Professor Christine Chan

Professor Christine Chan

Business School
School of Management and Governance

Christine Chan is Professor of International Business in the School of Management and Governance at the UNSW Business School. Before joining UNSW, she was Professor at the University of Hong Kong and served as Associate Dean (Outreach and Global Engagement) (2019-2024) and Assistant Dean (EMBA, MBA, and Tpg) (2013-2018).

Her research analyzes global strategic management and multinational enterprises performance in developed and emerging economies. Research topics include globalization, location choice, foreign entry mode, strategic alliances, international joint ventures, cross-border mergers and acquisitions, cross-cultural management, and international management. Her publications appear in international top academic journals such as Journal of International Business Studies, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management and Journal of Business Research.

She teaches international business courses at undergraduate, Master of Commerce, MBA, and EMBA levels. She also teaches executive education programs.

UNSW Business School
  • Books | 2010
    Isobe T; Makino S; Chan C, 2010, National Border and Enterprises: Analysis of Institutions and Global Strategy,, Toyo Keizai, Japan
  • Book Chapters | 2002
    Chan C; Makino S, 2002, 'Interorganizational imitation and foreign ownership strategy', in F. Contractor F; Lorange P (ed.), Cooperative Strategies and Alliances, Pergamon Press, pp. 213 - 236
  • Journal articles | 2025
    Dai L; Hitt MA; Huo C; Chan CM, 2025, 'Institutional Topography: A Review of Subnational Institutions', Journal of Management, 51, pp. 464 - 494,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Chan CM; Shi L; Yi J, 2024, 'Home country’s economic and political institutions: firms’ ownership decisions in cross-border acquisitions', Journal of International Business Studies, 55, pp. 1020 - 1037,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Chan CM; Du J, 2022, 'Formal institution deficiencies and informal institution substitution: MNC foreign ownership choice in emerging economy', Journal of Business Research, 142, pp. 744 - 761,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Chan CM; Du J, 2021, 'The dynamic process of pro-market reforms and foreign affiliate performance: When to seek local, subnational, or global help?', Journal of International Business Studies, 52, pp. 1854 - 1870,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Makino S; Chan CM, 2017, 'Skew and heavy-tail effects on firm performance', Strategic Management Journal, 38, pp. 1721 - 1740,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Chan CM; Makino S; Isobe T, 2010, 'Does subnational region matter? Foreign affiliate performance in the United states and China', Strategic Management Journal, 31, pp. 1226 - 1243,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Chan CM; Isobe T; Makino S, 2008, 'Which country matters? Institutional development and foreign affiliate performance', Strategic Management Journal, 29, pp. 1179 - 1205,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Chan CM; Makino S, 2007, 'Legitimacy and multi-level institutional environments: Implications for foreign subsidiary ownership structure', Journal of International Business Studies, 38, pp. 621 - 638,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Makino S; Chan CM; Isobe T; Beamísh PW, 2007, 'Intended and unintended termination of international joint ventures', Strategic Management Journal, 28, pp. 1113 - 1132,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Chan CM; Makino S; Isobe T, 2006, 'Interdependent behavior in foreign direct investment: The multi-level effects of prior entry and prior exit on foreign market entry', Journal of International Business Studies, 37, pp. 642 - 665,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Makino S; Isobe T; Chan CM, 2004, 'Does country matter?', Strategic Management Journal, 25, pp. 1027 - 1043,
    Journal articles | 2003
    CHAN CM, 2003, 'INSTITUTIONAL PERSPECTIVE OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STRATEGY.', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2003, pp. E1 - E6,
    Journal articles | 1999

Research Grants:

2023: General Research Fund, RGC of Hong Kong SAR Government (17506423). Cross-border Acquirers' Strategic Decisions: The Signaling Perspective (Principal Investigator), HK$487,725.

2020: Funding Program for Research Project, The University of Hong Kong. Transnational institutional and cross-border mergers and acquisitions (Sole Investigator), HK$300,000.

2018: Seed Funding Program for Basic Research Project (20181115125). Age and divergence and convergence in firm performance (Sole Investigator), HK$53,260.

2016: General Research Fund, RGC of Hong Kong SAR Government (17522116). A dynamic institution-based view of foreign firm performance (Sole Investigator), HK$453,750.

2016: Seed Funding Program for Basic Research Project, The University of Hong Kong (201511159062). A dynamic institution-based view of foreign firm performance (Sole Investigator), HK$57,480.

2014: General Research Fund, RGC of Hong Kong SAR Government (17500214).  Foreign market entry mode choice in subnational regions: An institution-based view (Sole Investigator), HK$480,919.

2013: Seed Funding Program for Basic Research Project, The University of Hong Kong (201210159042). The choice of foreign market entry mode in developing countries (Sole Investigator), HK$67,300.

2012: General Research Fund, RGC of Hong Kong SAR Government (HKU741312B). Subnational institutions and foreign affiliate performance (Sole Investigator), HK$505,050.

2012: Seed Funding Program for Basic Research Project, The University of Hong Kong (201111159020). Regional institutions and foreign affiliate performance (Sole Investigator), HK$51,000.

2011: Small Project Funding Program for Basic Research Project, The University of Hong Kong (201007176327). The influences of sub-national institutions on foreign direct investment decisions (Sole Investigator), HK$24,900.

2010: General Research Fund, RGC of Hong Kong SAR Government (CUHK451010H). Historical ties and foreign direct investment (Co-investigator), HK$427,628.

2009: Seed Funding Program for Basic Research Project, The University of Hong Kong. Diversification and institutional diversity: A cross-country investigation (Sole Investigator), HK$45,600.

2009: Small Project Funding Program for Basic Research Project, The University of Hong Kong (200907176037). The variation in foreign affiliate performance: An institutional perspective (Sole Investigator), HK$48,000.

2007: General Research Fund, RGC of Hong Kong SAR Government (HKU741207H). The institutional perspective of foreign affiliate performance (Sole Investigator), HK$402,368.

2007: Seed Funding Program for Basic Research Project, The University of Hong Kong (200611159129). Institutional development and foreign affiliate performance (Sole Investigator), HK$70,000.

2006: General Research Fund, RGC of Hong Kong SAR Government (HKU7468/06H). Determinants of international joint venture termination (Sole Investigator), HK$337,454.

2006: Sumitomo Foundation Grant, Sumitomo Foundation of Japan. An analysis of Japanese international joint venture termination in 40 Countries (Sole Investigator), US$8,000.

2006: Seed Funding Program for Basic Research Project, The University of Hong Kong (200511159039). Determinants of international joint venture termination (Sole Investigator), HK$80,000.

2003: General Research Fund, RGC of Hong Kong SAR Government (HKU7213/03H). Legitimation and competition processes of international market entry (Principal Investigator), HK$365,000.

Teaching Grants:

2011: Common Core Teaching Development Grant, University of Hong Kong. Development of a capstone Business Policy course incorporating a capstone business simulation for final year (senior) undergraduate students in the Faculty of Business and Economics, HK$302,115.

2011: ExCEL 3 Grant, Excellence in Capacity-building on Entrepreneurship and Leadership for the Third-sector, HKU Project supported by the Hong Kong Jockey Club. ExCEL3 grant for business education and workshops for the third sector in Hong Kong, HK$320,000.





Research Awards:

2012: Best Paper Award. Asia Academy of Management biennial meeting.

2010: JAIBS Academic Award for the Best Book of the Year. Japan Academy of International Business Studies annual meeting.

2006: Best Paper Award. Asia Academy of Management biennial meeting.

2004: Best Paper Award. Asia Academy of Management biennial meeting.

2003: Barry M. Richman Best Dissertation Award. Academy of Management annual meeting.

2003: Best Paper Award. Academy of Management annual meeting.

2003: Douglas Nigh Best Paper Award (Finalist). Academy of Management annual meeting.

2002: JAIBS Research Prize. Japan Academy of International Business Studies annual meeting.

1999: Best Paper Proceedings. Academy of Management annual meeting.

Teaching Awards:

2023: Faculty Outstanding Teacher Award (Postgraduate Level), The University of Hong Kong.

2019: Faculty Outstanding Teacher (Top 10%), The University of Hong Kong.

2011: Faculty Outstanding Teacher Award, The University of Hong Kong.

2026: Chairman of the Buckley-Casson Dissertation Award Selection Committee, Academy of International Business annual meeting.

2023-5: Member of the Buckley-Casson Dissertation Award Selection Committee, Academy of International Business annual meeting.

2024-5: Guest Editor, Special issue of Management and Organization Review.

2023: Keynote Speaker of Lecture Series (明德) at HKU Beijing Centre.

2023: Panelist of Professional Development Workshop, Academy of Management annual meeting.

2023: Panelist of Professional Development Workshop, International Association for Chinese Management Research.

2022: AIB Frontline IB Conversations, Academy of International Business.

2022: Panelist of IM Division Research Webinar, Academy of Management annual meeting.

2022: Track Chair of Organization and Management Theory, Asia Academy of Management annual meeting.

2021: Panelist of STR Dissertation Consortium, Academy of Management annual meeting.

2021: Faculty Mentor of STR Dissertation Consortium, Academy of Management annual meeting.

2020Chairman of the Best Paper Selection Committee, Academy of International Business annual meeting.

2020: Panelist of Junior Faculty Consortium, Academy of International Business annual meeting.

2012-9: Senior Editor, Asia Pacific Journal of Management.

2019: Panelist of Junior Faculty Consortium, Academy of Management annual meeting.

2017: Panelist of Research Capacity Workshop, Academy of International Business annual meeting.

2017: Panelist of the Paper Development Workshop, Asia Academy of Management and Asia Pacific Journal of Management.

2016: Panelist of the Paper Development Workshop, Asia Academy of Management and Asia Pacific Journal of Management.

2010: Chairman and Panelist of PhD Student Consortium at the 2010, Asia Academy of Management Biennial Meeting.

My Teaching

  • MGMT2102 Managing Across Cultures