`autre. Geste et parole dans l`interaction` (Taking the other into account. Gesture and speech in face-to-face interaction)', Bulletin de la Societe de Linguistique de Paris (Bulletin of the Linguistics Society of Paris), vol. XCVI, pp. 227 - 240
    Journal articles | 2000
    Tabensky A, 2000, 'Discussion as Dyadic Interaction: Lessons from a Corpus', The Hard Work - Entertainment Continuum: Teaching Asian Languages in Australia (Australian Review of Applied Linguistics Special Series), pp. 49 - 64
    Journal articles | 1996
    Tabensky A, 1996, 'Photographie et interaction verbale dans l`enseignement des langues (Photography and spoken interaction in language teaching)', Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, vol. Paper 15, pp. 107 - 124
  • Conference Papers | 2010
    Tabensky A; Peters H, 2010, 'Comment faire entrer le monde francophone dans la salle de classe: Skype', in Meunier J; Atherton B; Grauby F; Royer M (eds.), Le français et la diversité francophone en Asie-Pacifique. Actes du 2ème Congrès de la CAP - FIPF Sydney 2010, Gerflint, Sydney, pp. 231 - 241, presented at Congrès de la Commission Asie Pacifique Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Français, Sydney, 02 December 2010 - 05 December 2010, http://fipf.org/sites/fipf.org/files/livre__pacifique__final.pdf
    Conference Papers | 2002
    Tabensky A, 2002, 'Gestures in oral presentations by second language learners.', in Streeck J (ed.), Gesture: The Living Medium, Gesture: The Living Medium, University of Texas, Austin, presented at Gesture: The Living Medium, University of Texas, Austin, 05 June 2002 - 08 June 2002
    Conference Papers | 2001
    Tabensky A, 2001, '`Le pointage en anglais, en espagnol et en francais` (Pointing in English, Spanish and French)', in Cave C; Guaitella I; Santi S (eds.), Oralite et gestualite. Interaction et comportements multimodaux dans la communication (Orality and Gestuality. Interaction and multimodal behavior in communication processes), Oralite et gestualite. Interaction et comportements multimodaux dans la communication (Orality and Gestuality. Interaction and multimodal behavior in communication processes), Paris, France, pp. 586 - 590, presented at Oralite et gestualite. Interaction et comportements multimodaux dans la communication (Orality and Gestuality. Interaction and multimodal behavior in communication processes), Paris, France
    Conference Papers | 1998
    Tabensky A, 1998, 'Gestes déictiques et métaphoriques dans l`interaction: Une étude comparative transculturelle', in Oralite et gestualite. Communication multimodale, interaction, Oralité et gestualité. Communication multimodale, interaction, France, pp. 393 - 398, presented at Oralité et gestualité. Communication multimodale, interaction, France, 09 December 1998