Associate Professor Chantal Bostock

Associate Professor Chantal Bostock

Associate Professor
  • PhD (Law) - UNSW
  • LLM - University of Sydney
  • Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice - University of Tasmania
  • BA/LLB - University of Tasmania 
  • Admitted to Supreme Court of England/Wales
  • Admitted to Federal Court/High Court of Australia
  • Admitted to Supreme Court of NSW
  • Admitted to Supreme Court of Tasmania  
  • NAATI-accredited professional translator - French/English
Law & Justice
School of Global & Public Law

I have worked in private practice in Sydney, specialising in migration/refugee law and as a senior lawyer at the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal (UK) and the Law Commission (UK). In addition, I have worked as a senior lawyer and Tribunal member at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Sydney. I currently sit as a lay member of the Medical Council of NSW.

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Law Faculty

My areas of interest are administrative law, including refugee and migration law

My PhD is entitled The Administrative Appeals Tribunal and Character Assessments for Non-Citizens.

My academic publications and oral presentations include the following:

  • “Expulsion: a comparative study of Australia and France” Delivered paper, National Administration Law Conference 2018.
  • “Expulsion: a comparative study of Australia and France” (2018) 92 AIAL Forum 87-102.
  • “The effect of ministerial directions on Tribunal independence” (2011) 18 Australian Journal of Administrative Law 161-171; (2011) 66 AIAL Forum 33-42.
  • “Procedural fairness and the AAT’s review of visa cancellation decisions on character grounds” (2010) 17 Australian Journal of Administrative Law 77-91.
  • “Tribunal independence”, Delivered paper, National Administration Law Conference 2010.
  • “Cancelling visas on character grounds: a fundamentally new direction has been made governing s 501 visa cancellations” (2009) 47(9) Law Society Journal 66-68.
  • "The challenge of migration to legal systems," WG Hart Workshop, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies: Delivered paper on the challenges of the proposed single tier immigration and asylum appeals system, comparing the UK and Australia 2004.
  • “The international legal obligations owed to the asylum seekers on board the Tampa” (2002) 14 (2 & 3) International Journal of Refugee Law 279-301.