Dr Chuljin Park

Dr Chuljin Park

Business School
School of Management and Governance

Dr. Chuljin Park is a lecturer in the UNSW’s School of Management. He received his Ph.D. in Strategic Management from The Pennsylvania State University.

His research interest is centred around inter-and intra-organisational social networks as well as on instances of organisational failures and subsequent recovery, which more broadly lies in the area of understanding how organisations change and develop. How do organisational social networks evolve over time, while affecting and influenced by other organisational actions and attributes? How do organisations recover from failures and what makes them more resilient? And what does it all mean for people within the organisations? These are some of the topics Chuljin is keen on learning more about.

His current research projects include investigating how firms’ interfirm connections change and influence firm-level outcomes following revelations of serious financial misconduct, how firms’ corporate social responsibility activities are related to their interfirm social networks, and how inter-organisational social networks of top managers evolve in conjunction with their career developments.

  • Journal articles | 2024
    Park NK; Park CA; Kim H; Jinju L, 2024, 'Valuable Knowledge Creation at the Dyad Level: Inputs, Processes, and Citation Outcomes in Management Research', Knowledge Management Research and Practice
    Journal articles | 2024
    Seo YJ; Park C; Pollock TG, 2024, 'Navigating Moral Markets: How Strategic Sensegiving and Category Membership Shape Media Sentiment Following Acquisitions in the U.S. Food Processing Industry', Strategic Organization
    Journal articles | 2015
    Hambrick DC; Misangyi VF; Park CA, 2015, 'The quad model for identifying a corporate director's potential for effective monitoring: Toward a new theory of board sufficiency', Academy of Management Review, 40, pp. 323 - 344, http://dx.doi.org/10.5465/amr.2014.0066
  • Working Papers | 2023
    Park C; Jan IU; Park C, 2023, Digitalization, traceability, and trust and commitment of buyers: Evidence from South Korea's Smart Factory applications, Academy of Management, Academy of Management Annual Conference, http://dx.doi.org
    Working Papers | 2023
    Park C; Park N; Lee J; Kim H, 2023, Unpacking the performance of creative dyads: empirical analysis of dyadic collaborations in knowledge-intensive settings, Emerald Publishing, Journal of Knowledge Management, http://dx.doi.org
    Working Papers | 2023
    Park C; Seo Y, 2023, Where do they come from, and where do they go? Examination of network characteristics of dismissed CEOs, http://dx.doi.org
    Working Papers | 2023
    Seo Y; Park C, 2023, What motivates individuals to participate in employee volunteering programs for corporate social responsibility?, Academy of Management, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, http://dx.doi.org
    Working Papers | 2022
    Kim J; Park C, 2022, A Network Perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility: Structural Holes, External Directorships, and a Lone Insider Board Structure, http://dx.doi.org
    Working Papers | 2022
    Kim J; Park C, 2022, Impact of network prominence on corporate social responsibility and the role of insider directors, John Wiley & Sons Inc., Strategic Management Journal, http://dx.doi.org
    Working Papers | 2022
    Park C; Lungeanu R; Tsai W, 2022, Determining fit/misfit of directors and antecedents of director turnover after revelations of corporate misconduct, John Wiley & Sons, Strategic Management Journal, http://dx.doi.org
    Working Papers | 2022
    Park C; Lungeanu R; Tsai W, 2022, Turning tables? New interfirm board ties and firm performance after revelation of financial fraud, John Wiley & Sons, Journal of Management Studies, http://dx.doi.org
    Working Papers | 2022
    Seo Y; Pollock T; Park C, 2022, Mirror, mirror: Using impression management to improve media reactions to potentially image-enhancing acquisitions, John Wiley & Sons, Journal of Management Studies, http://dx.doi.org
    Working Papers | 2022
    li H; Ozdemir S; Park C, 2022, Membership vs. Embeddedness: How involvement in professional associations while overseas influences returnees’ entrepreneurial intentions, Elsevier, Journal of Business Venturing, http://dx.doi.org
    Working Papers | 2021
    Park C; Lungeanu R; Tsai W, 2021, Weathering the Storm: Network Changes and Firm Performance After Financial Fraud, http://dx.doi.org
    Working Papers | 2021
    Yoo K-S; Park C; Zo H, 2021, Assessing the dynamic development trajectory of hydrogen fuel cell technology and its future potential: Analysis of trends and patterns in patent publications, http://dx.doi.org
  • Conference Presentations | 2022
    Kim J; Park C, 2022, 'A network perspective on corporate social responsibility: Network centrality and the role of insider directors', presented at 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle, USA, 05 August 2022 - 10 August 2022
    Conference Presentations | 2021
    Kim J; Park C, 2021, 'A network perspective on corporate social responsibility: Effects of interlock network structure of inside and outside director', presented at STR Korean Young Scholar Seminar, Virtual, 16 July 2021
    Conference Papers | 2020
    Park C; Lungeanu R; Tsai W, 2020, 'Friends in need? New board ties and firm performance after revelation of financial fraud', Online, presented at 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Online, 07 August 2020 - 11 August 2020
    Conference Presentations | 2020
    Park C; Lungeanu R; Tsai W, 2020, 'Friends in need? New board ties and firm performance after revelation of financial fraud', presented at 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Virtual, 07 August 2020 - 11 August 2020
    Conference Presentations | 2020
    Park C, 2020, 'Rehabilitation of CEOs: The effect of social capital and career variety on career outcomes', presented at EGOS Paper Development PDW, UNSW, 13 February 2020 - 14 February 2020
    Conference Presentations | 2018
    Park C; Lungeanu R; Tsai W, 2018, 'Weathering the storm: Network tie changes and firm performance after financial fraud', presented at 2018 SMS Annual Conference, Paris, France, 22 September 2018 - 25 September 2018
    Conference Papers | 2018
    Park CA; Lungeanu R; Tsai W, 2018, 'Weathering the Storm: Network Tie Changes and Firm Performance After Financial Fraud', Paris, France, presented at Strategic Management Society 38th Annual Conference, Paris, France, 22 September 2018 - 25 September 2018
    Conference Papers | 2016
    Park CA; Tsai W, 2016, 'Repairing Social Capital after Financial Fraud', Anaheim, presented at Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, 06 August 2016 - 10 August 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.5465/ambpp.2016.12794abstract
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Park CA; Hambrick DC; Misangyi VF, 2015, 'Identifying Directors Who Can Prevent Corporate Fraud: An Initial Test of the Quad Model', Vancouver, BC, Canada, presented at Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 01 August 2015 - 05 August 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.5465/ambpp.2015.10896abstract
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Hambrick DC; Misangyi VF; Park CA, 2014, 'The Quad Model for Identifying a Corporate Director's Potential for Effective Monitoring: Toward a New Theory of Board Sufficiency', Philadelphia, PA, USA, presented at Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 02 August 2014 - 06 August 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.5465/ambpp.2014.10409abstract

My Research Supervision

Jingyi Wang