Dr Anthony Chun Yin Yuen
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I am an Adjunct Lecturer at UNSW (former Lecturer from 2021-23) and am currently appointed as Assistant Professor, Presidential Young Scholar at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Hong Kong SAR. I was a former Lecturer/Centre Manager for the ARC Training Centre for Fire Retardant Materials and Safety Technologies (Centre link: https://www.fire.edu.au). My research focuses on the development of computational material science modelling techniques to deliver in-depth characterisations of the atomistic physiochemical behaviours of nanocomposites such as interfacial and surface science reactions between molecules. In addition, my research also contributes to the fabrication of novel, bio-inspired and multifunctional nano-architectured composite materials. Now I am aiming to synergise my expertise to formulate a systematic, state-of-the-art fire assessment platform to effectively and physically describe the flaming and degradation processes, thermal/electrical conductivities, charring and self-extinction behaviours of advanced materials. I have been listed as one of the "Top 2% Scientists in the world" by Standford University. More info can be found at Google Scholar, LinkedIn and my personal website.
Qualifications and working experiences: I graduated in January 2015 with a Ph.D. from the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia, supervised by Prof. Guan Heng Yeoh, and I am currently a Lecturer and the Centre Manager for the ARC Training Centre for Fire Retardant Materials and Safety Technologies in UNSW. I specialise in the development of advanced bio-inspired functional materials with experimental characterisations combined with unique computational realisation techniques. Recently, my research has also contributed to the development of 3D additive manufactured flame retardant composites utilising extruded biobased polymer filaments with nano-fillers and binders, which will lead to breakthroughs in fire retardant research over the coming decades.
Research and outputs: I carry out research on the fundamental polymer degradation and computational materials synthesis modelling of bio-inspired flame retardants and advanced multifunctional nanocomposites. I focus on the development of novel simulation approaches to enhance the reliability and capability of Molecular Dynamics (MD) and computational multiphase fluid dynamics (CMFD) models. I have applied my self-written models and kinetics search algorithm codes on a range of topics across fire safety science topics including characterisation/decomposition kinetics for polymer composites, MD on polymer degradation, infrastructure and wildland fire modelling and in-depth realisation of flame retardant mechanisms. Now I aim to synergise my expertise to formulate a systematic, state-of-art numerical modelling platform to effectively and physically describe the thermal degradation, chemical decomposition, thermo/electrical conductivity, charring and self-extinction behaviours of Advanced Materials (i.e. MXene). I have published >125 journal articles, 3 book chapters and >20 conference papers and have >5,500 total citations. My H-Index is 42 in Google Scholar, 38 in ResearchGate, 36 in Scopus, 33 in Web of Science, which is excellent for an early-career researcher and my research output is continuing to rise exponentially.
Fundings and supervisions: As an early career researcher, I have actively contributed towards AUD $11.96 million in research funding including AUD $11.62 million from external grants (ARC Discoveries, CRC-Ps, CRC Bushfire Tactical Research Fund, Innovation Connections, etc.), since joining UNSW Sydney as in 2015. My research income from 2017 to 2022 is one of the highest at my Level at my School. In addition to my research outputs, I am also an effective supervisor, evidenced by the timely completion and rich publication records of the HDR candidates under my supervision. I have supervised 7 Ph.D. students to completion. I am also the Joint Supervisor of 4 Ph.D. candidates and the primary supervisor of 2 honours students. All the HDR students are on track for submissions within their expected candidatures and have achieved solid numbers of peer-reviewed publications.
Editorship and Reviewing experiences: I am currently the Special Issue Guest Editor for the Journal Molecules (IF = 4.927) for the research topic "New Prospects in Flame-Retardant Materials", a Guest Editor for the research topic "Advance in Polymer-Based Flame Retardant Materials" in the Journal Polymers (IF = 4.967), and a Guest Editor for the research topic "Flame-Retardant Polymeric Materials and Polymer Composites" in the Journal Frontier of Materials (IF = 3.515). In terms of international conference membership, I am a local organising committee member of the AOSFST2021 conference (i.e. in association with the Fire Safety Journal). In addition, I have extensive reviewing experience (over 80 papers reviewed) in highly received journal articles, which include Applied Energy, Fuel, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Composites Part B: Engineering, Fuel, MDPI Energies, MDPI Applied Science, MDPI Atmosphere (i.e. ranges from multi-disciplines across fire safety science including computational material science, flame retardants, fire modelling, combustion and soot particle formation models; other topics including computational fluid dynamics, multiphase flows, machine learning algorithms, sound and acoustics).
Teaching: I have been appointed as the “Course Convenor” for the course “MECH4620 - Computational Fluid Dynamics” since 2017. My responsibilities include (i) designing the outline and schedule for the course; (ii) delivering weekly-based lectures; (iii) assigning tutors for laboratory sessions; (iv) preparing assignments, major projects, online working tutorials and examination papers; (v) organising face-to-face consultation sessions and administrating online discussion forums. Previously, I gained substantial experience in teaching and related activities at UNSW as the Leading Tutor of the courses MATH 2089 – Numerical Methods and MECH 4620 – Computational Fluid Dynamics fully responsible for coordinating, tutoring, meeting and discussing for enhancement of lecture materials and assignment for the betterment of students’ learning experiences. I led as the Main Course Developer for the self-learning/online package (i.e. online lessons for 10 weeks, 5 adaptive ANSYS CFX & FLUENT tutorials, 3 online assignments and 1 online mid-term test) on the online platform - “SmartSparrow” for MECH 4620 – Computational Fluid Dynamics. (Teaching Evaluation 5.77/6.00 and Overall Course Marks 5.53/6.00 for 2019 T3 [full score or scale of 1 to 6 from strongly disagree to strongly agree])
Technology transfer, services to industry and awards: I am a partner investigator for the National Science Foundation US-funded International Network - iFireNet: An international network of networks for prediction and management of wildland fires (link). In collaboration with the Fire Research Unit of Fire & Rescue, New South Wales, Australia, I contributed my expertise in a fire field model to aid the fire investigation of a tragic fire incident in an aged-care facility causing 14 fatalities. For the first time, in Australia, the numerical results were presented as evidence in court to convict the suspect for the arson fire. I have been actively involved in the development of the Online Fire Safety Training Tool: E-fire Investigation (http//www.efireinvestigation.com.au/) for firefighters to understand the compartment fire development relating to fire loads. I have recently been interviewed by the Guardian for the topic "Why are Sydney buses still going up in flames and what can be done about it?" Additionally, he was awarded by Daikin Scholarship for outstanding performance in the Building Design Project and Applied Research Project at the University of Hong Kong. In 2020T3, our ENGG3060 The Maker Games Smart Fire Sprinkler team (funded by Jacobs Engineering) won first place in the competition, winning a total of $3,000 AUD price.
- I. M. De Cachinho Cordeiro1, T. B. Y. Chen1, A. C. Y. Yuen*, Q. Chen, W. Yang, C. Wang, W. Wang, Q. N. Chan, J. Zhang, G. H. Yeoh, Characterising flame-retardant mechanism of phosphorous-containing intumescent coating on polyethylene via ReaxFF MD simulations, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 480, pp. 148169, 2024.
- Q. Zhou, H. Dong, L. Liu, C. Wei, H. Liang, L. Wang, H. Lu, S. Nie, L. Xu, W. Yang*, W. Yang*, A. C. Y. Yuen*, In-situ surface growth strategy to synthesize MXene@graphdiyne heterostructure for achieving high capacity and desirable stability in lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 603, pp. 234404, 2024.
- M. D. Hossain, M. K. Hassan, S. Saha*, A. C. Y. Yuen, C. Wang, Alternative fire performance screening method of cladding system using cone calorimeter, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 418, pp. 135442, 2024.
- Y. He, A. C. Y. Goay, A. C. Y. Yuen, D. Mishra, Y. Zhou, T. Lu, D. Wang, C. Boyer*, C. H. Wang*, J. Zhang*, Bulk Schottky Junctions‐Based Flexible Triboelectric Nanogenerators to Power Backscatter Communications in Green 6G Networks, Advanced Science, Vol. 11, pp. 2305829, 2024.
- N. Buddhacosa, F. Giustozzi, C. Wang, A. C. Y. Yuen, A. Khatibi, R. Das, E. Kandare*, High temperature and fire properties of sustainable syntactic foam reinforced by end‐of‐life tyre‐derived rubber particles, Fire and Materials, 2024.
- J. Li, C. Wang, S. Abdoli, A. C. Y. Yuen, S. Kook, G. H. Yeoh, Q. N. Chan*, Economic burden of transport related pollution in Australia, Journal of Transport & Health, Vol. 34, pp. 101747, 2024.
- S. Xing, C. Wang, W. Wang, R. F. Cao, A. C. Y. Yuen, E. W. M. Lee, G. H. Yeoh, Q. N. Chan*, A fine discrete floor field cellular automaton model with natural step length for pedestrian dynamics, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Vol. 130, pp. 102841, 2024.
- M. D. Hossain, M. K. Hassan, S. Saha*, A. C. Y. Yuen, C. Wang, Establishing pyrolysis kinetics for fire modelling and thermal analysis of polymeric cladding materials used in high-rise buildings, Case Studies in Construction Materials, Vol. 19, pp. e0235, 2023.
- A. Li, J. Weng, A. C. Y. Yuen*, W. Wang, H. Liu, E. W. M. Lee, J. Wang, S. Kook, G. H. Yeoh, Machine learning assisted advanced battery thermal management system: A state-of-the-art review, Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 60, pp. 106688, 2023.
- H. Liu, I. M. De Cachinho Cordeiro, A. C. Y. Yuen*, C. Wang, A. Li, G. H. Yeoh. Numerical modelling of wet steam infused fluid mixture for potential fire suppression applications. Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow. Vol. 5, pp. 142–148. 2023.
- I. I. Kabir*, J. C. Baena, W. Wang, C. Wang, S. Oliver, M. T. Nazir, A. Khalid, Y. Fu, A. C. Y. Yuen, G. H. Yeoh, Optimisation of Additives to Maximise Performance of Expandable Graphite-Based Intumescent-Flame-Retardant Polyurethane Composites. Molecules, Vol. 28, pp. 5100, 2023.
- J. C. Baena*, C. Wang, I. I. Kabir, A. Khalid, M. T. Nazir, A. C. Y. Yuen, F. Ahmad, G. H. Yeoh, Fire behaviour of waterborne intumescent coatings on timber substrate for bushfire exposure, Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 140, pp. 103836, 2023.
- M. D. Hossain, M. K. Hassan*, S. Saha, A. C. Y. Yuen, C. Wang, Laurel George, Richard Wuhrer Thermal and Pyrolysis Kinetics Analysis of Glass Wool and XPS Insulation Materials Used in High-Rise Buildings. Fire, Vol. 6, pp. 231, 2023.
- N. Chulikavit, T. Huynh, C. Wang, A. C. Y. Yuen, A. Khatibi, A. Mouritz, E. Kandare*, Engineering mycelium fungi into an effective char-forming thermal protection material via alkaline deacetylation, Polymer Degradation and Stability, Vol. 212, pp. 110355, 2023.
- X. Cao, J. Huang, Z. Tang, Y. Tong, A. C. Y. Yuen*, W. Zhao, Q. Huang, R. K. Y. Li, W. Wu*, Self-assembled biobased chitosan hybrid carrying N/P/B elements for polylactide with enhanced fire safety and mechanical properties, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Vol. 236, pp. 123947, 2023.
- J. C. Baena*, C. Wang, Y. Fu, I. I. Kabir, A. C. Y. Yuen, Z. Peng, G. H. Yeoh, A new fabrication method of designed metamaterial based on a 3D-printed structure for underwater sound absorption applications, Applied Acoustics, Vol. 203, pp. 109221, 2023.
- Q. Wan, G. Zhai, C. Wang, A.C.Y. Yuen, P.R. Medwell, S. Kook, G.H. Yeoh, Q.N. Chan*, A parametric investigation of methane jets in direct-injection compression-ignition conditions, Fuel, Vol. 334, Part 1, pp. 126521, 2023.
- W. Wang, A. C. Y. Yuen*, Y. Yuan, C. Liao, A. Li, I. I. Kabir, Y. Kan*, Y. Hu, G. H. Yeoh, Nano architectured halloysite nanotubes enable advanced composite separator for safe lithium metal batteries, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 451, Part 2, pp.138496, 2023.
- X. Fang, A. C. Y. Yuen, G. H. Yeoh, E. W. M. Lee, S. C. P. Cheung*, Numerical study on using vortex flow to improve smoke exhaust efficiency in large-scale atrium fires, Indoor and Built Environment, Vol. 32, Issue 1, pp. 98-115, 2023.
- H. Liu, I. M. De Cachinho Cordeiro, A. C. Y. Yuen*, Q. N. Chan, S. Kook, G. H. Yeoh, Application of multi-parametric characterization to water-based fire suppression systems in compartment fire scenarios, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, Vol. 83, pp. 1111-1129, 2023.
- J. Liang, W. Yang, A. C. Y. Yuen*, I. M. De Cachinho Cordero, S. Qiu, J. Zhang, W. Wu, Y. Hu, G. H. Yeoh, "A novel green IFR system: Design of a self-assembled peanut shell-based flame retardant and its fire performance in EP," Progress in Organic Coating, Vol. 174, pp. 107277, 2022.
- W. Wang, A. C. Y. Yuen*, Y. Yuan, C. Liao, A. Li, I. I. Kabir, Y. Kan, Y. Hu, G. H. Yeoh, "Nano Architectured Halloysite Nanotubes Enable Advanced Composite Separator for Safe Lithium Metal Batteries," Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 451, pp. 138496, 2022.
- B. Lin, A. C. Y. Yuen*, S. Oliver, J. Liu, B. Yu, W. Yang, S. Wu, G. H. Yeoh, C. H. Wang, "Dual functionalisation of polyurethane foam for unprecedented flame retardancy and antibacterial properties using layer-by-layer assembly of MXene chitosan with antibacterial metal particles," Compartment Part B: Engineering, 2022. (Accepted In Press)
- A. C. Y. Yuen*1, T. B. Y. Chen1, I. M. De Cachinho Cordero, H. Liu, A. Li, W. Yang, S. C. P. Cheung, Q. N. Chan, S. Kook, G. H. Yeoh, “Developing a solid decomposition kinetics extraction framework for detailed chemistry pyrolysis and combustion modelling of building polymer composites,” Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, Vol. 163, pp. 105500, 2022.
- H. Liu, C. Wen, A. C. Y. Yuen*, Y. Han, S. C. P. Cheung, S. Kook, G. H. Yeoh, "A novel thermal management system for battery packs in hybrid electrical vehicles utilising waste heat recovery," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 195. pp. 123199, 2022.
- A. Li, A. C. Y. Yuen*, W. Yang, J. Weng, G. H. Yeoh, "Numerical investigation on the thermal management of lithium-ion battery system and cooling effect optimization," Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 215, pp. 118966, 2022.
- H. Liu, C. Wen, A. C. Y. Yuen*, Y. Han, S. C. P. Cheung, S. Kook, G. H. Yeoh, "A novel thermal management system for battery packs in hybrid electrical vehicles utilising waste heat recovery," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 195, pp. 123199, 2022.
- A. Li, A. C. Y. Yuen*, W. Wang, T. B. Y. Chen, C. S. Lai, W. Yang, W. Wu, Q. N. Chan, S. Kook, G. H. Yeoh, "Integration of Computational Fluid Dynamics and Artificial Neural Network for Optimization Design of Battery Thermal Management System," Batteries, Vol. 8(7), article no. 69, 2022.
- I. M. De Cachinho Cordero, H. Liu, A. C. Y. Yuen*, T. B. Y. Chen, A. Li, C. Wang, R. Cao, G. H. Yeoh, "On the Large Eddy Simulation Modelling of Water Suppression Systems Droplet Impact and Coverage Area," Fire, Vol. 5(5), article no. 165, 2022.
- S. E. Zhu, W. J. Yang, Y. Zhou, W. H. Pan, C. X. Wei, A. C. Y. Yuen*, T. B. Y. Chen, G. H. Yeoh, H. D. Lu, W. Yang*, “Synthesis of zinc porphyrin complex for improving mechanical, UV-resistance, thermal stability and fire safety properties of polystyrene,” Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 442, pp. 136367, 2022.
- L. Wang, A. Zhang, N. Li*, A. C. Y. Yuen, C. Deng, Q. Dong, L. Zhang, G. H. Yeoh, W. Yang*, "Lamellar network structure constructed by ZnSe/C nanorods for high-performance potassium storage," Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 419, pp. 140405, 2022.
- I. M. De Cachinho Cordero, A. C. Y. Yuen*, T. B. Y. Chen, W. Wang, W. Yang, Q. N. Chan, G. H. Yeoh, “Atomistic characterisation of graphite oxidation and thermal decomposition mechanism under isothermal and Non-Isothermal heating scheme,” Computational Material Science, Vol. 201, pp. 111458, 2022.
- I. M. De Cachinho Cordero, T. B. Y. Chen, A. C. Y. Yuen*, C. Wang, Q. N. Chan, J. Zhang, G. H. Yeoh, “Pyrolysis and combustion characterisation of HDPE/APP composites via molecular dynamics and CFD simulations,” Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, Vol. 163, pp. 105499, 2022.
- W. J. Yang, C. X. Wei, A. C. Y. Yuen*, B. Lin, G. H. Yeoh, H. D. Lu, W. Yang*, “Fire-retarded nanocomposite aerogels for multifunctional applications: A review,” Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 237, pp. 109866, 2022.
- T. B. Y. Chen, I. M. De Cachinho Cordeiro, A. C. Y. Yuen*, W. Yang, Q. N. Chan, J. Zhang, S. C. P. Cheung, G. H. Yeoh, “An Investigation towards Coupling Molecular Dynamics with Computational Fluid Dynamics for Modelling Polymer Pyrolysis,” Molecules, Vol. 27, pp. 292, 2022.
- J. J. Liu, W. J. Yang, Y. Xu, A. C. Y. Yuen, T. B. Y. Chen, C. X. Wei, S. E. Zhu, G. H. Yeoh, W. Yang*, H. D. Lu*, “MXene-based films via scalable fabrication with improved mechanical and antioxidant properties for electromagnetic interference shielding,” Composites Communications, Vol. 31, pp. 101112, 2022.
- M. D. Hossain, S. Saha, M. K. Hassan, A. C. Y. Yuen, C. Wang, W. Hittini, L. George, R. Wuhrer, “Testing of aluminium composite panels in a cone calorimeter: A new specimen preparation method,” Polymer Testing, Vol. 106, pp. 107454.
- Q. Chen, A. C. Y. Yuen*, T. B. Y. Chen, R. F. Cao, H. Liu, G. H. Yeoh, "A Large-Eddy Simulation study on the effect of fuel configuration and pan distance towards chemical species for under-ventilated compartment fire scenario," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 184, pp. 122306, 2021.
- T. B. Y. Chen, L. Liu, A. C. Y. Yuen*, Q. Chen, G. H. Yeoh, "A multiphase approach for pyrolysis modelling of polymeric materials," Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow, pp. 1-13, 2021.
- A. C. Y. Yuen*, I. M. De Cachinho Cordeiro, T. B. Y. Chen, Q. Chen, H. Liu, G. H. Yeoh, "Multiphase CFD modelling for enclosure fires—A review on past studies and future perspectives," Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow, pp. 1-25, 2021.
- G. Zhai, S. Xing, A. C. Y. Yuen, P. R. Medwell, S. Kook, G. H. Yeoh, Q. N. Chan*, "Laser ignition of iso-octane and n-heptane jets under compression-ignition conditions," Fuel, pp. 122555, 2021.
- W. Wang, A. C. Y. Yuen*, H. Long, W. Yang, A. Li, L Song, Y. Hu**, G. H. Yeoh, "Random nano-structuring of PVA/MXene membranes for outstanding flammability resistance and electromagnetic interference shielding performances," Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 224, pp.109174, 2021.
- S. E. Zhu, F. D. Wang, J. J. Liu, L. L. Wang, C. Wang, A. C. Y. Yuen*, T. B. Y. Chen, I. I. Kabir, G. H. Yeoh, H. D. Lu, W. Yang*, "BODIPY coated on MXene nanosheets for improving mechanical and fire safety properties of ABS resin," Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 223, pp. 109130, 2021.
- L Liu, TBY Chen, ACY Yuen, PM Doley, C Wang, B Lin, J Liang, GH Yeoh, "A systematic approach to formulate numerical kinetics for furnishing materials fire simulation with validation procedure using cone/FT-IR data," Heat and Mass Transfer, pp. 1-19.
- A. C. Y. Yuen*1, T. B. Y. Chen1, B. Lin, W. Yang, I. I. Kabir, I. M. De Cachinho Cordeiro, A. E. Whitten, J. Mata, B. Yu, H. Lu, G. H. Yeoh, "Study of structure morphology and layer thickness of Ti3C2 MXene with Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS)," Composites Part C, Vol. 5, pp. 100155, 2021.
- I. M. De Cachinho Cordeiro, H. Liu, A. C. Y. Yuen*, T. B. Y. Chen, A. Li, R. F. Cao, G. H. Yeoh, "Numerical investigation of expandable graphite suppression on metal-based fire," Heat and Mass Transfer, pp. 1-17, 2021. (Article In Press)
- A. C. Y. Yuen*, T. B. Y. Chen, A. Li, I. M. De Cachinho Cordeiro, L. Liu, H. Liu, A. L. P. Lo, Q. N. Chan, G. H. Yeoh, "Evaluating the fire risk associated with cladding panels: An overview of fire incidents, policies, and future perspective in fire standards," Fire and Materials, pp. 1-27, 2021.
- L. Wang, E. W. M. Lee*, S. A. Hussian, A. C. Y. Yuen, W. Feng, “Quantitative impact analysis of driving factors on annual residential building energy end-use combining machine learning and stochastic methods,” Applied Energy, Vol. 299, pp. 117303, 2021.
- R. F. Cao, E. W. M. Lee, A. C. Y. Yuen*, Q. N. Chan, W. Xie, M. Shi, G. H. Yeoh, "Development of an evacuation model considering the impact of stress variation on evacuees under fire emergency," Safety Science, Vol. 138, pp. 105232, 2021.
- R. F. Cao, E. W. M. Lee, A. C. Y. Yuen*, T. B. Y. Chen, I. M. De Cachinho Cordeiro, M. Shi, X. Wei, G. H. Yeoh, "Simulation of competitive and cooperative egress movements on the crowd emergency evacuation," Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Vol. 109, pp. 102309, 2021.
- I. M. De Cachinho Cordeiro, H. Liu, A. C. Y. Yuen*, T. B. Y. Chen, A. Li, G. H. Yeoh, “Numerical assessment of LES subgrid-scale turbulence models for expandable particles in fire suppression,” Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow, 2021.
- H. Liu, I. M. De Cachinho Cordeiro, A. C. Y. Yuen*, C. Wang, A. Li, G. H. Yeoh, “Numerical modeling of wet steam infused fluid mixture for potential fire suppression applications,” Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow, 2021.
- X. Fang, A. C. Y. Yuen, G. H. Yeoh, E. W. M. Lee, S. C. P. Cheung*, “Numerical study on using vortex flow to improve smoke exhaust efficiency in large-scale atrium fires,” Indoor and Built Environment, 2021.
- B. Lin, A. C. Y. Yuen*, T. B. Y. Chen, B. Yu, W. Yang, J. Zhang, Y. Yao, S. Wu, C. H. Wang, G. H. Yeoh, “Experimental and numerical perspective on the fire performance of MXene/Chitosan/Phytic acid coated flexible polyurethane foam,” Scientific Reports, Vol. 11, pp. 1-13, 2021.
- H. Liu, A. C. Y. Yuen*, I. M. De Cachino Cordeiro, Y. Han, T. B. Y. Chen, Q. N. Chan, S. Kook, G. H. Yeoh, “A novel stochastic approach to study water droplet/flame interaction of water mist system,” Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, Vol. 0, pp. 1-27, 2021.
- A. Li, A. C. Y. Yuen*, Wei Wang, I. M.De Cachinho Cordeiro, C. Wang, T. B. Y. Chen, J. Zhang, Q. N. Chan, G. H. Yeoh, “A Review on Lithium-Ion Battery Separators towards Enhanced Safety Performances and Modelling Approaches,” Molecules, Vol. 26(2), pp. 478, 2021.
- B. Yu1, A. C. Y. Yuen1, X. Xu, Z. C. Zhang, W. Yang*, H. Lu, B. Fei, G. H. Yeoh, P. Song*, “Engineering MXene Surface with POSS for Reducing Fire Hazards of Polystyrene with Enhanced Thermal Stability”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, vol. 401, 123342, 2021.
- Y. Shi*, B. Yu, X. Wang, A. C. Y. Yuen, “Flame-Retardant Polymeric Materials and Polymer Composites,” Frontiers in Materials, Vol. 8, pp. 195, 2021.
- S. Oliver*, L. Lei, K. W. Fan, C. Wang, J. C. Baena, P. Pham, Q. Lin, I. I. Kabir, E. H. H. Wong, A. C. Y. Yuen, C. Boyer, G. H. Yeoh, “Wet or dry multifunctional coating prepared by visible light polymerisation with fire retardant, thermal protective, and antimicrobial properties,” Cellulose, Vol. 28, pp. 8821-8840, 2021.
- Y. Yuan, W. Yang, Y. Xiao, A. C. Y. Yuen, L. Mao, H. Pan, B. Yu, Y. Hu*, "Surface modification of multi-scale cuprous oxide with tunable catalytic activity towards toxic fumes and smoke suppression of rigid polyurethane foam," Applied Surface Science, Vol. 556, pp. 149792, 2021.
- I. I. Kabir, Y. Fu, N. de Souza, M. T. Nazir, J. C. Baena, A. C. Y. Yuen, G. H. Yeoh, “Improved flame-retardant properties of polydimethylsiloxane/multi-walled carbon nanotube nanocomposites,” Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 56(3), pp. 2192-2211, 2021.
- T. B. Y. Chen, A. C. Y. Yuen*, B. Lin, L. Liu, Q. N. Chan, J. Zhang, S. C. P. Cheung, G. H. Yeoh, “Characterisation of Pyrolysis Kinetics and Detailed Gas Species Formations of Engineering Polymers via Reactive Molecular Dynamics (ReaxFF)”, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, vol. 2020, pp. 104931, 2020.
- A. C. Y. Yuen, T. B. Y. Chen, C. Wang, W. Wei, I. Kabir, J. B. Vargas, Q. N. Chan, S. Kook, G. H. Yeoh*, "Utilising genetic algorithm to optimise pyrolysis kinetics for fire modelling and characterisation of chitosan/graphene oxide polyurethane composites," Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 182, pp. 107619, 2020.
- Q. Chen, T. B. Y. Chen, A. C. Y. Yuen*, C. Wang, Q. N. Chan, G. H. Yeoh, "Investigation of door width towards flame tilting behaviours and combustion species in compartment fire scenarios using large eddy simulation," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 150, pp. 119373, 2020.
- X. Fang, A. C. Y. Yuen, G. H. Yeoh, E. W. M. Lee, S. C. P. Cheung*, “Capturing the Swirling Vortex and the Impact of Ventilation Conditions on Small-Scale Fire Whirls”, Applied Science, vol. 10, article no. 3428, 2020.
- J. Zhang*, M. Liu, G. Pearce, Y. Yu, Z. Sha, Y. Zhou, A. C. Y. Yuen, C. Tao, C. Boyer, F. Huang, M. Islam, C.-H. Wang, “Strain Stiffening and Positive Piezoconductive Effect of Liquid Metal/Elastomer Soft Composites”, Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 201, pp. 108497, 2020.
- I. I. Kabir*, C. C. Sorrell, S. S. Mofarah, W. Yang, A. C. Y. Yuen, M. T. Nazir, G. H. Yeoh, “Alginate/Polymer-Based Materials for Fire Retardancy: Synthesis, Structure, Properties, and Applications”, Polymer Reviews, vol. 60, pp. 1-58, 2020.
- W. Yang, J.-J. Liu, L.-L. Wang, W. Wang, A. C. Y. Yuen*, S. Peng, B. Yu, H.-D. Lu, G. H. Yeoh, C.-H. Wang, "Multifunctional MXene/natural rubber composite films with exceptional flexibility and durability," Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 188, pp. 107875, 2020.
- Y. Han, X. Wang*, A. C. Y. Yuen, A. Li, L. Guo, G. H. Yeoh, J. Tu, "Characterization of Choking Behaviours inside Steam Ejectors Based on the Ejector Refrigeration System," International Journal of Refrigeration, Vol. 113, pp. 296 - 307, 2020.
- G. Zhai, S. Xing, A. C. Y. Yuen, G. H. Yeoh, Q. N. Chan, “Spray and Combustion Characteristics of Gasoline-like Fuel under Compression-Ignition Conditions”, Energy & Fuels, Vol. 34(12), pp. 16585-16598, 2020.
- S. Xing, G. Zhai, H. Mo, P. R. Medwell, A. C. Y. Yuen, S. Kook, G. H. Yeoh, Q. N. Chan, “Study of Ignition and Combustion Characteristics of Consecutive Injections with iso-Octane and n-Heptane as Fuels,” Energy & Fuels, Vol. 34(11), pp. 14741-14756, 2020.
- C. Wang, A. C. Y. Yuen*, Q. N. Chan, T. B. Y. Chen, H. L. Yip, S. C. P. Cheung, S. Kook, G. H. Yeoh, "Numerical study of the comparison of symmetrical and asymmetrical eddy-generation scheme on the fire whirl formulation and evolution," Applied Science, Vol. 10(1), article no. 318, 2020.
- X. Cao, X. Chi, X. Deng, T. Liu, B. Yu, B. Wang, A. C. Y. Yuen, W. Wu*, R. K. Y. Li, “Synergistic effect of flame retardants and graphitic carbon nitride on flame retardancy of polylactide composites”, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, vol. 31, pp. 1661-1670, 2020.
- X. Cao, X. Chi, X. Deng, Q. Sun, X. Gong, B. Yu, A. C. Y. Yuen, W. Wu*, R. K. Y. Li, "Facile Synthesis of Phosphorus and Cobalt Co-Doped Graphitic Carbon Nitride for Fire and Smoke Suppressions of Polylactide Composite," Polymers, vol 12, article no. 1106, 2020.
- E. Pakdel, M. Naebe, S. Kashi, Z. Cai, W. Xie, A. C. Y. Yuen, M. Montazer, L. Sun, X. Wang, "Functional cotton fabric using hollow glass microspheres: Focus on thermal insulation, flame retardancy, UV-protection and acoustic performance," Progress in Organic Coatings, Vol. 141, pp. 105553, 2020.
- I. I. Kabir, Y. Fu, N. de Souza, M. T. Nazir, J. C. Baena, A. C. Y. Yuen, Guan Heng Yeoh, “Improved flame-retardant properties of polydimethylsiloxane/multi-walled carbon nanotube nanocomposites”, Journal of Materials Science, vol. 55, pp. 1-20, 2020.
- I. I. Kabir*, Y. Fu, N. De Souza, J.-C. Baena, A. C. Y. Yuen, W. Yang, J. Mata, Z. Peng, G. H. Yeoh, "PDMS/MWCNT nanocomposite films for underwater sound absorption applications," Journal of Material Science, vol. 55, pp. 1-16, 2020.
- W. Yang, S. Wu, W. Yang, A. C. Y. Yuen, Y. Zhou, G. Yeoh, C. Boyer, C. H. Wang*, “Nanoparticles of polydopamine for improving mechanical and flame-retardant properties of an epoxy resin,” Composites Part B - Engineering, vol. 186, pp. 107828, 2020.
- H. Liu, C. Wang, I. M. De Cachinho Cordeiro, A. C. Y. Yuen*, Q. Chen, Q. N. Chan, S. Kook, G. H. Yeoh, "Critical assessment on operating water droplet sizes for fire sprinkler and water mist systems," Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 28, pp. 1000999-1000999, 2019.
- H. L. Yip, A. Srna, A. C. Y. Yuen, S. Kook, R. A. Taylor, G. H. Yeoh, P. R. Medwell, Q. N. Chan*, "A review of hydrogen direct injection for internal combustion engines: towards carbon-free combustion," Applied Sciences, Vol. 9, article no. 4842, 2019.
- Y. Han, X. Wang*, L. Guo, A. C. Y. Yuen, H. Liu, R. Cao, C. Wang, C. Li, J. Tu, G. H. Yeoh, "A Steam Ejector Refrigeration System Powered by Engine Combustion Waste Heat: Part 2. Understanding the Nature of the Shock Wave Structure," Applied Sciences, Vol 9(20), article no. 4435, 2019.
- Y. Han, L. Guo*, X. Wang, A. C. Y. Yuen, C. Li, R. Cao, H. Liu, T. B. Y. Chen, J. Tu, G. H. Yeoh, "A Steam Ejector Refrigeration System Powered by Engine Combustion Waste Heat: Part 1. Characterization of the Internal Flow Structure," Applied Sciences, Vol 9(20), article no. 4275, 2019.
- C. Wang, A. C. Y. Yuen*, Q. N. Chan, T. B. Y. Chen, Q. Chen, R. Cao, H. L. Yip, S. Kook, G. H. Yeoh, “Influence of Eddy-Generation Mechanism on the Characteristic of On-Source Fire Whirl,” Applied Sciences, Vol. 9, article no. 3989, 2019.
- N. N. Wang, H. Wang, Y. Y. Wang, Y. H. Wei, J. Y. Si, A. C. Y. Yuen, J. S. Xie, B. Yu, S. E. Zhu, H. D. Lu, W. Yang*, Q. N. Chan, G. H. Yeoh, “Robust, Lightweight, Hydrophobic and Fire Retarded Polyimide/MXene Aerogels for Effective Oil/Water Separation,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 11(43), 40512-40523, 2019.
- Y. Han*, L. Guo, X. Wang, A. C. Y. Yuen, C. Li, R. Cao, H. Liu, T. B. Y. Chen, J. Tu, G. H. Yeoh, “A Steam Ejector Refrigeration System Powered by Engine Combustion Waste Heat: Part 1. Characterization of the Internal Flow Structure,” Applied Sciences, Vol. 9, article no. 4275, 2019.
- D. D. Li, D. F. Keogh, K. Huang, Q. N. Chan, A. C. Y. Yuen, C. Menictas, V. Timchenko, G. H. Yeoh*, Modeling the Response of Magnetorheological Fluid Dampers under Seismic Conditions, Applied Sciences, Vol. 9, article no. 4189, 2019.
- W. Yang*, N. N. Wang, P. Ping, A. C. Y. Yuen, A. Li, S. E. Zhu, L. L. Wang, J. Wu, T. B. Y. Chen, J. Y. Si, B. D. Rao, H. D. Lu*, Q. N. Chan, G. H. Yeoh, “A Novel 3D Network Archietectured Hybrid Aerogel Comprising Epoxy, Graphene and Hydroxylated Boron Nitride Nanosheets,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Vol. 10, pp. 40032-40043, 2018.
- B. Lin, A. C. Y. Yuen, A. Li, Y. Zhang, T. B. Y. Chen, B. Yu, E. W. M. Lee, S. Peng, W. Yang*, H. D. Lu, Q. N. Chan, G. H. Yeoh, C. H. Wang, “MXene/chitosan nanocoating for flexible polyurethane foam towards remarkable fire hazards reductions”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 381, pp. 120952, 2019.
- W. J. Yang, A. C. Y. Yuen, A. Li, B. Lin, T. B. Y. Chen, W. Yang*, H. D. Lu, G. H. Yeoh, "Recent progress in bio-based aerogels absorbents for oil/water separation," Cellulose, Vol. 26(11), pp. 6449-6476, 2019.
- H. L. Yip, D. I. M. Rizwanul Fattah, A. C. Y. Yuen, W. Yang, P. R. Medwell, S. Kook, G. H. Yeoh, Q. N. Chan*, "Flame-wall interaction effects on diesel post-injection combustion and soot formation processes," Energy & Fuels, 2019. (Accepted In Press)
- J. Y. Si, B. Tawiah, W. L. Sun, B. Lin, C. Wang, A. C. Y. Yuen, B. Yu, A. Li, W. Yang*, H. D. Lu, Q. N. Chan, G. H. Yeoh, "Functionalization of MXene Nanosheets for Polystyrene towards High Thermal Stability and Flame Retardant Properties", Polymers, Vol. 11(6), article no. 976, 2019.
- I. M. Rizwanul Fattah, H. L. Yip, Z. Jiang, A. C. Y. Yuen, W. Yang, P. R. Medwell, S. Kook, G. H. Yeoh, Q. N. Chan*, "Effects of flame-plane wall impingement on diesel combustion and soot processes," Fuel, Vol. 225, article no. 115726, 2019.
- B. Yu*, B. Tawiah, L. Q. Wang, A. C. Y. Yuen, Z. C. Zheng, L. L. Shen, B. Lin, B. Fei, W. Yang*, A. Li, S. E. Zhu, E. Z. Zhu, H. D. Lu, G. H. Yeoh, "Interface decoration of exfoliated MXene ultra-thin nanosheets for fire and smoke suppressions of thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer," Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 374, pp. 110-119, 2019.
- A. Li, A. C. Y. Yuen, T. B. Y. Chen, C. Wang, H. Liu, R. Cao, W. Yang*, G. H. Yeoh, V. Timchenko, "Computational Study of Wet Steam Flow to Optimize Steam Ejector Efficiency for Potential Fire Suppression Application," Applied Science, Vol. 9(7), article 1486.
- B. Tawiah, B. Yu, A. C. Y. Yuen, R. K. K. Yuen, J. H. Xin, B. Fei*, "Thermal, crystalline and mechanical properties of flame retarded Poly(lactic acid) with a PBO-like small molecule - Phenylphosphonic Bis(2-aminobenzothiazole)," Polymer Degradation and Stability, Vol. 163, pp. 76-86, 2019.
- C. Wang, A. C. Y. Yuen*, Q. N. Chan, T. B. Y. Chen, W. Yang, S. C. P. Cheung, G. H. Yeoh, "Sensitivity Analysis of Key Parameter for Population Balanced Based Soot Model for Low-Speed Diffusion Flames," Energies, Vol. 12, article no. 910.
- T. B. Y. Chen, A. C. Y. Yuen*, G. H. Yeoh, W. Yang, Q. N. Chan, "Fire Risk Assessment of Combustible Exterior Claddings Using a Collective Numerical Database," Fire, Vol. 2(1), article no. 11.
- A. C. Y. Yuen*, T. B. Y. Chen, W. Yang, C. Wang, A. Li, G. H. Yeoh, Q. N. Chan, M. C. Chan, "Numerical Ventilated Smoke Control Simulation Case Study Using Different Settings of Smoke Vents and Curtains in a Large Atrium", Fire, Vol. 2(1), article no. 7.
- W. Yang*, A. C. Y. Yuen, P. Peng, R. C. Wei, L. Hua, Z. Zhu, A. Li, S. E. Zhu, L. L. Wang, J. Liang, T. B. Y. Chen, B. Yu, J. Y. Si, H. D. Lu, Q. N. Chan, G. H. Yeoh, "Pectin-assisted dispersion of exfoliated boron nitride nanosheets for assembled bio-composites aerogels," Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, vol 119, pp. 196-205.
- W. Yang, N. N. Wang, P. Ping, A. C. Y. Yuen, A. Li, S. E. Zhu, L. L. Wang, J. Wu, T. B. Y. Chen, J. Y. Si, B. D. Rao, H. D. Lu*, Q. N. Chan, G. H. Yeoh, "A Novel 3D Network Archietectured Hybrid Aerogel Comprising Epoxy, Graphene and Hydroxylated Boron Nitride Nanosheets," ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Vol. 10, pp. 40032-40043, 2018.
- A. C. Y. Yuen*, T. B. Y. Chen, G. H. Yeoh, W. Yang, S. C. P. Cheung, M. Cook, B. Yu, Q. N. Chan, H. L. Yip, “Establishing pyrolysis kinetics for the modelling of the flammability and burning characteristics of solid combustible materials,” Journal of Fire Science, Vol. 36, pp. 494-517, 2018.
- A. C. Y. Yuen*, G. H. Yeoh, S. C. P. Cheung, Q. N. Chan, T. B. Y. Chen, W. Yang, H. Lu, “Numerical study of the development and angular speed of a small-scale fire whirl,” Journal of Computational Science, Vol. 27, pp. 21-34, 2018.
- T. B. Y. Chen, A. C. Y. Yuen*, C. Wang, G. H. Yeoh, V. Timchenko, S. C. P. Cheung, Q. N. Chan, W. Yang, “Predicting the fire spread rate of a sloped pine needle board utilizing pyrolysis modelling with detailed gas-phase combustion,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 125, pp. 310-322, 2018.
- Q. N. Chan, I. M. Rizwanui Fatthah, G. Zhai, H. L. Yip, T. B. Y. Chen, A. C. Y. Yuen, W. Yang, A. Wehrfritz, X. Dong, S. Kook, G. H. Yeoh, "Color-ratio pyrometry methods for flame-wall impingement study," Journal of the Energy Institute, 2018. (Accepted In Press)
- Y. R. Zhi, B. Yu*, A. C. Y. Yuen, J. Liang, L. Q. Wang, W. Yang*, H. D. Lu, G. H. Yeoh, Surface “Manipulation of Thermal-Exfoliated Hexagonal Boron Nitride with Polyaniline for Improving Thermal Stability and Fire Safety Performance of Polymeric Materials,” ACS Omega, vol. 3, pp. 14942-14952.
- W. Yang*, B. Tawiah, C. Yu, Y. F. Qian, L. L. Wang, A. C. Y. Yuen, S. E. Zhu, E. Z. Hu, T. B. Y. Chen, B. Yu*, H. D. Lu, G. H. Yeoh, X. Wang, L. Song, Y. Hu, “Manufacturing, mechanical and flame retardant properties of poly (lactic acid) biocomposites based on calcium magnesium phytate and carbon nanotubes,” Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol. 110, pp. 227-236, 2018.
- W. Yang*, W. J. Yang, B. Tawiah, Y. Zhang, L. L. Wang, S. E. Zhu, T. B. Y. Chen, A. C. Y. Yuen, B. Yu*, Y. F. Liu, J. Y. Si, E. Z. Hu, H. D. Lu, K. H. Hu, Q. N. Chan, G. H. Yeoh, “Synthesis of anhydrous manganese hypophosphite microtubes for simultaneous flame retardant and mechanical enhancement on poly (lactic acid),” Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 164, pp. 44-50, 2018.
- D. D. Li*, X. Gu, V. Timchenko, Q. N. Chan, A. C. Y. Yuen, G. H. Yeoh, “Study of Morphology and Optical Properties of Gold Nanoparticle Aggregates under Different pH Conditions,” Langmuir, Vol. 34, pp. 10340-10352, 2018.
- W. Yang, P. Ping, L. L. Wang, T. B. Y. Chen, A. C. Y. Yuen, S. E. Zhu, N. N. Wang, Y. L. Hu, P. P. Yang, C. Sun, C. Y. Zhang, H. D. Lu*, Q. N. Chan, G. H. Yeoh, “Fabrication of Fully Bio-Based Aerogels via Microcrystalline Cellulose and Hydroxyapatite Nanorods with Highly Effective Flame-Retardant Properties,” ACS Applied Nano Materials, Vol. 1, pp. 1921-1931, 2018.
- T. B. Y. Chen, A. C. Y. Yuen*, G. H. Yeoh, V. Timchenko, S. C. P. Cheung, Q. N. Chan, “Numerical study of fire spread using the level-set method with large eddy simulation incorporating detailed chemical kinetics gas-phase combustion model,” Journal of Computational Science, Vol. 24, pp. 8-23, 2018.
- S. E. Zhu, L. L. Wang, H. Chen, W. Yang*, A. C. Y. Yuen, T. B. Y. Chen, C. Luo, W. M. Bi, E. Z. Hu, J.Zhang, J. Y. Si, H. D. Lu, K. H. Hu, Q. N. Chan, G. H. Yeoh, “Comparative Studies on Thermal, Mechanical, and Flame Retardant Properties of PBT Nanocomposites with Functionalized Amino-Carbon Nanotubes Modified by Different Oxidation State Phosphorus-containing Agents,” Nanomaterials, Vol. 8, pp. 70-88, 2018.
- A. C. Y. Yuen*, G. H. Yeoh, V. Timchenko, T. B. Y. Chen, Q. N. Chan, C. Wang, D. D. Li, “Comparison of detailed soot formation models for sooty and non-sooty flames in an under-ventilated ISO room,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 115, Part B, pp. 717-729, 2017.
- A. C. Y. Yuen*, G. H. Yeoh, S. C. P. Cheung, V. Timchenko, T. Chen, “On the influences of key modelling constants of large eddy simulations for large-scale compartment fires predictions,” International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 31, pp. 324-337, 2017.
- H. Xie, W. Yang, A. C. Y. Yuen, C. Xie, J. Xie, H. D. Lu*, G. H. Yeoh, “Study on flame retarded flexible polyurethane foam/alumina aerogel composites with improved fire safety,” Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 311, pp. 310-317, 2017.
- W. Yang*, Y. R. Zhang, A. C. Y. Yuen, T. B. Y. Chen, M. C. Chan, L. Z. Peng, W. J. Yang, S. E. Zhu, B. H. Yang, K. H. Hu, G. H. Yeoh, H. D. Lu, “Synthesis of phosphorus-containing silane coupling agent for surface modification of glass fibres: Effective reinforcement and flame retardancy in poly(1,4-butylene terephthalate),” Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 321, pp. 257-267, 2017.
- S. E. Zhu, L. L. Wang, M. Z. Wang, A. C. Y. Yuen, T. B. Y. Chen, W. Yang*, T. Z. Pan, Y. R. Zhi, H. D. Lu, "Simultaneous enhancements in the mechanical, thermal stability, and flame retardant properties of poly(1,4-butylene terephthalate) nanocomposites with a novel phosphorus-nitrogen-containing polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane," RSC Advances, Vol. 7, pp. 54021-54030, 2017.
- A. C. Y. Yuen*, G. H. Yeoh, S. C. P. Cheung, V. Timchenko, T. Barber, “Importance of detailed chemical kinetics on combustion and soot modelling of ventilated and under-ventilated fires in compartment,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 96, pp. 171-188, 2016.
- A. C. Y. Yuen*, G. H. Yeoh, S. C. P. Cheung, V. Timchenko, “Study of three LES subgrid-scale turbulence models for predictions of heat and mass transfer in large-scale compartment fires,” Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, Vol. 69, pp. 1223-1241, 2016.
- A. C. Y. Yuen, G. H. Yeoh*, V. Timchenko, “LES and multi-step chemical reaction in compartment fires,” Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, Vol. 68, pp. 711-736, 2015.
- A. C. Y. Yuen, G. H. Yeoh*, B. Alexander, M. Cook, “Fire scene investigation of an arson fire incident using computational fluid dynamics based fire simulation,” Building Simulation, Vol. 7, pp. 477-487, 2014.
- A. C. Y. Yuen, G. H. Yeoh*, B. Alexander, M. Cook, “Fire scene reconstruction of a furnished compartment room in a house fire,” Cases Studies in Fire Safety, Vol. 1, pp. 29-35, 2014.
- A. C. Y. Yuen, G. H. Yeoh*, “Numerical simulation of an enclosure fire in a large test hall,” Computational Thermal Science, Vol. 5, pp. 459-471, 2013.
- A. C. Y. Yuen, G. H. Yeoh*, R. K. K. Yuen, S. M. Lo, T. Chen, “Development of wall-adapting local eddy viscosity model for study of fire dynamics in a large compartment,” Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 444-445, pp. 1579-1591, 2013.
Book Chapters:
- A. C. Y. Yuen, W. Yang, G. H. Yeoh, “Numerical Study of Surface Regression of a Flame Retarded Expandable Polystyrene,” Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, pp. 149-158, 2020.
- A. C. Y. Yuen*, W. Yang, G. H. Yeoh, “Numerical study of surface regression of polymer composites,” 16th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC16), Brisbane, Australia, December 3-6, 2019.
- J. R. Cao, E. W. M. Lee, A. C. Y. Yuen*, M. Shi, G. H. Yeoh, “Slower is Faster' by Considering of Give-way Evacuation Behavior”, 9th International Conference on Fire Science and Fire Protection Engineering (ICFSFPE-19), Chengdu, October 19-20, 2019
- G. Zhai, S. Xing, A. C. Y. Yuen, W. Yang, S. Kook, G. H. Yeoh, Q. N. Chan*, “Spray and combustion characterization of gasoline-like fuel under compression ignition conditions: Part II”, in 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (ASPACC 2019), Fukuoka, Japan, 01 July 1-5, 2019.
- G. Zhai, S. Xing, A. C. Y. Yuen, W. Yang, S. Kook, G. H. Yeoh, Q. N. Chan*, “Spray and combustion characterization of gasoline-like fuel under compression ignition conditions: Part I”, in 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (ASPACC 2019), Fukuoka, Japan, 01 July 1-5, 2019.
- A. C. Y. Yuen, W. Yang, G. H. Yeoh, “Numerical study of surface regression of a flame retarded expandable polystrene,” 25th Australasian Conference on Mechanics of Structures and Materials (ACMSM25), Brisbane, Australia, December 4-7, 2018.
- A. C. Y. Yuen*, T. B. Y. Chen, G. H. Yeoh, “Modelling of organic flame retarded polymers in building fires,” 11-th Asian-Australian Conference on Composite Materials (ACCM-11), Cairns, Australia, Jul 29-1, 2018.
- W. Yang*, A. C. Y. Yuen, G. H. Yeoh, “Intercalation and functionalization of MXene for flame retardant polymer nanocomposites,” 11-th Asian-Australian Conference on Composite Materials (ACCM-11), Cairns, Australia, Jul 29-1, 2018.
- A. C. Y. Yuen*, G. H. Yeoh, S. M. Lo, “Egress route and pedestrian flow analysis in a large train station using an evacuation model,” 4-th International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE 2018), Melbourne, Australia, Feb 5-9, 2018.
- A. C. Y. Yuen*, G. H. Yeoh, “Experimental and numerical study of the burning characteristics for Australian standard wooden materials,” 4-th International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE 2018), Melbourne, Australia, Feb 5-9, 2018.
- A. C. Y. Yuen*, G. H. Yeoh, “Numerical simulation of the driving mechanisms of fire whirls using large eddy simulation,” Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI 2017), UC San Diego, US, June 4-7, 2017.
- A. C. Y. Yuen*, W. Yang, G. H. Yeoh, “Investigation of the pyrolysis kinetics and burning characteristics for Australian standard furniture materials,” Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI 2017), UC San Diego, US, June 4-7, 2017.
- A. C. Y. Yuen*, G. H. Yeoh, R. K. K. Yuen, S. M. Lo, M. Cook, “On recent developments of chemical kinetics and fire field model for typical furniture materials,” 2016 International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology, Kunming, Yunnan Province, China, October 17-19, 2016.
- A. C. Y. Yuen*, G. H. Yeoh, R. K. K. Yuen, S. M. Lo, “Numerical study on small-scale fire whirl using large eddy simulation,” 3rd International Conference on Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer, Ottawa, Canada, May 2-3, 2016.
- S. C. P. Cheung*, A. C. Y. Yuen, G. H. Yeoh, “Recent advancement of soot prediction in fire field model with the incorporation of detailed combustion products for compartment fires,” In proc. of the 8th International Seminar on Fire & Explosion Hazards (ISFEH8), Hefei, China, April 25-28, 2016.
- A. C. Y. Yuen*, G. H. Yeoh, R. K. K. Yuen, “A numerical study of multiple smoke vents for large halls,” In the 7th International Conference on Fire Science and Fire Protection Engineering, Guangzhou, China, Dec 5-6, 2015.
- R. K. K. Yuen*, A. C. Y. Yuen, G. H. Yeoh, “Numerical modelling of pyrolysis, ignition and combustion of burning of flame-retardant polystyrene,” In 1st Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Safety Materials Science and Engineering, Suzhou, China, 2015.
- T. T. K. Tang*, P. Zhao, A. C. Y. Yuen, R. K. K. Yuen, S. M. Lo, Y. Hu, “Development of fire field model incorporating pyrolysis for burning of flame-retardant polystyrene in enclosures,” In: 5th International Workshop on Performance, Protection & Strengthening of Structures under Extreme Loading, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA, June 28-30, 2015.
- A. C. Y. Yuen*, G. H. Yeoh, R. K. K. Yuen, V. Timchenko, “The importance of detail reaction mechanisms for temperature field predictions of compartment fires,” In: 15th International Heat Transfer Conference, Kyoto, Japan, 2014.
- A. C. Y. Yuen, G. H. Yeoh, R. K. K. Yuen*, T. Chen, “Numerical simulation of ceiling jet fire in a large compartment,” Procedia Engineering, Vol. 52, pp. 3-12, 2013.
- A. C. Y. Yuen, G. H. Yeoh*, R. K. K. Yuen, J. Tang, “Large eddy simulation in a large test hall,” In: 12th International Symposium of Computational Heat Transfer, Bath, UK, 2012.
(Superscripts: * denotes corresponding authorship;1 denotes co-frist authorship)
Research Grants:
- 2023: Guan Heng Yeoh, Bijan Samali, Hao Wang, Gilian Yeo, Sean Li, Anthony Chun Yin Yuen, et al. (total 31 CIs), ARC Research Hub for Fire Resilience Infrastructure, Assets and Safety Advancements (FRIASA) in Urban, Resources, Energy and Renewables Sectors, 2023. [to be launched] (totalling 4.997 mil)
- 2022: Anthony Chun Yin Yuen, Guan Heng Yeoh, Innovation Connection 2022, Development of Fire Retardant and Non-Combustible Coatings for Signage (ICG001937 - Cooper Neon Pty Ltd). (totalling 74.7 k)
- 2022: Guan Heng Yeoh, Anthony Chun Yin Yuen, Jaime Grunlan, ARC Discovery Project (DP22), Engineered interlayers of bio-retardant and nano-reinforcement on polymers. (totalling 332 k)
- 2021: Anthony Chun Yin Yuen, Guan Heng Yeoh, Shaun Chan, Wei Wang, Eric Wai Ming Lee, Nadia Chek Lun Chow, UNSW International Seed Grant 2021, Artificial Neural Network Modelling Integrated with Molecular Dynamics Data for Detailed Description of CFD Pyrolytic Process. (totalling 5 k)
- 2021: Guan Heng Yeoh, Shaun Chan, Anthony Chun Yin Yuen, MME Collaborative Research Infrastructure Scheme 2021, High-speed camera for next-generation fire retardant/safety technologies and engine combustion research. (totalling 50 k)
- 2020: Guan Heng Yeoh, Anita Ho-Baillie, Chun Wang, Anthony Chun Yin Yuen, CRC-P Round 8: Solar Skin: Next generation perovskite solar polymer membrane. (totalling 3 mil)
- 2020: Guan Heng Yeoh, Anthony Chun Yin Yuen, Shaun Chan, UNSW-SJTU Collaborative Research Seed Grants: Formation and evolution of soot in flames based on laser diagnostics and high-fidelity models. (totalling 10 k)
- 2019: Victoria Timchenko, Anthony Chun Yin Yuen, Guan Heng Yeoh, Project CONDOR - nsw techvoucher project, CFD Study on Propeller Thrust via Flow and Turbulence Characterisation, funded by ANGLO PACIFIC IMPORT EXPORT PTY LTD. (totally 9 k)
- 2019: Guan Heng Yeoh, Shaun Chan, Anthony Chun Yin Yuen, Jeremy Fewtrell, Greg Buckley, Graham Kingsland, David O’Brien, Morgan Cook, Kim Thai, CRC for Bushfire and Natural Hazards - Tactical Research Fund: A strategic analysis of risks associated with non-complying building products. (totalling 100 k)
- 2018: Guan Heng Yeoh, Chun Wang, Anthony Chun Yin Yuen, Shaun Chan, Cyrille Boyer, Vicki Chen, CRC-P Round 5: Development of an Advanced Fire Retardant for Polymers and Textiles. (totalling 3 mil)
- 2017: Guan Heng Yeoh, Shaun Chan, Anthony Chun Yin Yuen, Chun Wang, Shuying Wu, UNSW MME Collaborative Research Infrastructure Funding: Micro-scale calorimeter: A powerful tool for next-generation fire retardant materials and safety technologies research. (totalling 50 k)
- 2017: Guan Heng Yeoh, Chun Wang, Evatt Hawkes, Shaun Kook, Shaun Chan, Shuying Wu, Anthony Chun Yin Yuen, Sahajwalla Veena, Farshid Pahlevani, Vicky Chen, UNSW Research Infrastructure Scheme: Advanced automatic interactive cone calorimeter for flammability test of novel bio-inspired fire retardant and green materials and durable coatings. (totalling 330 k)
Media Interview and Exposures:
- News on UNSW Sydney website: "New ARC Research Hub will develop solutions to the ongoing fire crisis in Australia," 2022.
- Interview article on Syndey Morning Herald: "Nuclear scientists think they’ve cracked the key to fighting fire in Australia," 2022.
- News article on AuManufacturing newsletter: "Research Shows Usefulness of New Class of Materials in Beating the Heat," 2022.
- News article on ANSTO News: "Investigating a prospective light-weight fire retardant material with superior properties," 2022.
- Interview article on The Guardian: "Why are Sydney buses still going up in flames and what can be done about it?" 2021.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
- 2021: Runner-Up for the AOSFST 2021 Best Presentation Award
- 2021: Best Papers Award for section “Computational Fluid Dynamics 3” in 15th International ATE-HEFAT 2021 Conference Symposium
- 2021: Best Papers Award for section “Nuclear Energy” in 15th International ATE-HEFAT 2021 Conference Symposium
- 2021: Certificate of Appreciation by Natural Hazards CRC Program
- 2020: First price award for the Makers Game (ENGG3060) Design Project participating as the academic mentor sponsored by Jabobs Engineering on topic Smart Fire Sprinklers
- 2019: Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) Certificate of Acknowledgement for key-note Seminar talk for Fire Engineering Division
- 2017: Distinguish speaker award for the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) Fire Engineering Division
- 2011: Daikin Scholarship for outstanding performance in Building Design Project
- 2011: Daikin Scholarship for outstanding performance in Applied Research Project