Associate Professor Angela Chiew
BSci(med) MBBS(hons), FACEM, PhD
Dr Angela Chiew is a Clinical Toxicologist and Emergency Medicine Physician at Prince of Wales Hospital, Randwick and as a Clinical Toxicologist for the NSW Poison’s Information Centre. She has completed her PhD in Paracetamol Poisoning in 2020 through Sydney University. She performs research into paracetamol poisoning and her major contribution has been the establishment of the Australian Toxicology Monitoring (ATOM) Study. ATOM is a prospective observational study recruiting patients from across NSW and Queensland with poisoning. She is on the editorial boards of Emergency Medicine Australasia, British Journal of Clinal Pharmacology and Clinical Toxicology, and is the lead author of the Australian and New Zealand Paracetamol Guidelines published in 2015 and 2019. She has just been appointed the Lead Clinical Toxicologist overseeing and managing the NSW Poisons Information Centre Research Portfolio. She is also chair of the International Clinical Toxicology Recommendations Collaborative into paracetamol poisoning.
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