Senior Lecturer
Medicine & Health
School of Biomedical Sciences

I Started my job at Anatomy department of School of Biomedical Sciences at UNSW in Dec. 2022 as a senior lecturer. I involved as convenor and co-convenor for different courses for science and medicine students.

I have more than 17 years experiences in teaching and research in Anatomical Sciences field including gross anatomy, histology and embryology. I conducted several postgraduate students as a supervisor and advisor. In addition, I was an active member of educational committees, faculty and university accreditation committee and student evaluations committees. 

 My research area is regenerative medicine, cancer biology, mitochondrial medicine and clinical anatomy. I have published more that 100 peer-reviewed articles in high ranked journals.

 I have published more than 100 peer-reviewed papers in high ranked journals.

Level 2 Wallace Wurth building, Roon number 264

- Distinguished researcher in Razi festival

-Distinguish researcher in Guilna province

-Distinguish researcher in University for several times

-Distinguish teacher in medical faculty

-Publishing more than 100 papers


-Oral presentation 

-Principle and co-principle investigator

My Teaching

  I am an educational focused senior lecturer in Anatomy department. I am teaching gross anatomy, histology, and embryology to medical and science students. 

  I have 17 years of experience in teaching to undergraduate and graduate students in Iran and Australia.

  I am involved as convenor and co-convenor in different courses.

  I am involved in teaching of Foundations, BGDA, BGDB, society and health, AEA, AEB and the courses in phase II and III.

  I am teaching Human systems 2 and Introductory Anatomy to health and biomedical sciences students.

  In addition, I am teaching embryology to science students.