Dr Allison Humphries
PhD, Grad Dip PH, MSc
PhD, Grad Dip PH, MSc
I am currently the Head of Project Operations at The Black Dog Institute. In this role I lead a team of Project Managers to coordinate and deliver multiple large and small scale mental health projects.
My background is a medical research scientist who has been working in clinical research since 1992. I have held academic, research and project management positions at St George Hospital, The Kirby Institute, Wollongong University, The George Institute for Global Health, as well as working overseas in the UK and South Africa. I now specialise in the management of clinical trials, projects and people.
Allison's research interests are varied and include mental health. respiratory disease, body composition, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and HIV.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Mental Health
My Research Supervision
Mr Anthony Paulo Sunjaya (co-supervisor)