Professor Ashish Malik
PhD in HRM & IR (2009) Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
MA in PM&IR (1992) The Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India
B.Com (1990) MJPR University, India
Ashish Malik is the Head of School of Business at UNSW Canberra and is a professor of human resource management. Ashish has work experience of more than three decades, working in industry, academia, and in several leadership roles in India, New Zealand, Australia, and the UK. Prior to joining UNSW Canberra, Ashish was Professor of Human Resource Management at Queen’s Business School, Queen’s University of Belfast, UK, where he also was the Director of The William J Clinton Leadership Institute, Queen’s Business School’s Executive Education arm. Between 2010-2023, Ashish held leadership roles, including the Head of the Management Discipline role at Newcastle Business School, University of Newcastle, Australia. Between 2001-2010, Ashish worked at The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand, where he was the Head of the Centre for Management (2004-2010).
His research specialisation is at the intersection of human resources management, strategy and technology focusing on performative aspects of business. Ashish has supervised 12 PhD students to completion and has published more than 100 peer-reviewed journal articles, 10 books, and 22 book chapters, and his research attracted over AU$ 2.8 million in grant funding from 15 internal and external grant schemes. Ashish’s research has been accepted/published in several ABDC A*, CABS 4*/4 and FT-50 ranked journals, such as Human Resource Management (US) (ABDC Rank A* and FT-50), Human Resource Management Journal (ABDC A/ABS4*), British Journal of Management, Harvard Business Review(FT-50), MIT Sloan Management Review (FT-50), Industrial Marketing Management(ABDC A*), Journal of Business Ethics (FT-50) and several ABDC and CABS A and 3-ranked journals such as, International Journal of Human Resource Management(ABDC A), Health Care Management Review, International Journal of Manpower, Knowledge Management Research & Practice, Organizational Dynamics, Personnel Review and Journal of International Management, among others. Ashish also holds several significant external international appointments, including serving as the Co-editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Management Reviews (ABDC-A), and Associate Editor roles for the Human Resource Management Journal (ABS4*/ABDC-A) and the Journal of Business Research (ABDC Rank–A). Ashish also serves on Editorial Boards of Human Resource Management Review (ABDC Rank– A), Journal of Service Theory and Practice (ABDC-Rank A), and Journal of Knowledge Management (ABDC Rank–A). Ashish is a Research Fellow at the Research Institute for Business and Economics (REIB) at Kobe University, Kobe, Japan, since 2018.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
2023-24 Queen's Business School, UK Research Establishment Grant GBP- 4000.00 (AU$ 8,000 Approx)
2023- UoN, AU, CHSF Strategic RSP Grant AU$2500.00 Travel Grant for Research Fellowship
December 2022-23 $9,964 [Chief-Investigator] Work intensification in healthcare – Exploring drivers and outcomes of frontline healthcare workers [with Drs P J Rosenberger III and Ami-Lee Kelly, CHSF, UoN, Australia]
January 2021-2025 $1,500,000.00 [Co-Investigator- focusing on HRM of innovation and commercialization barriers and enablers in nanotechnology R&D applications] AU$750,000- Halloysite Based Materials for Carbon Capture [Andromeda Metals Ltd] AU$750,000- Halloysite Based Materials for Carbon Capture [Minotaur Exploration (P)Ltd]
July 2020-2023: AU$900, 000 Grant from Carbonova India Pvt Ltd [Co-Investigator- focusing on HRM aspects of innovation and commercialization barriers and enablers in nanotechnology R&D applications] with GICAN Team, University of Newcastle, Australia.
October 2021: AU$3,000.00 CHSF Working Parents Research Relief Scheme for RA support for existing research projects. [Chief Investigator]
October 2021: AU$10,000.00 CHSF Pilot Grant Scheme- Investigating retention in elite-player pathways amongst women footballers [Co- Investigator- Star Performers and glass ceiling]
May 2019-November 2020: $ 37,655.00 Strategic International Research Collaboration Grant for project titled Impact of HRM, Strategic agility, performance management on firm and individual level outcomes: Evidence from India, Australia and the UK. [Chief Investigator]
July 2019-21 AU$ 118 800 multi-year (three year) grant awarded for the New Colombo Plan Mobility; Project titled iLEAD Plus Global Leadership Experience in India with UoN Global.
March 2018 Grant Awarded by the Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode (IIMK), India for INR 500,000 [Approx. AU$10,000] titled Business Model Innovation in Social Enterprises: A Comparative Study of India and Australia [Co-Investigator]
[2014] AU $190,092.00 Research contract from NSW Department of Trade and Investment for Evaluating the NSW Smart Work Hubs Pilot programme. [HR Lead Investigator]
[2014] AU $10,371.06 Faculty Research Grant “Telework as Workplace Innovation: Identifying Adoption Factors in a Regional Context”. [HR Lead Investigator]
[2013] AU$7838.00 ECR Grant Application, University of Newcastle, “The role of HR and management practices in developing innovative capacity in Indian firms.” [Chief Investigator]
[2010] AU $5,000.00 University of Newcastle New Staff Grant and Faculty of Business and Law for research entitled Training decision-making in India’s IT sector. [Chief Investigator]
[2005] NZ$ 6130.00 Grant funding [Ref: 2005/12] from The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand’s Research Growth Fund for project: Factors influencing the provision of enterprise training: A study of India’s Information Technology (IT) sector. [Chief Investigator]
- 2024 IFKAD Conference in Madrid Best Paper Award
- 2024: Best Paper Award at the 7th ERPSS Conference, Middlesex University in Dubai
- 2023 FIIB Business Review Journal - Impactful Research Award
- 2018-2023 Fellow of The Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration (RIEB), Kobe University, Kobe, Japan.
- 2020 Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Merit List Exemplary Graduate and Student Feedback Award for the Program Convenor Role – Master of HRM
- 2018 Outstanding contribution to reviewing Journal of Business Research, (ABDC-A)
- 2018 Emerald Literati 2018 Outstanding Reviewer Award 3rd July 2018 for the Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship Journal
- 2016 Best Paper Award, IFKAD 2016 Conference, Dresden, Germany for Malik et al. (2016). Innovating through contextual ambidexterity: Case study of health care firms in India.
- 2012 $1500 Vice-Chancellor’s Citation for Outstanding Contribution in Post-Graduate Teaching, Faculty of Business and Law, University of Newcastle.
- 2011 Awarded the Best Professor in Human Resources Management at the 2nd Asia’s Best B-School Award ceremony in Singapore. [Awarded for my contribution to creating and enabling future leaders in HRM]
- 2011 $3500 Excellence in Post-Graduate Teaching, Faculty of Business and Law, University of Newcastle. [Excellence in the teaching GSBS 6192 Strategic HRM & ER- the capstone course for the MHRM program]
- 2009 Adult Learner Award, awarded by the CEO, The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand, New Zealand.
- 2005 Recipient – 2005 Association of Industrial Relations Academics in Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ) PhD Student Conference Registration Scholarship offered by RMIT University at the 18th AIRAANZ Conference in Sydney.
Ashish's current research interests are in HRM and Disruptive Technologies, HRM and Leadership in Social Care and Emergency Service organisations, and employee mental health and wellbeing issues.