Mr Cong Nguyen

Mr Cong Nguyen

Associate Lecturer
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

Chi Cong Nguyen is an Associate Lecturer at the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, UNSW Sydney. His research focuses on the development of medical devices using soft robotics and flexible biosensors for a wide range of healthcare applications. Among his recent scientific breakthroughs are the electricity-free soft fibrous syringe architecture (SFSA) and motor-free surgical robotic systems (mfSRS). Chi Cong has published over 30 journal articles in prestigious journals such as Advanced ScienceScience RoboticsACS NanoSmallAdvanced Intelligent Systems, and IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, as well as in top conference proceedings in robotics (e.g., ICRA). He also holds one Australia patent. In 2019, Chi Cong graduated as Valedictorian with an excellent Degree of Engineer in Mechatronics from Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST). Following his graduation, he worked as a Mechanical Designer on a 5G project at Viettel High Technology Industries Corporation (VHT) in Vietnam for two years. In 2021, he was awarded a full scholarship from the Vingroup Scholarship Program in Vietnam to pursue a PhD at the Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering (GSBmE), UNSW Sydney.

Room 208 J17 Ainsworth Building School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering The University of New South Wales UNSW Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Davies J; Thai MT; Sharma B; Hoang TT; Nguyen CC; Phan PT; Vuong TNAM; Ji A; Zhu K; Nicotra E; Toh YC; Stevens M; Hayward C; Phan HP; Lovell NH; Do TN, 2024, 'Soft robotic artificial left ventricle simulator capable of reproducing myocardial biomechanics', Science Robotics, 9,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Nguyen CC; Hoang TT; Davies J; Phan PT; Thai MT; Nicotra E; Abed AA; Tran HA; Truong TA; Sharma B; Ji A; Zhu K; Wang CH; Phan HP; Lovell NH; Do TN; Al Abed A, 2024, 'Soft Fibrous Syringe Architecture for Electricity-Free and Motorless Control of Flexible Robotic Systems', Advanced Science, 11, pp. 2405610,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Thai MT; Davies J; Nguyen CC; Phan PT; Hoang TT; Ji A; Zhu K; Sharma B; Nicotra E; Vo-Doan TT; Phan H-P; Lovell NH; Do TN, 2024, 'Soft Wearable Haptic Display and Flexible 3D Force Sensor for Teleoperated Surgical Systems', ADVANCED SENSOR RESEARCH, 3,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Nguyen CC; Teh T; Thai MT; Phan PT; Hoang TT; Davies J; Phan HP; Wang CH; Lovell NH; Nho Do T; Do TN, 2023, 'A Handheld Hydraulic Soft Robotic Device with Bidirectional Bending End-Effector for Minimally Invasive Surgery', IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, 5, pp. 590 - 601,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Nguyen CC; Thai MT; Hoang TT; Davies J; Phan PT; Zhu K; Wu L; Brodie MA; Tsai D; Ha QP; Phan HP; Lovell NH; Nho Do T; Do TN, 2023, 'Development of a soft robotic catheter for vascular intervention surgery', Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 357, pp. 114380,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Nguyen CC; Wong S; Thai MT; Hoang TT; Phan PT; Davies J; Wu L; Tsai D; Phan H; Lovell NH; Nho T; Do TN, 2023, 'Advanced User Interfaces for Teleoperated Surgical Robotic Systems', Advanced Sensor Research, 2,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Thai MT; Phan PT; Tran HA; Nguyen CC; Hoang TT; Davies J; Rnjak-Kovacina J; Phan HP; Lovell NH; Do TN, 2023, 'Advanced Soft Robotic System for In Situ 3D Bioprinting and Endoscopic Surgery', Advanced Science, 10, pp. 2205656,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Zhao S; Nguyen CC; Hoang TT; Do TN; Phan HP, 2023, 'Transparent Pneumatic Tactile Sensors for Soft Biomedical Robotics', Sensors, 23,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Zhu K; Phan PT; Sharma B; Davies J; Thai MT; Hoang TT; Nguyen CC; Ji A; Nicotra E; La HM; Vo-Doan TT; Phan HP; Lovell NH; Do TN, 2023, 'A Smart, Textile-Driven, Soft Exosuit for Spinal Assistance', Sensors, 23,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Hoang TT; Sy L; Bussu M; Thai MT; Low H; Phan PT; Davies J; Nguyen CC; Lovell NH; Do TN, 2021, 'A wearable soft fabric sleeve for upper limb augmentation', Sensors, 21, pp. 7638,
  • Conference Papers | 2023
    Woods A; Nguyen CC; Islam MSU; Lovell NH; Nho Do T; Tsai D, 2023, 'Towards a single-use, low-cost endoscope for gastroenterological diagnostics', in Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS,
    Preprints | 2023
    Zhao S; Nguyen CC; Hoang TT; Do TN; Phan H-P, 2023, Transparent Pneumatic Tactile Sensors for Soft Biomedical Robotics,
    Conference Papers | 2022
    Davies J; Phan PT; Huang D; Hoang TT; Low H; Thai MT; Nguyen CC; Nicotra E; Lovell NH; Do TN, 2022, 'Hydraulically Actuated Soft Tubular Gripper', in Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), PA, Philadelphia, pp. 6144 - 6150, presented at 2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), PA, Philadelphia, 23 May 2022 - 27 May 2022,
    Conference Papers | 2022
    Nguyen CC; Teh T; Thai MT; Phan PT; Hoang TT; Low H; Davies J; Nicotra E; Lovell NH; Do TN, 2022, 'Bidirectional Soft Robotic Catheter for Arrhythmia Treatment', in Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), PA, Philadelphia, pp. 9579 - 9585, presented at 2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), PA, Philadelphia, 23 May 2022 - 27 May 2022,