Dr Ali Isin
Dr. Ali Isin is a Visiting Fellow at the School of Population, Medicine & Health, UNSW. He earned his MSc and PhD from the Institute of Health Sciences, Akdeniz University, where his research focused on lower extremity malalignment in football players, particularly genu varum. After working as a research assistant for many years, he has been serving as an Assistant Professor at Akdeniz University for the past two years. Dr. Isin is a member of the editorial board for BMC Public Health and serves as a review editor for Frontiers in Psychology. His research interests include drowning prevention, sports injuries, lower extremity alignment, and talent selection and performance analysis in football. Dr. Isin's postdoctoral research is supported by a fellowship from the Scientific and Technological Research Institution of Turkey (TÜBİTAK). He is actively involved in interdisciplinary projects aimed at improving health outcomes and sports performance.
- Publications
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- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision