Mr Boyu Liu
Boyu Liu, BSc, MEng, MIEEE
Boyu Liu received the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering and its automation from Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an, China in 2017, and the M.Eng. (research) degree in electrical engineering from the Northeastern University, Shenyang, China in 2021. Currently, he is a casual academic and pursuing his Ph.D. degree at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. His research interests include optimisation, game theory, cyber-physical security, and green hydrogen applications in energy sector especially in energy systems.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
2022-2025 China Scholarship Council Scholarship
ICSEE&IMIOT 2018 Best Student Paper Nominated Award
My Teaching
ELEC9713 Industrial and Commercial Energy Systems: Marking
ELEC4617 Power System Protection: Lab demonstration & Marking
I am currently collaborating with Dr. Ahmed S. Musleh on thesis student supervision, and I am happy to be co-supervisor to propective thesis student who has interest in optimization or game theory applications in energy systems for sustainable and economic operations.