Dr Ben Shaw
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
2019/2017/2016 – ANSTO awards for radiocarbon dating of archaeological material
2019 – UNSW Faculty of Science collaborative partnership award
2016 – Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Early Career Research Award
2009 – Royal Society of New Zealand Skinner Award
Jun, Dec 2020: Sepik-Ramu Basin, Madang Province, PNG (Scheduled)
Sept-Oct 2017/ Jul-Aug 2018/ Jun-Jul 2019: Louisiade Archipelago, Milne Bay Province, PNG
Jan-Feb 2017: Fergusson Island, Milne Bay Province, PNG
May-Jun 2015/ Apr, Jul-Oct 2016: Simbai-Kaironk Valleys, Madang Province, PNG
Feb-Mar 2015: Koil Island, East Sepik Province, PNG –University of Otago
Aug-Oct 2011/ Jun-Nov 2012: Rossel Island, Milne Bay Province, PNG
May-June 2010: Tari, Southern Highlands Province, PNG
Sept 2009-Mar 2010: Caution Bay, Central Province, PNG
2009 Watom Island, East New Britain, PNG
2008 Kosipe, Ivane Valley, Papuan Highlands, PNG